
Noah's Ark has been found! Experts rejoice: the mystery of more than 4,000 years ago has finally been solved

author:Xudong reads history

Noah's Ark (Hebrew: תיבת נחTeyvat Noaḥ; English: Noah's Ark), also known as Noah's Ark, is a story in the Hebrew Bible, Genesis.

Noah's Ark has been found! Experts rejoice: the mystery of more than 4,000 years ago has finally been solved

A large ship built according to God's instructions, which is originally described as a square vessel, but there are also many figurative paintings depicting ship-like ships, which were built so that Noah and his family, as well as various land creatures in the world, could escape a great flood caused by God, and it is recorded that Noah's Ark took 120 years to build, and this story is recorded in the Hebrew Bible Genesis (Old Testament Genesis) and the Islamic Quran.

Noah's Ark has been found! Experts rejoice: the mystery of more than 4,000 years ago has finally been solved

Stories may have many similar but separate sources; orthodox Judaism and Christianity in general believe that the story of the Ark has only one author, and biblical literal translators believe that the Ark did stay in the Aare Mountains in the Ödel province of northeastern Turkey. The Abrahamic religions already had theological explanations for certain issues in the story, such as interpreting the ark as a typology for the church.

In the Mesopotamian civilization, there are also parallel stories with the records of Genesis, such as the Sumerian myth of a man named Zusudra, who was warned by the gods to build a ship and thus escaped a flood that wiped out human beings, in addition to other regions, there are many similar stories, one of the similar legends widely circulated in the world.

In eastern Turkey there is a high mountain more than 5,000 meters above sea level, called Mount Ararat.

According to the Christian Bible, Noah's Ark stopped at Mount Ararat after the Flood. Is Noah's Ark real, or is it pure fiction? Did Noah's Ark stop at Mount Ararat? To unravel the mystery of Noah's Ark at Mount Ararat, Boucher Taylor, an associate professor at the University of Richmond, Virginia, tracked the study for 13 years. Professor Taylor also used satellite remote sensing technology in his research, calling himself a "satellite archaeological project".

Based on aerial photography by aircraft, reconnaissance satellites and commercial remote sensing vehicles, photographs were found to be an "irregular area" along the mountainside of Mount Ararat. The "irregular zone" of great interest is located at 4663 meters above sea level in the northwest corner of Mount Ararat and is almost obscured by glaciers. Taylor claims that the length-to-width ratio of the "irregular zone" is the same as that of Noah's Ark.

According to genesis, the blueprint of Noah's Ark is 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide, with an aspect ratio of 6:1. The elbow ruler is an ancient unit of length measurement equal to the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, or approximately equal to 17 to 22 inches (43 to 56 centimeters). And the photos taken by the satellite show. The aspect ratio of this "irregular region" is also 6:1.

Taylor is optimistic about the discovery. Taylor said the high-definition photos taken by the Quickbird remote sensing satellite were "a major new development." Associate Professor Taylor said, "I call this work Satellite Archaeology Engineering." The robust lineup of satellites involved in the archaeological project includes the Quickbird remote sensing satellite, the IKONOS satellite, and Canada's Radar Satellite Radasat 1, and Professor Taylor can also see declassified aerial and satellite photographs of U.S. intelligence agencies.

Professor Taylor said his goal was clear: to synthesize all the photographs to make the mystery of Mount Ararat known to the public and to stand up to the scrutiny of scientists, imaging experts and other experts. Taylor said, "When I started this study in 1993, I had no preconceived notions. ”

This is a declassified panoramic photo of the CIA Mount Ararat, taken by the KeyEye 9 satellite on December 20, 1973. Researchers Boucher-Taylor marked "irregular areas" with red lines. In previous years, the CIA had declassified more than 55,000 satellite photographs of the world, including this one.

This is a photo of Mount Ararat taken by a Canadian Space Agency radar satellite, marked by the red line as an "irregular area", located at an altitude of 4663 meters above sea level in the northwest corner of Mount Ararat. The imaging accuracy of radar satellites can reach 8 meters. Since radar satellites are not optically photographic satellites, there are radio wave reflections of hard objects in the map, so the researchers believe that "irregular areas" are not shadows. Contents in red: "irregular area" photos taken by radar 1 satellites.

