
Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active
Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The exhibition site of the first Taipei Contemporary Art Fair

Coinciding with the weekend, the inaugural Taipei Contemporary Art Fair entered the public open day, and western blue-chip galleries made their first large-scale landing in Taiwan to attract a large number of art-loving audiences. The fair is coming to an end, and the flow of people visiting the pavilion is still coming and going. On the first day of the VIP preview, the warm atmosphere created by the high-asset customer collector group brought by UBS, China CITIC Bank, etc., and the "Friendship of Art Museum Association" and "Art Tour" brought by the Taipei Municipal Art Museum was impressive. In addition to the bustle, collectors in Taiwan have always been cautious, so that the "impulsive" consumption brought by the tour is rare.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

At this international art fair, among the 90 galleries participating in the exhibition, the number of Western galleries has reached 30 to 40%, while the number of galleries in Taiwan and Japan and South Korea has reached more than 20%, and the number of galleries from Chinese mainland accounts for about 7%, only Beijing Commune, Boerli Gallery, Qianbo Gallery, Contemporary Tang Art Center, Qianyuan Gallery and other less than ten, overall, the appearance of important Chinese galleries is not high. Magnus Renfrew, Director of Contemporary In Taipei, explains: "At the time of the initial exhibition, Chinese galleries were not very active in their applications, and then after the Shanghai Art Week, some galleries expressed their willingness to participate, but they had already passed the exhibition deadline. ”

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The proportion of faces Chinese mainland the art fair is not high

The gallery focuses on a new generation of artists

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Zhang Peili's installation works at the booth of Boerli Gallery were interacted with by many audiences

Whether it is gallery practitioners or collectors, the Chinese galleries who came to the Taipei Contemporary Art Fair said that it may be due to the cross-strait political situation and policy influence, and how to ensure the smooth passage between the two sides of the strait will be a great challenge for the organizers.Chinese mainland Chinese mainland collectors have also shown a decline in their purchasing power overseas due to foreign exchange control policies and the slowdown in the domestic economy in recent years.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Beijing Commune brings Richard Deacon's 2018 work "New Alphabet JKL", image source: Beijing Commune

Among the few Chinese galleries that have come to taipei contemporary art fair, Beijing Commune, Qianbo Gallery, Boerli Gallery, etc. have participated in Art Taipei, have a general understanding of the preferences of collectors in Taiwan, and most of them mainly bring their familiar works, supplemented by the expansion of new artists. Due to the absence of Chinese mainland first-line galleries such as ShanghART and Long March Space, international galleries such as Pace and Hauserworth are also focusing on Promoting Western contemporary, and the works of well-known Chinese artists such as Zeng Fanzhi, Ding Yi, Wang Jianwei and Zhang Xiaogang are rarely displayed on the spot.

The Beijing Commune has participated in several editions of Art Taipei, and for collectors in Taiwan, the works of artists such as Wang Guangle represented by the gallery are not unfamiliar, and they will also show great interest in the works of Yang Xinguang, who are not familiar with them. It is reported that the small works of Artists such as Ma Qiusha and Zhao Yao sell for about 10,000 US dollars, and the works of artists such as Hu Xiaoyuan and Xie Morin are below 100,000 US dollars.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Yan Shanxin's works by Qianbo Gallery have attracted the attention of many collectors

In the early years, I also participated in art Taipei's Qianbo Gallery and came to Taipei again after many years, bringing works with a price of 30,000 to 400,000 yuan, collectors in Taiwan are very international, their collections have their own clear direction, not limited to the local, so the works brought by Qianbo Gallery are not particularly targeted, but mainly based on the appearance of artists, in preparation for long-term expansion in the future. "Organizers may tend to be a different market than the audience in Taiwan in the past, and this market I think is a future trend, similar to international artists." Chinese artists aren't their only concern, as they are somewhat similar to Hong Kong. A gallery staff member said.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Pang Maokun's "Miss M combing ball head" brought by Qiangaoyuan Art Space in 2018, priced at 350,000 yuan

