
Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

author:Allie exquisite breakfast


Hi everyone, I'm Allie, a good day starts with a nutritious breakfast, eat a good breakfast and have energy throughout the day. Eat good breakfast, full lunch, eat less dinner, low oil and salt, light diet, this is my habit for many years, I hope to eat healthy, beautiful and good with friends through my sharing

My friend said that he wanted to make his own pizza to eat, but to make his own pizza, he had to make the cake first, which was time-consuming and troublesome! Today I share the pizza I made with leftover steamed buns, the outside is crispy and the inside is soft and brushed, the taste is not inferior to the pizza embryo made, the method is very simple and very fast, you don't have to get up early in the morning to eat your own pizza, the filling is full, nutritious and healthy, friends who love pizza can try it!

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future
Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future
Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future
Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future
Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

【Ingredients Details】

3 leftover steamed buns (about 6 cm in diameter), 3 eggs, 100 grams of mozzarella, half a chicken breast, a little vegetables, less tomato sauce, can make 1 8-inch pizza


This is the leftover oat steamed bun I made in advance, the method:

(1) 30 grams of oatmeal and a little hot water to soak soft, add two spoons of flour and yeast after cooling, (the amount of yeast is one percent of the total flour), mix evenly first, and then decide to add water according to the dry and wet conditions of the noodles, knead into a soft and hard dough, cover with plastic wrap, and ferment until twice as large;

(2) Take out the fermented dough, knead the dough repeatedly and then knead it into a smooth dough;

(3) Divide into small dough of uniform size and knead into circles;

(4) Put the embryo on a wet steaming cloth, cover the pot, and then steam for about 10~15 minutes until it becomes significantly larger, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes before opening the lid.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Cut the chicken breast into small cubes, add salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, starch and mix evenly and then add a little cooking oil to evenly lock in the moisture, and marinate for 10~20 minutes.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Prepare the ingredients for later use.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Blanch the three-color vegetable beans and control the moisture, cut the onion into small pieces, cut the bell pepper into thin strips, onion bell pepper, three-color vegetable beans should be dried with kitchen paper or put in the oven to dry for 10 minutes, to avoid water when baking, affecting the drawing will also lead to wet bottom of the cake, affecting the crispy taste of the burnt aroma.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Sprinkle a little oil into the pan, pour in the marinated chicken and stir-fry until the meat changes color.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Serve and let cool, taking care not to bring the broth.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Split the steamed bun in half and cut it into cubes of about 1 cm.

Place the diced steamed buns in a large bowl.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Add the eggs to the diced steamed buns.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Mix well, if you like the base of the cake with a little salty aroma, you can sprinkle some salt or black pepper and mix well.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

The bottom of the pizza mold is brushed with a little cooking oil or spread with oil paper to facilitate demolding, pour the steamed bun eggs into the mold, flatten it with a spoon, and press it tighter, so that the bottom of the finished product is better hugging, and there is no void, the taste is better, pay attention to the surface must be sorted out flat, easy to spread the ingredients later.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Preheat the oven in advance, heat up and down, put the middle layer, and bake at 175 degrees for 6~10 minutes.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Bake until the egg is solidified and the steamed buns are not wet.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Brush the surface with a layer of tomato sauce.

Sprinkle a layer of mozzarella.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Sprinkle with chicken (no soup), vegetables and beans, and then arrange bell peppers, the two colors of bell peppers are staggered to look better.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Spread the rest of the mozzarella evenly on top of the ingredients, if you want to draw more, be sure to sprinkle more mozzarella, a thick layer is better.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Preheat the oven in advance, heat up and down, middle layer, bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, the time and temperature should be slightly adjusted according to the heat size of the oven.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Bake until all mozzarella is melted and remove after baking.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Let it sit for 1 minute, then cut it into small pieces, cut it and put it back together.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

After a minute or two, pick up the small pieces and you can see more brushing.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Another brushed photo.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

The cheese is rich and brushed, and the pizza made with leftover steamed buns is not inferior to the pizza made with pizza base.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

The side of the cake is crispy, the base is complete and firm, charred on the outside and soft on the inside.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future


1. It is recommended that the steamed buns be cooled in advance and refrigerated, because the inside will become solid after refrigeration, and they will not be deformed and loose when cutting, and it is easy to cut into small cubes; If it is made with freshly made steamed buns, the steamed buns will be very soft, there is a lot of heat inside, and the sticky hair is not good to cut and shape, which will affect the operation and appearance.

