
Inflation Great Depression in 2023? In turbulent times, rich people deploy these assets?

author:Gentlemen don't use RouJia
Inflation Great Depression in 2023? In turbulent times, rich people deploy these assets?

It is a cruel reality that the banknotes, which you have worked so hard to pursue all your life, have become a tool for capitalists to legally plunder the majority! In other words, the more you earn, the more you will be plundered! Why is that? I'm telling you! Those who issue money can exchange the fruits of the hard work of most people at no cost, and do it quietly. In order to continue this plunder, currency issuers will simply keep printing money to buy real assets! Everyone has an obligation from birth, that is, to bear the consequences of inflation! This means that if you make 8,000 this year, just enough to feed your family, but you still earn 8,000 in 10 years, your family may face starvation! Some may be confused, isn't the Fed going to raise interest rates? Aren't interest rate hikes a curb to inflation? In fact, raising interest rates can only slow down the pace of inflation, but inflation is still there, and it is very serious! If you really understand the entire financial world, you will know that interest rate hikes are only short-term episodes, and rate cuts are the eternal theme! Every hike just makes ordinary people forget that they are being plundered! So what exactly are the banknotes we earn in our lives? Who is really plundering us? Can we only accept the consequences of currency depreciation? In 2023, what can change our destiny? No matter who you are, what status you have, or how much wealth you have, you have the right to know for whom your labor is paid. If you see it to the end, I hope to give you a deeper understanding of the truth of this world.

First of all, what is currency? Currency is the representation that we are willing to exchange for goods! In the era when there was no currency, people traded by bartering, for example, I exchange a cow in my family for a piece of land in your family! Slowly people found it more convenient to exchange a cow! For example, today I only have one sheep and I want a piece of land, but most people who own land don't like sheep, they prefer cattle, so the result is that the person who owns the land wants to change the cattle, and the person who owns the sheep also wants to change the cattle. So the cow became a currency, that is, everyone was willing to exchange it! But here's the problem, the cow will die! Even if I have a hundred cattle today, in a few years if there is a plague, they will all die, so what should I do? Besides, barter is a hassle, right? You have to carry a cow every time, and different sizes of cows get different things! So there is a consensus to find natural resources with rare properties and easy storage as currency! So gold and silver were discovered, today I want to buy a piece of land, I only need a gold bar, today you want to buy a pig, only five taels of silver! That is, gold and silver became currencies that facilitated the exchange of goods! This is what money really means! Later, there was a war of unification, with the Qin and Han Empires to the east and the Roman Empire to the west. The ruling class at that time did not have the ability to create wealth, but in order to maintain their rule, they had to rely on wealth to support the army, food and so on. Therefore, these wise rulers firmly grasped the right to mint and issue money! Only people from the imperial court can make coins, but that's actually reasonable, right? There is no home without a country! The people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the development of science and technology depends on the protection of the state! So the ruler has the right to claim the fruits of the people's labor, which means that the ruler can exchange money for the fruits of the people's labor, and the currency is issued by the ruler, they are upstream, and they decide how much gold and silver to mine and how many copper coins to mint! At the same time, it also means that in the feudal era, no matter how hard a person works and how much money he makes, all you get is cheap money that comes from hard work, and your labor will only be sold at a low price! The fruits of your labor will belong only to the rulers of the feudal era! At that time, some currency issuers would continue to print money, resulting in the growth of social productivity far from keeping up with the speed of currency issuance! Understandably, if you are a currency issuer, you may not consider maintaining a reasonable level of currency issuance, after all, printing money allows you to buy everything you want, and this greedy desire will not want to stop.

Hearing these arguments, we might think that this is acceptable if the largest money issuance power is in the hands of governments. Because the government assumes many social functions, their goal is to ensure the normal functioning of society, they just take resources out of the hands of the people and then use them for the people. We can work with governments to promote social development. But is that really the case, maybe at first, but then some elites saw the nature of money and seized the right to issue money from the government. For example, the Bank of England in the UK (Bank of England) and the Central Bank in Germany (Deutsche Bank), as well as the Central Bank in the United States (Federal Reserve), and so on. They are not government agencies, but are similar to private joint-stock companies, with their own boards of directors and shareholders' meetings. They have the advantage of doing so by nominally supervising the government and preventing it from issuing money indiscriminately. In fact, the decision to issue how much money is not up to the government or the people, but to these private companies! Since they are private companies, what is most important? When you open a company to make money, must your primary consideration be the interests of the country and the people? Of course not, you are more concerned with safeguarding the interests of shareholders themselves! But why is the government willing to give up the power of currency issuance? During the Industrial Revolution, the bank capitalists of that time accumulated a lot of gold and capital, and even became rich! However, war broke out around the world, and governments needed to issue national bonds to borrow money from the people.