The Thousand Plateaus Gallery from Chengdu brings works by artists such as Pang Maokun, Yang Shu and Wang Chuan, who are well known to collectors in Taiwan, and the price ranges from 110,000 to 1.5 million yuan. Pang's foundation in Taiwan is very good, his first solo exhibition was in 1989, at the Yanhuang Art Museum in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Therefore, local collectors have an impression of him, and the famous Taiwanese collector Mr. Lin Mingzhe has been collecting since the 1990s and has more than 100 works by Pang Maokun. Gallery manager Shi Ying introduced.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The China Contemporary Art Center brings filipino artist Rodel Tapaya's River of Souls

The Contemporary Tang Art Center, which has space in Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong and other places, has held exhibitions at the Guandu Art Museum in 2018, and has worked closely with many galleries and institutions in Taiwan, and the maturity of collectors in the primary and secondary markets in Taiwan is obvious to all, "Through this expo, it can be seen that the elderly and gentlemen in Taiwan account for a large proportion, and it can be said that they are all very senior collectors." In particular, the artists zhao Zhao and Wang Yuping who have exhibited in Taiwan have received more attention. Gallery sales Shen Mo said that the price of the works brought this time is between more than 100,000 to millions of yuan, and several works have been sold, and the works of Cai Lei, who has cooperated with Baishi Gallery, have also received a lot of attention, while the focus of the Contemporary Tang Art Center is more focused on Southeast Asia, so it has also brought works by Filipino artists.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Liu Wei's "No Smoking" brought by The Great Future Lin She Gallery sold for $1.2 million

Presenting a double solo exhibition by Chinese artist Liu Wei and Taiwanese artist Chen Jieren, Great Future Lin She Gallery sold "No Smoking" for $1.2 million and "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" for $1.5 million. Chen Jieren's photographic works are about $20,000, and several pieces have been sold.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Tina Keng Gallery brought Yao Ruizhong's "Dirt Land: Lake of The Cave" for 2.55 million Taiwan dollars

Three su Xiaobai works brought by Tina Keng Gallery in Taiwan were sold on the first day for 600,000 yuan, Su Menghong's "Charming Round Flower" was sold for 480,000 Taiwan dollars, and two works by Yang Maolin were collected by collectors for 800,000 Taiwan dollars.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The price of Zheng Jundian at the exhibition site of Eslite Gallery ranges from 200,000 to 700,000 yuan

Zhao Li of Eslite Gallery told Art News/Chinese Edition that what was exhibited in the Xinyi Space of Eslite Gallery was a solo exhibition of Chinese artists' prospects, "Cain", "In fact, collectors in Taiwan are very pragmatic, many people just start to buy art, they will be affected by the artist's fame or not, just looking forward to these two names, they will go to the gallery, and they will buy things against the prospect name." Correspondingly, at the Taipei Contemporary Art Fair booth, Eslite Gallery brought solo exhibitions by local artist Zheng Jundian, with prices ranging from 200,000 to 700,000 yuan, mostly small paintings of about one meter, and collectors from Singapore or Taipei.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Western blue-chip galleries push up western contemporary artists

Hauserworth Gallery first came to Taipei to present Gunther Fogg's solo exhibition "Waterfront", in which several works were sold, including "Untitled" in 2007, which sold for 475,000 euros, and they felt that Taiwan might not have a good opportunity to see exhibitions by top international Western artists. This appearance is a great opportunity.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The White Cube gallery also brings works by British artist Damien Hurst

The White Cube Gallery brings works by Chinese artist He Xiangyu, who currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany, for $66,000 and $150,000 respectively, while Western artist Anthony Gormley's sculptures on the booth are about 400,000 pounds and Baselize works are about 650,000 pounds. "The love of art among Taiwanese collectors is very high, and the whole market loves to learn and research, but for Western artists, it still takes time." Therefore, the works of world-class Western artists are still mainly shared by Bai Cube to the Taiwan market. The gallery staff introduced.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Gagosian Gallery did not bring works by Chinese artists