2. I make oatmeal steamed buns, you can use ordinary white noodle steamed buns, whole wheat steamed buns, cornmeal steamed buns, you can also use leftover toast to make, all delicious.

3. Do not add too little eggs and do not add too much, the amount of egg liquid can make all steamed buns coated with a thin layer of egg liquid, the benefit of wrapping egg liquid is to play a sticky role, convenient steamed buns to huddle and form a cake base.

4. The advantages of baking the steamed bun diced eggs until they are set are: (1) After baking until set, it is easy to brush tomato sauce and spread the ingredients; (2) If you only bake it once, add the side dishes and test together, so that the surface is moist and it is not good to brush the ketchup; In addition, the bottom of the cake is also moist, plus when baking, there is still a little moisture in the ingredients, and the moisture and water make the bottom not easy to coagulate and fix, it will be more humid and soft, and it will not reach the crispy side of the cake, the bottom of the cake is charred and the inside is soft; If you increase the temperature to bake, it may preserve the taste of the cake, but the cheese is easy to bake, which affects the brushing; (3) First bake the steamed bun and diced eggs until set, and then bake them later, which is convenient to operate and can ensure that the side of the cake is crispy, and the bottom of the cake is charred and soft and delicious.

5. When pouring the steamed bun eggs into the pizza plate, be sure to compact and the surface should be pressed flat, so that when the ingredients are laid later, the finished product is more regular and good-looking.

6. The chicken breast should be marinated and then stir-fried first, fresh and tender, and it is not easy to get out of the water after stir-frying and then roasting; It is also good that the chicken breast can be exchanged for beef.

7. When choosing vegetables, try to choose vegetables with less moisture and pay attention to controlling dry moisture, so that the water output will be reduced during the baking process and avoid causing the bottom of the cake to be soft.

8. If you want to draw more, mozzarella should be spread more, I only used 100 grams of mozzarella this time for lower fat, cheese mellow brushing is okay and lower fat.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

【Spinach mixing】

Vegetables are available, supplementing fiber, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, and eating them in depth and light is more comprehensive.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

After boiling the water, add some oil and salt, pour in spinach, and cook until the spinach is broken and fished out of the controlled water.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Add olive oil and salt and mix well.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

【Five-grain soy milk】

I often drink this recipe of soy milk, sweet and silky, nutritious and supplemental, friends who have a soy milk machine at home can try it!

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Serve for two: 35 grams of soybeans, 15 grams of fried barley rice, 6 grams of flaxseed, 15 grams of red beans, 3 pitted red dates, pour all the ingredients into the wall breaker, add an appropriate amount of water, and select the soy milk function key.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

A little plain nuts every day, supplement high-quality fats, vitamin E, minerals, because of its high fat content, a little can be used to avoid affecting weight and health.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

【Blueberry, kiwifruit, winter date】

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

Fruits can be varied, but not in large amounts, eating in moderation is good for health.

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future

In the future, if you want to eat pizza and feel that it is difficult to make a pizza base, you can try to make it with leftover steamed buns, the soft taste inside is good and very simple, homemade pizza, real materials, the whole family can eat it with confidence!

Three steamed buns turn into pizza, simple and fast, crispy outside and soft brushed inside, I want to eat pizza in the future
I am Allie who loves life and loves to make food, friends who like me please follow me, thank you for your support!

#My Breakfast Diary# #吃在中国#