Satellite imagery analyst Rod Franz analyzed the photos and said the surface of the irregular area was 309 meters long. Rhode Franz, who also has 25 years of experience analyzing military intelligence photographs, said: "I also found irregular areas in circles. I'm not quite sure what this means, but I find it strange. Taylor added that if you consider the length, this irregular area is larger than the Titanic and Bismarck, and the size of the largest modern aircraft carrier.

Taylor hopes to use his findings to eventually launch a field expedition to Mount Ararat. However, scientists have made significant archaeological discoveries using satellite remote sensing technology. A few weeks ago, NASA scientists used remote sensing hardware and technology from space and aircraft to discover the site of a Mayan civilization more than 1,000 years ago deep in the rainforests of Central America. But whether this "irregular zone" is a natural geological wonder, a relic of human activity, or nothing remains to be further investigated by researchers.

In 1973, when the United States used sputnik to reconnoiter intelligence on the deployment of missiles by the former Soviet Union in the caucasus border area of the southern flank, it "very accidentally" photographed a large and distinctly rectangular "foreign object" on the all-year-round frozen Ararat Peak. Since the Bible records that Noah's Ark was moored near Mount Ararat, the legend that the "foreign object" was "Noah's Ark" was transmitted.

The origin of the story

A new study confirms that the melting of the huge ice sheet in the North Atlantic ocean rose dramatically more than 8,000 years ago, and scientists point out that this event may be the origin of the biblical story of Noah's Ark saving humanity.

According to the Spanish "Le Monde" reported on the 25th, scientists at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom and the University of Wollongong in Australia pointed out that the melting of the North American Laurended Ice Sheet between 8740 and 8160 years ago caused the largest increase in fresh water on the earth in the past 100,000 years, and the sea level of the Mediterranean Sea also rose by 1. 4 meters.

The study notes that rising sea levels led to the flooding of the Black Sea, which was then a freshwater lake, to become salty, causing the Black Sea to become saltier by about 8200 years. The Neolithic agricultural population living along the Black Sea coast was the most affected, and they were unable to continue farming. At its worst, 72,700 square kilometers of land were flooded, a period that lasted about 34 years. The same phenomenon occurs along the Mediterranean coast, where about 1120 square kilometres of land are flooded.

All this caused 14. 50,000 farmers (mainly in Eastern Europe) migrated west in search of more suitable arable land. Their arrival accelerated local social change and drove lifestyle changes, most likely the spread of early agriculture to the rest of Europe.

British professor Chris Turney, head of the research team, pointed out that the event has been passed down from generation to generation, giving the impression that there was a great flood all over the world, which may also be the origin of the story of Noah's Ark.


The first documented modern explorer to climb Mount Ararat was the German physician Friedrich Parot, who went up the mountain in 1829 but did not find the obvious remains of Noah's Ark. However, he admired a cross worshipped by Orthodox priests in the Abbey of Archimeazin (which was destroyed during an eruption of Mount Ararat in 1840), which appeared to have been made of wood from the ship recorded in the Bible. Expeditions up to 1955 had also been unsuccessful, but then the French industrialist Fernand-Navarre, after his third expedition to Mount Ararat, brought back an oak beam, which he asserted was faintly visible under the glacier of a boat that had fallen from it.

Explore the Ark

Whether Noah's Ark is legendary or realistic

A team of American explorers announced that signs of human habitation had been found on the seabed of the Black Sea hundreds of feet deep. About 7,500 years ago, these dwellings were engulfed by a ferocious flood. Some scientists assert that there is some connection between this cataclysmic event and the story of Noah's Ark told in the Bible.

