
Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

author:Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

After the little cold, winter has arrived. The minimum temperature in Qingdao reached minus 15.9 °C, refreshing the lowest value since the establishment of the Qingdao Meteorological Station.

Qingdao wetland birds have difficulty feeding due to ice sealing, and a message of "crowdfunding for wetland migratory birds" has brushed the screen in the circle of friends.

As soon as the news came out, it received widespread attention from all walks of life. 100 yuan, 200 yuan, 30 yuan, 50 yuan, 1000 yuan... Money keeps pouring in.

According to Xu Liqiang, president of the Chengyang District Wildlife Conservation Association, the funds raised exceeded 10,000 yuan in just one morning, among which there is also a love from Zhang Jike, a table tennis player in Qingdao.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Since the release of the crowdfunding news, not only have local caring people in Qingdao want to participate in the feeding and rescue of wintering migratory birds on the spot, but also many friends in other places have donated money to "cloud feeding birds".

Since the establishment of the Chengyang District Wildlife Conservation Association, Zhang Jike has paid attention to the rescue activities of wintering migratory birds in Qingdao, and even if he cannot return to Qingdao, he will entrust his parents to participate in the activities.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Qingdao is located in the southern part of Shandong Peninsula, with mountains and seas, lush vegetation, diverse wetland types, and rich bird resources.

According to incomplete statistics, Qingdao has recorded nearly 400 species of birds, including many rare birds such as Chinese crested terns, white-shouldered eagles, white-waisted terns, brown-winged terns and so on.

Especially in the eastern coastal mountain forest and the Dagu River wetland basin of Jiaozhou Bay, millions of migratory birds cross the border every spring and autumn, which is an important "station" on the migration route of migratory birds in the Asia-Pacific region.

Migratory birds also like Qingdao, which is "red tiles and green trees, blue sea and blue sky", and many endangered and rare birds come here for winter.

Black-billed crested tern

The black-billed crested tern is one of the world's most endangered bird species, with fewer than 100 in the world. Because of its scarcity and its infrequency mixed with flocks of birds, it is called the "Bird of Mythology".

According to the World Bird Protection Organization, qingdao Jiaonan coast was once the only breeding ground for the black-billed crested tern in the world, and in 1937, relevant experts collected specimens of this bird on Muguan Island in Jiaonan, and this bird has not been found for decades, until 2000, when it returned to the sight of Qingdao citizens again.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Black-faced spoonbills

The black-faced spoonbill population is extremely rare, is one of the most endangered birds in the world, has been included in the IDBP World Endangered Birds Red Book, China also included it in the National Key Protection Of Wild Animals Class II Protected Animals List in 1989. In 2016, the black-faced spoonbills appeared in Qingdao.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Yellow-billed egret

The yellow-billed egret is a world endangered bird and a national second-class protected animal. In summer, the mouth is orange-yellow, the feet are black, the toes are yellow, and the eyes are blue. In winter, the mouth becomes dark brown, the base of the lower mouth is yellow, the eyes are yellow-green at the beginning, the feet are yellow-green, and the feathers on the back, shoulders, and front neck are all gone.

The little egret is a summer migratory bird and is mostly found in wetlands throughout Qingdao. Other egrets have white feet, while egrets have yellow feet, so birdwatchers call them "yellow socks".

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Blue-headed diving duck

The blue-headed diving duck is listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2013 Red List of Threatened Species ver 3.1 – CriticalLy Endangered (CR).

The cliff sub-reservoir and the Gilly River reservoir in Qingdao's West Coast New Area are very stable, and they come to winter every year and mix among the white-eyed diving ducks and red-headed diving ducks.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

© | Image source Xue Lin

Silver Gull AF53

The AF53's wing mark makes it clearly recognizable among thousands of seagulls flying on the coast of Qingdao. It has been seven years since I met birdwatchers in Qingdao in 2014 and flew back north and south every year.

Except for 2017, when it didn't appear until April, in other years, it appeared in early January. Birdwatchers in Qingdao already have a tacit understanding and concern in their hearts: every year at this time, everyone will feel that the figure of an old friend will appear.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

© | Source Xu Keyang

Black fork-tailed petrel

The black fork-tailed petreel is a small seabird with a body length of about 18 cm. The upperparts are dark greyish brown , the forehead and wings coverts are paler , and the undersides of the wings are dark grey. The tail is long, forked, and dark brown.

China is found only in the coastal areas of Shandong, Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan, and is rare and uncommon. However, they can be seen near islands such as Dagong Island in Laoshan District, Qingdao City.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

© | Source: Qingdao Bird Watching Association

Black Sea Duck

Black Sea Duck, a rare wintering bird in China. Occasionally, most of them are single overwintering individuals. The black sea ducks found this time are all female birds, and the spotted sea ducks recorded in Qingdao in winter are almost all female birds, and there is no record of male birds.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Eastern Plover

The Oriental Plover is rare in Qingdao and is only seen during the spring and autumn migration season. This oriental plover is recorded on the lawn of Huiquan Square as a male bird that is breeding feathers.

The living environment of the Oriental Plover is mostly related to wetlands and cannot be separated from water. It inhabits estuaries, beaches, rocky valleys, arid grasslands, arable land and gravel plains away from water sources, and occurs in bays, tidal flats and islands in winter. It is often carried out in individual and small groups, and large groups are integrated during migration and winter.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

© | Image source Xu Lei

Yellow-billed diving bird

On April 13, 2020, this yellow-billed diving bird was rescued by the Noboro Station in Jimo City due to being entangled in fishing nets, and after feeding, it was found that it was not harmed in any way.

On April 14, Jimo Nobo stood at Longquan Lake and released it. The yellow-billed diving bird has been fishing in Longquan Lake to prepare for the return to the north, and embarked on a journey back to the north on April 26.

The yellow-billed diving bird belongs to the winter migratory bird in the coastal area of Shandong. Rizhao and Lianyungang have been recorded as yellow-billed divers, but full-fledged yellow-billed divers are extremely rare in China.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

Black-naped King Wren

It mainly inhabits evergreen broad-leaved forests, secondary forests, bamboo forests and sparse forest shrublands in the low hills and foot plains below 1000 meters above sea level, especially in the sparse forest shrublands along the valleys and rivers, and sometimes in and out of sparse bushes, bamboo bushes and shrubs in open areas such as farmland. The Black-naped KingBird is extremely rare in the northern region of China.

On April 30, 2020, Song Fuhai of the Qingdao Bird Watching Association observed and recorded the traces of the black-naped king bird in the Tangdao Bay community, when it was busy preying on moths.

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together! This cold winter, together with Zhang Jike, "cloud feeding birds"

© | Source Song Fuhai

Winter has arrived

It's not cold

The natural melody is chirping

Bird Love Forest Enhancement

All things have a spirit and a good thought

Hand in hand with good deeds, protect together

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