
High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

author:191 Grape Service Center
High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

It is the season of high temperature and high humidity of the year again, under such conditions, there is a kind of insect that is very easy to occur, it is the melon silk borer, today to briefly introduce it.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

Melon silk borer is generally prone to occur under high temperature and high humidity conditions in summer, and generally young larvae like to bite new leaves on the taps of gourd crops such as bitter melon and melon.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

If it occurs seriously, it will directly eat the dragon head, which will seriously affect the normal growth of melons.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

Slightly lighter ones bite into a sieve from the back of the leaf.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

From the back of the leaf, basically the leaf flesh has been eaten, and only the leaf veins are left.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

Look at the melon silk borer larvae, simply put, it is two pointed, the middle is wide, while the cotton bollworm, beet night moth, twill nocturnal moth larvae are relatively symmetrical, can be easily distinguished.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

Zoom in, a typical feature of the melon silk borer is that the sub-dorsal line presents two broader milky white longitudinal bands.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

The larvae of the melon silkworm are divided into 4 instars, and the larvae shown on the picture are the hatching larvae, which is the best time for control, so we must remind everyone to go to the ground more and observe more.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

The hatching larvae tend to eat the epidermis and leaf flesh of the leaves first, leaving only the epidermis, and after the age of the insect increases, only the leaves of the plant are bitten into the leaf veins.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

When the melon silk borer grows to 3 years old, it begins to spit silk to roll up the leaves for feeding, at this time, it is difficult for the drug to contact the surface of the melon silk borer, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

The adult of the melon borer has transparent wings and a tuft of rump hair on the tail, which is typical of it.

The adults of the melon silkworm are generally nocturnal, and after mating, their eggs are laid on the back of the leaves, and about 5-7 days the eggs begin to hatch into hatching larvae, which are harmful plants.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

When the summer high temperature climate appears, bitter melon fields, melon garden often leaves blocked, large amount of transpiration, the interior will form a high temperature and high humidity climate of 30-35 degrees, this climate is very suitable for melon silk borer breeding, growth, so this is also the reason for the high incidence of melon silk borer in high temperature and high humidity climate.

Finally, let's briefly talk about the control, the melon silk borer is a pest of the phosphodytera borer family, mainly for melons, the overeating period can eat the leaves in its entirety, and it will also drill into the melon. For the melon silk borer that has occurred to be sprayed early, it is best to be at a time when the insect age is low, at this time it is often more fragile, and more exposed to the outside, if the insect age is older, it has the characteristics of curly leaves, and the effect of medication is often poor.

If the drug is selected, the melon silk borer can be said to be more and more seriously resistant, it is more and more difficult to fight year by year, and the ingredients that are currently exposed to the control of melon silk borer are avermectin, methyl vitamin salt, carnohydrazide, insect mite nitrile, indate, chlorpyrifos benzamide, it is best to use the compound preparation of the above ingredients, if there is already a melon silk borer elderly larvae occur, it is necessary to add high doses of high-quality inulin (such as 100 grams / liter of high-efficiency cypermethrin produced by the United States Xiannon) to improve the rapid efficacy of insecticide. For the use of medicine, if you have more experience in the prevention and treatment of melon silk borer, you may wish to share it (such as product ingredients, use skills, dosage, use effect, etc.).

Attached to the effect of some medicinal use

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

The hatching larvae are relatively fragile and can die after administration.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

Morning medication and afternoon observation, magnification of 2-3 years of melon silk borer larvae poisoning death.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

With the same medication, the body of the elderly larvae begins to change color and has not yet died, so the control of the melon silk borer must be early.

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?


1, melon silk borer belongs to the lepidoptera borer family pests;

2, melon silk borer is prone to occur under high temperature and high humidity conditions;

3, melon silk borer is mainly harmful to bitter melon, melon, watermelon, loofah and other melon crops;

4, melon silk borer larvae a total of 4 years old, due to the 3 years after the leaf curl as a pest, so the medication must be early;

5, when selecting agents for the prevention and control of melon silk borer, it is necessary to consider both quick-actability and effectiveness;

6, in order to ensure the control effect, when controlling melon silkworm borer, silicone additives should be added to increase the efficacy, and at the same time, we must ensure that the amount of water is sufficient, and the agent can be evenly sprayed on plants such as bitter melon and melon.

7, when taking the drug, focus on spraying the relatively young tissues of plants;

8, other

Well, about the melon silk borer to introduce so much to you, if you have a better control experience or medication plan for this pest, you may wish to share it together.

Editor-in-Charge: White Tea Qinghuan

High temperature and high humidity, this kind of insect is high, do you have a good control method?

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