But the problem is that most of the people don't have much wealth, but war requires a lot of money, so the size of the national debt has become huge, but few people are willing to buy the national debt, because if your country loses and the regime may be dissolved, then the money I lend you will not be lost, and the government will be in trouble. At this time, the bank capitalists reached out and promised to lend money to the government, and the government did not need to repay the principal, but only paid interest and management fees every year! So what is an overhead fee? That is, the government must guarantee to entrust me with all the treasury bonds to sell! Don't worry if I can sell it, I'll pay you in gold anyway! The government certainly warmly welcomes! They handed over the right to sell treasury bonds to the bankers, which also meant the loss of the right to issue money! Why? Firstly, bank capitalists do not lend money to the government out of their own pockets, because war borrowing is highly risky and has limited profits! Therefore, they will definitely sell the national debt to the common people! But how to sell it? Sell under their own name! Your government can't borrow money, but as a banker in a rich country, I myself have countless gold as a guarantee, and the government supports me behind it! With this packaging, they converted the treasury bonds into bonds they issued themselves. This bond is evaluated by most people as a high-quality and safe investment because it can provide stable interest rates. Therefore, it has become the object of everyone's rush to invest. In this way, the banker becomes an intermediary, raising money in his own name, and then lending the money to the government, solving the government's funding problem. Not only did they earn interest, but they issued bonds equivalent to national bonds! Therefore, they became the so-called central bank. You can see that they have been privately owned since their inception. The first to adopt this model was the predecessor of the Bank of England, and later capitalists in other countries followed suit, as did the Federal Reserve.

Why do bank capitalists take over the right to sell government bonds, which is tantamount to monopolizing the power to issue money. They replaced gold with national bonds! They used the name of the government to issue bonds to convey the message to the common people that gold trading was not convenient enough, and instead it was paper money such as "dollars", "pounds", "marks", "francs" that could be exchanged for gold. These banknotes are equivalent to national bonds, and ordinary people can save a gram of gold in the bank to get a dollar of banknotes. The bankers promised to represent the government, and the people could use the banknotes at any time to exchange for a gram of gold, which the government and the bank owed to the people. Therefore, there is actually no difference between holding these banknotes and holding gold! When ordinary people heard these views, they thought that it was very reasonable, and after exchanging gold for paper money, it was more convenient to pay. So people gradually began to use paper money, not to exchange it back for gold. In other words, paper money gradually replaced gold, which is called bad money driving out good money. This gold is invisibly trapped in the coffers of bank capitalists and becomes their wealth. Because everyone is using paper money, and not everyone is asking for it to be exchanged for gold, bankers seem to no longer need large amounts of gold as collateral to issue more paper money. So, they began to issue paper money without restraint. But what if everyone takes paper money in exchange for gold? At this time, they took credit as collateral and directly abolished the gold standard.

They told the people that the dollar they issued only meant that the government owed the people one dollar and could no longer be exchanged for gold. Although this did not affect the common people much, they could still use paper money to trade and buy, but paper money replaced gold bars and made it more convenient. Therefore, ordinary people can only look at these banknotes, and not many people feel that there is a problem. So, why are the poor getting poorer? Because each of us becomes an object of exploitation before we are born, our efforts, sweat, and wisdom are plundered by some with virtual money. But that doesn't mean we have to give up. What we need to do is very simple, just follow the rules of the game and earn more paper money in exchange for real money and real assets. However, now that it is 2023, do you still want to earn a meager income by going to work and live forever in the cycle of exchanging life for money? We seek financial freedom! Remember, to be rich, it's important to stay on top of trends! If each of the world's 6.5 billion people gave you a dollar, congratulations on having $6.5 billion, it's that simple! And the Internet is a tool that allows you to reach 6.5 billion people! Even if you only reach 1 million people, you will be worth seven figures! Why do many actors, billionaire entrepreneurs, and even politicians build their personal brands on the Internet today? Because the Internet spreads hundreds of times faster than viruses!

Among the many bankers, the Federal Reserve has been the world's largest bank since the two world wars. Their 12 private directors and 3,000 shareholders hold the lifeblood of the world's currency, becoming the dominant force. Why do bankers keep printing money? Because they can print money without real value without restriction and use them to buy assets with real value. They use fake money to buy real wealth! And they can continue to print money constantly! If you had unlimited power to plunder other people's wealth, would you take advantage of it? In the face of human greed, everyone has similar tendencies! Therefore, as long as the Fed has the power to print money, they will continue to print money in large quantities, and they will not solve the inflation problem! No matter how hard you work, the remuneration you receive is equivalent to being robbed of the value of your labor by bank capitalists! Even if you earn 50 million a month, this is really just paper money made by bankers at zero cost, this is not an equivalent exchange! However, there is always a limit to things. The only thing bankers need to consider is how to convince people forever that the banknotes they print empty-handed are valuable. If your currency depreciates significantly, people won't want to use your currency.