In their opinion, the works of Japanese and Korean artists may resonate more in the eyes of Collectors in Taiwan, such as Yayoi Kusama and Nam Jun Paik, "They are also very interested in our other Western artists, like George Baselize asked a lot of people." ”

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Unique Taiwanese landscape

Low-priced Works of Taiwanese Contemporary Art

TKG+, a Taiwanese gallery that focuses on young artists, presents a group exhibition featuring two Taiwanese artists, Zhou Yuzheng and Rao Jia'en, and two Southeast Asian artists, Mi Zaiying of Thailand and Sawangwangze Yaenwi of Myanmar, "This time I mainly hope to put Southeast Asian artists and let them know more about collectors in Taiwan that the collectors encountered in the past few days are from Taiwan and half from other regions." The salesperson at the booth told Art News/Chinese Edition that the prices at the booth were all $10,000-$20,000.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The TKG+ booth brought half of Taiwanese artists and Southeast Asian artists

Android Art brings works by Fu Rao, a Chinese artist living in Germany, whose average price is less than $20,000, and Taiwanese artist Dang Ruohong's works are about $50,000 in large works and $10,000 in small pieces. They are not young artists, but the price is relatively low, and it is very attractive to put here. "I don't think it's easy to create an international market for artists in Taiwan, so I just slowly and slowly expand the market and don't rush to achieve results." In an interview with Art News/Chinese Edition, gallery owner Li Zhengyong said that although Android Gallery is a local gallery, it has not participated in local fairs for four years, and more often participates in international fairs such as Basel in Hong Kong. "Of course we expect it to bring more than just local collectors, and the first edition I think is really getting a relatively high level of attention." Generally speaking, the market for artists in Taiwan cannot be said to be good or bad, the market is very stable, the ups and downs are not as obvious as in the mainland, there is a certain level, but it needs more stimulation. ”

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Android Art brought with it The Chinese artist Fu Rao living in Germany and the Taiwanese artist Dang Ruohong

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Active Korean and Japanese galleries

At the scene of the Taipei Contemporary Art Fair, Korean galleries include Gallery Hyundai, Johyun Gallery, Kukje Gallery, Arario Gallery, Gakukosai Gallery, ONEAND J. Gallery, etc., while Japanese galleries include NUKAGA GALLERY, Hidenori Ota Gallery, ShugoArts, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo Gallery +BTAP, Tomio Koyama Gallery and more than a dozen others.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Yayoi Kusama's works brought by Hidenori Ota Gallery attracted a lot of attention from the audience

Hidenori Ota, a Japanese gallery with space in Shanghai, has also participated in Art Taipei, and the gallery staff told Art News/Chinese Edition that the works of Japanese artists and Chinese artists brought by Art News/Chinese Edition are half and half, and the works of young artists are mostly worth 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars, and Yayoi Kusama's works are 850,000 US dollars. "Mainland collectors may make decisions quickly based on intuition, and Taiwan is a little slower, but I think they will have a long-term plan or point of view, so for us, the impression of Collectors in Taiwan is relatively stable."

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Hiroyuki Matsuura's works brought by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP were very popular at the fair, and five small works have been sold

Chi Liping, manager of Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, said in an interview with Art News/Chinese Edition that Tokyo Gallery has participated in Art Taipei several times, and collectors in Taiwan have given her a conservative impression, only interested in artists who have been exhibited locally, such as the works of Japanese artist Hiroyuki Matsuura, who has been exhibited at Eslite Gallery, which was very popular at the fair, and five small works have been sold, with prices ranging from 13,000 to 20,000 US dollars. Three of Sugagi's works have also been sold for prices ranging from $10,000 to more than $100,000, with one in the pocket of a new collector from Taiwan.

