
Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

"Old Wu, why are you walking again, how hot the weather is, how sweaty it is to walk! Learn how good it is for me to play chess here. ”

"People say that life lies in exercise, can you sit and sit every day? I don't want to. ”

Lao Wu and Lao Liu are old friends for many years, and the two sides have completely different views on whether life lies in movement or static, one is to insist on not moving, the other is to move at the first opportunity, which is the right approach?

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

First, who lives longer for long-term rest and daily exercise?

"Elderly people should enhance their physique through exercise", "Elderly people are not in good health, and they need to recuperate", these two statements make sense at first glance, which one should be believed?

In fact, the two terms of rest and exercise are not contradictory, rest more refers to self-cultivation, temperament, personality, exercise is to exercise blood vessels, cardiopulmonary function and muscles. Exercise and rest cannot be completely separated, and you should choose the method that suits you in life. Many longevity experts recommend a combination of movement and static, which can appropriately reduce the intensity of exercise after aging, but exercise is still needed.

In a study published in the journal JAMA Oncology, researchers analyzed data from 22,398 adults with an average age of 62 in the UK biobank, and collected the daily exercise of the subjects, analyzing the relationship between daily brief intermittent exercise and cancer development, with an average follow-up of 6.7 years, during which there were 2,356 new cancer cases.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

Through analysis, it was found that 4~5 minutes of intermittent exercise per day was associated with a 20% reduction in the overall risk of cancer, and a 32% reduction in the risk of exercise-related cancer.

It is not difficult to see from research that exercise is good for health. But daily can not blindly carry out a lot of exercise, in the exercise at the same time to pay attention to rest, rest more refers to a good state, mentality, let yourself relax, forget troubles and pressure, for physical and mental health has great benefits.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

Second, Chinese medicine masters: exercise more before the age of 40, exercise less after the age of 50, and do not exercise at the age of 60

Retired national famous Chinese medicine practitioner and guest expert of Yuhang First Hospital Famous Chinese Medicine Hall visiting expert Xu Zaichun believes that people should insist on exercise before the age of 40, exercise properly before the age of 50, but after the age of 50, they should relax and rest more, and do not exercise and maintain after the age of 60, which is a good way to maintain health. In order to support his point of view, Xu Lao also mentioned 2 cases:

Case 1, an old lady did not have the habit of exercising when she was young, and when she was older, she felt that exercise could maintain her health, and insisted on walking 5km after dinner every day rain or shine. The result of working hard is not that her body gets better, but that she gradually breaks down her body because her way of exercising violates the laws of nature.

Case 2, there is also a patient suffering from lupus erythematosus, in order to exercise, insist on walking for 2 hours a day, and still did not stop when the back was sore. When he returned to the hospital for re-examination, he was found to have increased urine protein and worsened his condition.

Xu Lao believes that being able to exercise does more harm than good to health, and we must have a correct attitude in this regard, do not think that exercise is a panacea, and if exercise is not right, it will hurt the body.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

Third, middle-aged and elderly people keep in mind the two principles, exercise is effective and safe!

For middle-aged and elderly people, exercise has a lot of precautions, these two principles to keep in mind.

1. Find your safe exercise heart rate

It is generally believed that the body's oxygen consumption reaches 50~70% of the maximum oxygen consumption (equivalent to 60~85% of the maximum heart rate) to stimulate the heart is the most appropriate. It is recommended that the exercise heart rate formula for middle-aged and elderly people is (220-age) * (60~85%), taking 70 years old as an example, the maximum heart rate of exercise is 90~128 times.

2. Avoid sports injuries in many aspects

No matter what kind of exercise you perform, you should fully move your body before exercising, let the body be slightly warm before you go to exercise, you can kick, stretch, etc.; It is recommended to choose parks, school playgrounds and other open places with good air, avoid exercising on the side of the road, and air and safety are difficult to guarantee; The intensity of training should be based on the feedback of the body, and if you wake up the next day and are particularly tired, you should reduce the intensity of exercise appropriately.

Who lives longer for people who retreat for a long time and exercise every day? Surveyed 22,398 elderly people and gave answers

There is no standard answer to whether life lies in movement or static, it is generally recommended to combine movement and static, exercise as much as possible within the scope of the body, and also pay attention to self-cultivation, in order to play a better role in health.


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[3] "Eight Ways to Live Back, Live the Whole Body!" Middle-aged and elderly people exercise keep in mind two principles, exercise is effective and safe! 》. Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall.2020-07-16

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