
In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

author:The twilight city is far away

In the spring of 1959, Chairman Mao's Nineteen Poems was published. After Hu Shi saw the "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" in it, he wrote in his diary: "Real meat and hemp! None of the words of "Butterfly Love Flowers" that the people of the whole country have praised are universal. At the same time, he also commented on Chairman Mao's words, and there were many places that did not rhyme.

However, as early as 1916, Hu Shi said in the "Discussion on the Improvement of Literature": "The literati of the modern era are stained with tone, and between the words and sentences, there is neither lofty thought nor sincere emotion, and the decline of literature is the big reason." ”

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

It turned out that Hu Shi did not approve of paying too much attention to sound rhythm when writing poetry. However, at that time, he used this to evaluate Chairman Mao's words that did not rhyme, so did he not slap himself?

Although Hu Shi's learning is not small, his personality is very stubborn and extreme, and he is not objective and fair when looking at problems, and he often adopts "double standards".

After evaluating "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi", Hu Shi immediately took up his pen and wrote a "Tolerance and Freedom". In fact, for people and things that do not meet his wishes, he will never allow others to have "freedom".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" >, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi"</h1>

"Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi"

I lost pride in Yang Jun and lost willow, and Yang Liu flew straight up to the heavy Xiao Jiu. Asking Wu Ganghe everything, Wu Gang held out osmanthus wine.

Lonely Chang'e Shu wide sleeves, long miles in the sky and dance for loyal souls. Suddenly reported that the human world had ambushed the tiger, and the tears flew down as a downpour.

As soon as Chairman Mao's poem was published that year, it immediately caused a sensation in China. Because behind this song, there is also a tear-jerking story.

In 1957, Li Shuyi, the wife of Chairman Mao's former comrade-in-arms Liu Zhixun, wrote a letter to Chairman Mao. Attached to the letter was a poem Written in 1933 in memory of her sacrificial husband, "The Dream of Bodhisattva Man."

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

At the same time, she also asked Chairman Mao for Chairman Mao's old work "Yu Meiren Pillow" in his youth. Chairman Mao felt that the word was not appropriate, so he re-created "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" and sent it to Li Shuyi.

The Yang and Liu mentioned in the first sentence of "Butterfly Love Flower Answering Li Shuyi" "I lost my pride in Yang Jun and lost Willow" are exactly each other's lovers Yang Kaihui and Liu Zhixun who sacrificed because of the revolution. So, why did Hu Shi say that this song "doesn't make any sense"?

The first sentence of this song, "I lost the proud Yang", is used very specially. It is said that there is another version of this word, and when Chairman Mao showed it to his family, the arrogance of the sun was changed to "jiao" next to the female character, because it referred to women.

When it was officially published, it was changed to this arrogant pride. Some people asked Chairman Mao why he should use this "arrogance," and Chairman Mao replied: Women are not proud because of the loss of their roots in the revolution.

This means that Chairman Mao believes that the martyr Yang Kaihui, as a woman, was sacrificed for the revolution like a man, so he should praise her with the arrogance of the sun and the arrogance of a generation of heavenly pride.

In addition to the doubts about this other word, Hu Shi mainly believes that there is a problem with the rhyme of the words "dance", "tiger" and "rain" in this word. To this end, Hu Shi also specially consulted Zhao Yuanren, an expert in phonology.

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

After Zhao Yuanren conducted research, he also believed that this word was indeed a problem in rhyming. But the "problem" discovered by Hu Shi and Zhao Yuanren was actually "deliberately done" by Chairman Mao.

In 1958, Chairman Mao once said in the author's self-annotation: In order to take care of the emotional expression of poetry and not to be harmed by rhyme, he "broke the box" to fill in the words. In fact, this practice is also a kind of development and innovation of ancient poetry.

After all, the old rhyme books of Song Ci were all formed a thousand years ago. Time has passed, and the original rhyming word is still not rhyming when read today. Hu Shi himself also stressed in the "Discussion on literary improvement" that poetry creation should pay more attention to the expression of emotions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > second, Hu Shi's "double standard"</h1>

Although Hu Shi was a very learned person, he was "not very reasonable." I once read an article about him criticizing Chinese playing mahjong, in which he exaggerated the harm of mahjong, and even said that "the Ming Dynasty died in playing mahjong."

Here I will not discuss his fallacy of "playing mahjong to destroy the country", but only to say that Hu Shi mentioned a gossip in a paragraph in the article: According to Hu Shi, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, Chinese mahjong spread to Europe and was all the rage.

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

At that time, Women in Europe were influenced by Chinese and liked to play mahjong, but European men did not allow them to play. Because China was very backward at that time, many Europeans, including Albert Einstein, looked at the Chinese at that time, just like looking at primitive people.

Poverty, barbarism, low IQ, how can such barbarian entertainment be popular in europe? Therefore, European men are very disgusted with Chinese mahjong. Although Women in Europe love to play mahjong, Europe is dominated by men.

Therefore, European men worked together, and within a few years, they finally extinguished the "Chinese mahjong tide". Hu Shi expressed great appreciation for this and took the opportunity to greatly admire European civilization and wisdom.

At this time, under Hu Shi's eyes, he absolutely could not see how lacked freedom and how human rights were lacking in European women at that time. Just because men don't like it, they have to give up their favorite entertainment.

Returning to the matter of writing poetry, Hu Shi was originally a pioneer of poetry reform. Some people say that his "Discussion on the Reform of Literature" is all about poetry, so it should be renamed "Discussion on the Improvement of Poetry".

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

In order to promote the advanced culture of the West and encourage Chinese to abandon ancient poetry and write new vernacular poems, Hu Shi himself created a very famous poem "Butterfly":

Two yellow butterflies, both flying into the sky.

For some reason, a sudden fly back.

The remaining one, lonely and pitiful.

Nor is there a heart to heaven, and heaven is too lonely.

Although today's netizens have said that hu shi's level of writing poetry is similar to that of the warlord Zhang Zongchang, some netizens still read some "poetry" from it. However, his poem is clearly out of step with the norms of the Five Laws.

It can be seen that Hu Shi is obviously a "double standard habitual offender" who is "strict with discipline and lenient with himself"! As a well-known "literary hero" in modern Chinese history, Hu Shi's "temperament" and "cultivation", and even "character" are very suspicious.

Only if everything is in line with Hu Shi's wishes, he will appreciate it. He often looks at problems only once, less than the rest, and likes to selectively praise and purposefully criticize.

In 1957, Chairman Mao filled out a poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers", and what kind of evaluation did Hu Shi give after reading it? First, Hu Shi's eyes of "Butterfly Love Flower Answer Li Shuyi" Second, Hu Shi's "double standard" conclusion

Hu Shi constantly criticized Chairman Mao's poems elsewhere, but Chairman Mao did not bother with him, but on the contrary believed that "criticism must not have good words", and repeatedly advised Hu Shi to return to the mainland.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > conclusion</h1>

Hu Shi's temper is a bit eccentric and willful, and we can see from the sentence in his diary that the reason why he wanted to criticize Chairman Mao's "Butterfly Love Flower and Answer To Li Shuyi" was because he felt that "the people of the whole country are praised" and "really meat and hemp."

For Hu Shi, others say good, but he wants to say bad. So Hu Shi went to read this poem with the idea of "provoking". The result is that there is no problem, and he can pick out a basket of problems.

This is to remind all friends who want to read: to evaluate a poem or an article, you have to put aside your prejudices, really read it, and then comment. Instead of being like Hu Shi, he first put on a pair of "colored glasses" and read it with the mind of "finding stubble".

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