"Collectors in Taiwan have long been international, their heart to buy art is not in Taiwan, for a while, probably after 2000, to some extent they ran away. It's like they think they've had enough of the art in Taiwan, so they look a lot abroad, and at that time we imported Japanese anime, and then a lot of foreign exhibitions sold better. Zhao Li said that the Nangang Exhibition Hall, where the Taipei Contemporary Art Fair is located, is also exhibiting the 7th Taipei International Animation Festival, which also provides some sources for the sale of Japanese animation art works.

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

At the Standwood Gallery booth, korean artist Seo Do-wook's work has been sold

Lehmann Maupin, which owns spaces in the United States, Hong Kong and Seoul, and South Korean artist Suh Se Ok are speculating on ink works of interest to collectors in Taiwan. Tiffany Xu, a representative of China, said: "This art fair recognizes a lot of new faces, and many of the guests with reservations are prepared. ”

Market trend of Taipei Contemporary Art Fair

Price range with some works

Blue-chip galleries promote internationally renowned artists, and prices occupy high levels

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Yayoi Kusama, Infinite Web [TWXZ], 2005

Yayoi Kusama's "Infinite Net [TWXZ]" is about $1 million, Zona Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Wolfgang Tillmans, Filled with Light, Adalbert, a, 2018

Wolfgang Tillmans $350,000, Zona Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Neo Rauch, Der Aufschneider, 2018

Neo Rauch for $650,000, $325,000, Zona Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2007, €440,000, Hauserworth Gallery

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2007, 475,000 euros, Hauserworth Gallery

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2004, 380,000 euros, Hauserworth Gallery

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2003, 350,000 euros, Hauserworth Gallery

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2003, 240,000 euros, Hauserworth Gallery

Gunther Fogg, Untitled, 2006, 250,000 euros, Hauserworth Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

The Spruce Margus Gallery brings works by Georges Condor

George Condor, Untitled, $350,000, Spruce Mages Gallery, 2018

George Condor, Dark Personage, 2017, $400,000, Spruce Mages Gallery

George Condor, Facing Each Other, 2017, $400,000, Spruce Margus Gallery

George Condor, Faces and Forms, 2017, $400,000, Spruce Mages Gallery

Anish Kapoor, Mirror (Garnet to Laser Red), 2017, £750,000, Rieson Gallery

Asian contemporary art is active, with high visibility of contemporary art in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and low-key prices

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Haegue Yang's graphic work, €10,000-40,000, installations from €40,000 to €100,000, Kukje Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Hiroyuki Matsuura Blue Cymbidium, 2016

Works by Japanese artist Hiroyuki Matsuura, priced between $13,000 and $20,000, five small works have been sold, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Dang Ruohong, "Blue and White Vase", 2018, 75,000 yuan

Dang Ruohong's works, between $10,000-50,000, Android Art

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Chen Jieren, Image Star Cluster, 2017

Photography by Chen Jieren, about $20,000

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Yang Maolin Dark wanderer coelacanth fish

Yang Maolin Dark Wanderer Coelacanth Fish 800,000 Taiwan dollars, Geng Gallery

Yang Maolin Dark Waver Big Horn Whip Crown Trout 800,000 Taiwan Dollars, Geng Gallery

Yao Ruizhong: Kushih-hsien Lake 2.55 million Taiwan dollars, Geng Gallery

Su Menghong Charm Round Flower 480,000 Taiwan Dollars, Geng Gallery

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Junhong Gao, Haitou Liu, 2018, Single-frequency color audio image

Works by Gao Junhong, NT$150,000-200,000, A+ Asia Art Space

The visibility of Chinese contemporary art is not high, and the new generation of artists tests the Taiwan market

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Zhao asked for small works, about $10,000, beijing commune

Western, Japanese and Korean art dominates Taipei Contemporary, with Chinese galleries accounting for only 7% of the total, and well-known artists are less active

Wang Jiajia, "Run! Run!, 2018

Wang Jiajia, "Run! Run!), $11,000, Boerley Gallery

Xue Feng's work, $40,000, Boerli Gallery

Chen Yufan & Chen Yujun, NT$100-1.5 million, A+ Asia Art Space

(Article from TANC)

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