
1 Medicine Network Science: Don't be careless after heavy rain and flood, how can individuals do a good job of hygiene protection?

author:1 medicine net

【1 Medicine Network Health Column】

Recently, extreme rainfall in some parts of the northern part of the mainland caused flooding and flooded houses in many places.

Receding does not mean the end of the disaster. After the flood, the sanitary conditions deteriorate, and in the environment of high temperature and high humidity, it is easy to breed various infectious viruses, and we need to do a good job of hygiene protection if we are in the disaster area.

Today, has sorted out various diseases that need to be prevented after the flood, as well as disinfection measures and personal hygiene protection guidelines for houses and homes, hoping to help you.

First, what diseases should be paid attention to after the flood

After the flood, a large number of decaying plant and animal carcasses are left, which will cause mosquitoes and other pests to accumulate and spread various viruses, and drinking water and food will be contaminated, which can easily cause the following diseases.

1 Medicine Network Science: Don't be careless after heavy rain and flood, how can individuals do a good job of hygiene protection?

1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases are the most common disease after floods due to eating contaminated food and drinking contaminated water. If symptoms of unformed bowel movements, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever occur, it is recommended that you seek medical attention in time.

2. Skin diseases

Heavy rain caused the city's underground sewage to overflow, sewage carrying various pathogens mixed into the flood, coupled with the flooded animal and plant corpses soaked in water for a long time, resulting in the breeding of various bacteria and viruses in the flood.

After people drink water, various bacteria and viruses are easy to invade from the skin pores, causing skin problems, causing symptoms such as erythema, blisters, and itching on the skin.

If you must wade through floodwaters, wear high-legged rain boots or thick plastic bags as much as possible, and avoid wading barefoot. If you accidentally touch sewage, rinse and dry your limbs with clean water in time to keep your skin clean and dry to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. If there is a skin infection after wading in the water, it is recommended that you do not use the medicine based on experience, and go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

3. Allergic asthma

In hot summer weather, mold is easy to grow in flood-soaked houses, and people with a history of allergies may inhale a certain amount of mold that may trigger mold allergic asthma. Even people without a history of allergies are prone to mold allergic asthma after inhaling a large amount of mold.

After the flood, the rapid reproduction of dust mites and cockroaches in the living environment may also lead to allergies and even asthma attacks, which needs to be paid attention to.

To prevent these diseases, we must first clean the environment, block the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, and cut off the transmission route from the root.

Second, how to disinfect the living environment

Flood-soaked houses need to be disinfected and cleaned before they can be occupied. After centralized environmental disinfection, we also need to carry out separate disinfection cleaning when we move in. The following are some methods of disinfection of the living environment provided by 1 medicine network for everyone.

First of all, ventilate the house in advance, remove the stagnant water in the house, check whether there is electricity leakage, air leakage, we must enter the house under the premise of ensuring safety.

1 Medicine Network Science: Don't be careless after heavy rain and flood, how can individuals do a good job of hygiene protection?

Secondly, when cleaning the house, it is necessary to discard items that can no longer be used in time, such as carpets, quilts and other absorbent fabrics after being soaked in floodwater, which are difficult to clean and dry, and are easy to breed mold and bacteria. In addition, food and medicine that have been soaked in floods are easily infiltrated by sewage, and it is also recommended that everyone dispose of them.

Then, when cleaning the house, you can first clean the surface of hard objects such as walls, household appliances, floors, furniture, etc., and then clean soft fabrics such as laundry and bedding. When using detergents and disinfectants, we must follow the instructions to use them reasonably, and not overdose to avoid poisoning. During cleaning, the fan can be turned on to increase air circulation. When handling waterlogged tableware, tea sets and other edible utensils, it can be disinfected by boiling, preferably boiling in boiling water for more than half an hour.

Finally, if walls and ceilings or other surfaces appear discolored with unpleasant odors, mold may be growing. Small amounts of mold can be removed with tools such as a shovel and cleaned with soap or detergent with clean water. If the mold area is too large, you need to find a professional organization to assist in treatment.

3. Personal hygiene protection

After the flood, we must pay attention to personal hygiene protection, pay special attention to food and drinking water hygiene, and refuse to "get sick from the mouth".

The practice of personal hygiene should be done:

▪ When you return from a trip, change your wet shoes and socks, wash your hands and feet with clean water.

▪ Do not wash your face or brush your teeth with sewage.

▪ After touching sewage, wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.

▪ Pay attention to monitoring the health of your family and yourself, and seek medical attention in case of discomfort.

Pay attention to drinking water safety

After the flood, the water pollution is more serious, and special attention should be paid to the safety of drinking water.

▪ Do not drink raw water, groundwater, or water of unknown or contaminated origin.

▪ Try to drink boiled water, and when drinking well water, be sure to disinfect it first and then boil it.

▪ When an intestinal infectious disease occurs near the water source, stop using the water near the water source immediately.

▪ Do not drink bottled or bottled water that has been soaked in floodwater, even if it is unopened, as long as it has been soaked in floodwater for a long time.

▪ Clean the water container regularly to prevent contamination by germs.

1 Medicine Network Science: Don't be careless after heavy rain and flood, how can individuals do a good job of hygiene protection?

Pay attention to food safety

▪ Any food soaked in the flood cannot be eaten, because there will be many bacteria, viruses, molds and other microorganisms in the flood, which can easily penetrate into the food and cause harm to human health after ingestion.

▪ Do not eat poultry meat that drowned in floods.

▪ After a flood, if the refrigerator at home is soaked, all the food stored in it should be discarded and not edible.

▪ Do not wash food and utensils with uncleaned water to prevent germ infection.

Information sources: People's Network, Guangming Network, CCTV Network, etc.

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