For example, in Zimbabwe, it costs trillions of Zimbabwe dollars to eat a breakfast, and this is because their currency has depreciated badly! If the bankers of the Fed bring the dollar to this situation, then their plans to control the world currency will fail! The solution is simple, they need to shrink the table and raise interest rates, that is, recover some of the issued dollars in the short term and then destroy them in order to reduce the supply in the market, increase the value of the dollar, and cause other national currencies to depreciate. At the same time, they use the appreciated dollar to buy depreciating assets of other countries and make the people of those countries work for them! They shear sheep through inflation and deflation, affecting the wealth of people all over the world! Just like the previous depreciation of Japan's yen, the purpose of raising interest rates is not only to shear sheep, but more importantly, to temporarily prevent the currency from depreciating and cover up the truth of inflation that plunders the people. If you don't believe me, data and history don't deceive people. The Fed has been engaged in these activities for the past 100 years! They made 7 rounds of rate hikes and even raised them to 20% in times of stagflation! But no matter which round of interest rate hikes, it never really stopped the issuance of money, nor did it stop inflation. So it's actually not a big deal compared to this year's rate hike! However, many people do not look at history and do not analyze the whole situation, and every time they raise rates and shrink the table, they find that some people are very happy! Because they can't understand why house prices have risen so much for so long.

When a rate hike causes a correction in house prices, some people spread panic and claim that house prices will crash! However, each time they were slapped in the face, and then they repeated the same mistake. Every time they are slapped in the face, but every time there are still people who believe them, why? Because people always want to see what they want to see. The house is obviously for living, but they can't afford it, and after being eliminated by the capital market, they hope to destroy this capital market! They want house prices to crash and everyone can afford a house! So that the distribution of the house will be fair, and there will be no house price in the future, is this fair? However, these people are reluctant. Because they can't afford a house now, their real need is to hope that house prices will crash, and then after buying a house themselves, house prices will rise! So that they can make money, right? Therefore, some people give many explanations, such as that in the future everyone lives in the virtual universe and no one needs to buy a house! There are also 3D printed houses, which lead to lower construction costs, so house prices will fall! They simply don't understand why house prices are rising. It has already been mentioned that printing money is the source of inflation! We ordinary people are actually not responsible for inflation, but we experience inflation from birth! When your income growth cannot keep up with rising prices, your wealth has been plundered, and the capitalists of the banks, if they also hold banknotes, then their banknotes will also depreciate! So, if you can understand this, what we pursue all our lives is not banknotes, but the pursuit of high-quality assets that can produce banknotes! Instead, the price of these high-quality assets will continue to climb under the influence of inflation!

So, what is a quality asset? First of all, one of the assets I will continue to lay out in 2023 is real estate! Many people will say that the current house price is too expensive, yes, if the house is only used for living, the current house price is indeed very high! Because in your eyes, a house is just a consumer good, just like the computer you just bought, just for use! You might think that the price of computers, TVs and other electronic products has not increased in the past ten years, because the development of technology has improved their manufacturing efficiency, thereby reducing costs, so they should be sold cheaply! You might think that houses are the same! But those who say such things, they also choose those resort houses and the like when buying a property, why? Because they want to live comfortably, they value the consumption attribute of the house, the house is used to live, and its use value lies in this! This is also the reason why ordinary people are able to visually distinguish the difference between real estate and other goods. But in fact, when have you seen a significant increase in properties in resort areas? Properties that make you feel comfortable don't necessarily rise significantly, but ordinary properties that are strategically located often go up several times, which is the most common phenomenon! Property is resistant to inflation because it has financial value! Properties can not only be sold for cash, but also mortgaged. When bankers around the world continue to print money, our interest rates are very low in the long run, and the conditions for borrowing are more relaxed!

As a result, many investors can easily obtain loans, and a significant portion of them are secured by properties that can be used to buy more properties! Repeat this process, and house prices will naturally rise. I know there will be people who are leaving messages now, what if interest rates rise and the loan cannot be repaid? But what I will say is that now that interest rates have been cut, house prices have recovered! Isn't this the time for bankers to buy property? Isn't this the time for us ordinary people to buy property? Do you have to wait until house prices skyrocket? History tells us that bankers only keep printing money, and you know that they will only lower interest rates in the long run! People with real financial sense will regard real estate as an investment product, predict its price, and profit through buying and selling games, while controlling risks, using the leverage effect of real estate, and leveraging larger properties with less capital, so as to obtain higher profits. Owning property means having wealth, and then we will continue to use the wealth to buy property and let the property print money for us, just like a banker!

And if you can't afford these high-quality assets for the time being, self-media will be the most valuable self-made asset in 2023 and at least the next 10 years! Did you know? If you have 100,000 followers on the internet, those 100,000 followers can help you monetize 100,000! If you have 1 million followers, you can monetize at least 1 million! If you want to make money, always remember one thing: trends will make you poor or rich, be sure to engage in self-media. I tell you, you or your product, if it does not appear on the Internet, will be eliminated! Some people will say, is it too late to start self-media? I want to ask you, has Liu Genghong become popular recently? He suddenly added more than 40 million followers in a month, didn't he? He suddenly became angry! He earns more in a month than in his entire forty years combined! He hadn't taken off before, but this time it suddenly became a big hit. Starting self-media is a business that allows you to pay less and return more. You can upload your videos on various platforms, these videos are your assets, you only need to make them once, they can bring you a steady stream of passive income! You might think that the higher the CTR, the more ad revenue it brings! That's right, it's better than opening an average restaurant, because at least there are no costs for inventory, rent, staff, etc.!

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