Robert Ballard, best known for his discovery of the Titanic's wreckage in 1985, claimed that an expeditionary team he led had made another major gain in the Black Sea, twelve miles off the coast of Turkey. At a depth of three hundred and ten feet below sea level, a rectangular foundation was found. He suspected that it might have been the site of an old building before it was swallowed up by the water. Judging by the size of the building, the Black Sea was surrounded by a large population.

Ballard's expedition was intended for a five-week expedition, but in the second week they made a breakthrough discovery. They were ready to continue exploring, looking for as many foundations as possible. Accurately sketch and take photos of underwater building sites, record the original appearance in detail, and then organize the salvage work. When the time comes, the found cultural relics will be made public for analysis and characterization by the scientific community. Ballard was not in a hurry to link the monstrous flood depicted in the Bible to this discovery in the Black Sea, and he had to gather enough evidence to draw conclusions.

Three days earlier, the expedition had tied a dishwasher-sized rover to an optical cable to photograph the terrain of the seabed. Combined with sonar equipment, a foundation 45 feet long and 12 feet wide was found. Wooden beams, tree branches and stone tools are scattered in the silt, and they appear in the transition period between the Neolithic and Bronze Age, about seven thousand years ago.

Frederick Hibbert, an archaeologist at the University of Pennsylvania, points out that the architectural style of mud smearing on branches found on the seabed is quite representative of the area around the Black Sea. He excitedly hailed the discovery as "the excavation of another Pompeii", and its clues will rewrite the cultural history of this key region connecting Eurasia and the Middle East, far beyond the discovery of the titanic's wreckage. According to foreign media reports, expeditions from Hong Kong, China and Turkey said they found the wreckage of the legendary Noah's Ark near Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, and tests found that these wreckage dates back to 4800 years ago, the period of existence of Noah's Ark described in Genesis. Hong Kong director Yeung Wing-cheung said: "While we can't be 100% sure it's Noah's Ark, it's 99.9 percent likely." Yang Yongxiang and a team of 15 other evangelicals actively explored the highest peak in Turkey. According to the expedition team, they found seven large wooden capsules beneath the snow and volcanic remnants near Mount Ararat, at an altitude of more than 13,000 feet (about 3,960 meters), and tests on a piece of wood taken from there dated to 2800 BC. If it turns out to be Noah's Ark, it would be the most significant discovery in the history of archaeology, as well as confirming one of the most famous stories in the Bible. The expedition members were all from Noah's Ark Ministries International in Hong Kong. They said they found the wreckage of Noah's Ark in October 2009 on Mount Ararat, which is also the last anchorage of Noah's Ark described in the Bible. The expedition held a press conference on April 27 to announce the news. Panelist Panda Lee said: "I saw a structure made of wood like planks. Each plank is about 8 inches (about 20 centimeters) wide. I could see the mortise, which was evidence of ancient architecture before the use of metal nails. We walked 100 meters to another place and I saw fragments of broken wood embedded in the glacier, about 20 meters long. The expedition said the entire wooden structure had multiple cabins, some with wooden beams, and one of the cabins had a smooth, slightly curved wooden wall, and the footage they released showed doors, stairs and nails inside. They say the wood appears to have been taken from cypress trees, and that noah's ark was built from "Gopher wood," an unidentified tree, according to the Bible. The expedition ruled out the possibility that wooden boats were human settlements, explaining that such settlements had never been found at such high altitudes to date. They did not disclose the exact point where they found suspected noah's ark. Four years ago, after a decade of research, U.S. national security analyst Porcher Taylor announced that satellite photos showed an "anomalous object" in the northwest corner of Mount Ararat, which he believed was the wreckage of Noah's Ark. However, British archaeologist Mike Pitt said the Joint China-Turkey expedition had not provided any convincing evidence. "If there had been a flood there that could have lifted a giant ship up to the mountainside 4,800 years ago, then I think there could be geological evidence of this flood in the world, and the problem is no," he said. Nicholas Purcell, a lecturer in ancient history at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, said the latest research is actually "cliché". "If Eurasia was covered by floods more than three thousand meters deep in 2800 AD, how did the centuries-old Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations survive under such conditions," he said. According to the Old Testament-Genesis of the Bible, Noah's Ark was a great ship built according to God's instructions, and God wanted to flood the world to punish those who sin. The story was widely regarded as fact, and it wasn't until the 19th century that scientists began to question the evidence for such a global flood.

Ark Ruins

The story of Noah's Ark is from the Bible, and legend has it that this square vessel was built to enable Noah, his family, and various land creatures around the world to escape a Great Flood caused by God. An expedition of Hong Kongers and Turks announced that they had found the remains of Noah's Ark at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters above sea level in Mount Ale in eastern Turkey and successfully entered the ark of giant wooden structures, where they also found pottery, ropes and seed-like objects.

Latest explorations

Noah's Ark has been found! Experts rejoice: the mystery of more than 4,000 years ago has finally been solved

Chinese and foreign expeditions claim to have found Noah's Ark in Turkey

On April 28, 2010, a team of Hong Kongers and Turks announced in Beijing that they had found the remains of Noah's Ark at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters above sea level in Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, and successfully entered the ark of a huge wooden structure, where the team also found pottery, ropes and seed-like objects. This discovery has attracted the attention of Turkish government officials.

The members of the expedition said in an interview that they can be 99.9% sure that the ruins we found are noah's ark. The Ark has a total of 7 spaces, the largest of which is 5 meters high and 10 meters long. The Ark is divided into upper, middle and lower levels, and there are several compartments, one of which has a wooden pole fence and some ropes, which we guess the Noahs used to keep animals in captivity.

The expedition said they had conducted carbon identification on the remains. The results prove that the remains of this discovery date back 4,800 years, which is also the age of Noah's Ark mentioned in the Bible.

Gretel Ayton, a famous Dutch ark explorer who participated in the exploration, said that the remains of Noah's Ark found this time have many details that coincide with historical records: the height is more than 4,000 meters, the ark is slightly inclined on the mountain, and it is a brownish red wood, quite rectangular, Ayton said, there is a lot of evidence that this wooden structure is the noah's ark in the Bible.

Misin-Blu, director of the Cultural Bureau of Turkey's Yale province, said that for more than two thousand years, historical records and eyewitness evidence have pointed to an ancient large ship that sheltered from the flood and anchored on Mount Ararat, which was believed to be Noah's Ark. The rectangular wooden structure discovered by the expedition, as well as preliminary scientific research, believes that this is the remains of Noah's Ark in the historical record.

The expedition's astonishing discovery did not convince everyone, with media outlets saying that the wooden facilities in the ruins appeared to be made of cypress wood rather than the Gopher wood mentioned in the Bible.

At the same time, Nicholas Purcell, a scholar of ancient history at oxford university in the United Kingdom, also said that such discoveries are often announced, and there is nothing new in the statements of the chinese and Turkish explorers.

Four years ago, american Poncher Taylor announced after a decade of exploration and research that the remains of Noah's Ark had been discovered through satellite images.

According to The Oxford University scholar Purcell, "If the flood rose to an altitude of 4,000 meters in Eurasia in 2800 BC, how did the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations, which had existed for centuries at that time, continue to develop?" ”

Mike Pitt, another British archaeologist, also said, "If there is such a devastating flood, I think there is relevant geographical evidence everywhere in the world." ”

However, explorers from both countries were not discouraged. With the support of the Turkish government, they plan to apply to UNESCO to protect the site from archaeological excavations.

In the eastern part of present-day Turkey, near the border between Armenia and Iran, there is a mountain called Mount Ararat, which the Turks call Aghri Dagh. Judy Mountain This mountain has two peaks, the Great Ararat, which is 16,804 feet (5,122 meters) high, and the Little Ararat, which is 12,840 feet (3,914 meters) high Ararat). "Greater Ararat" is above 14,000 feet (4,267 m) above sea level, with snow all year round. This mountain is believed to be where the Ark stayed. The expedition said they had conducted carbon identification on the remains. It turns out that the ruins of this discovery date back 4800 years, which is also the age of Noah's Ark mentioned in the Bible and Qur'an.

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