
This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

author:Small taste

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

Today, when I saw someone selling kale at the wet market, I bought some to go home and prepare to make a more traditional Cantonese dish "kale stir-fried sausage" with the remaining sausages at home. Kale is a vegetable grown in Guangdong, China, the rhizome of kale is thick and upright, the cell tissue is tight, there is less water, and there is a layer of wax on the surface, so it is crisp and sweet when chewed, and the glucosinolates in the kale can also be degraded into carotene that can fight cancer, and regular consumption can also play a role in reducing cholesterol and other functions.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

The sausage we use is one of our very distinctive meat products, according to legend, the sausage can be created before the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the "enema method" has been recorded in the Northern Wei's "Qi Min Zhi Shu", which has been passed down to the present. Sausage is a kind of meat grinded into a puree, and then poured into the casing made, the flavor of sausage is delicious, mellow and rich, but also many friends like a meaty food.

Kale stir-fried sausage is also one of our more classic methods, remember when I was a child, my mother would often go to buy some kale to go home and some of the sausages were fried to eat, the unique flavor of the sausage itself and the fragrant kale mixed together, full of flavor, and rich in nutrition. It can also enhance our appetite, and now as long as we eat this dish, we will feel particularly close, as if we are back to when we were young at home waiting for our mother to cook the delicious food.

Now let's take a look at how this flavorful kale stir-fried sausage is made.

【Dish name】:Kale stir-fried sausage

【Ingredients required】: 4 kale stalks, 1 dachshund, edible oil, 2 cloves of garlic, a little oyster sauce, a small amount of chicken essence

【Cooking steps】:

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

1. First peel off the leaves of the purchased kale, leaving only the thick rhizome, and try to choose a larger and tenderer rhizome when purchasing.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

2. Wash the kale with the leaves removed and place them on the board, cut it diagonally with a knife into thin and medium-thick slices for later.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

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3. Cut the sausages diagonally into slices and set aside, then peel the prepared 2 cloves of garlic and cut them into garlic slices for later.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

4. Heat the pot with an appropriate amount of cooking oil, when the oil temperature reaches 80% heat, sauté the cut garlic slices until fragrant, then add the cut sausages and stir-fry.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

5. When the sausages are nearly transparent, put the cut kale slices in the pan and stir-fry evenly.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

6. When the kale is also stir-fried until it changes color slightly, add 1 spoonful of oyster sauce and 1/2 spoonful of chicken essence to taste, if it feels too dry, you can also add a little water to the pot and stir-fry.

This dish is crispy and sweet, and stir-fried with sausages, it is full of flavor and nutrients

7. Once the kale and sausages are all cooked, they can be put out of the pot and plated, so that a plate of flavorful kale stir-fried sausages is ready. You can try to do it at home.

【Cooking Skills】:

1. When buying kale, try to choose a thick rhizome, but pay attention to the selection, there are some rhizome thick kale will be older, we can use our fingers to try it.

2. When stir-frying, kale is not easy to cook through because most of the choices are rhizomes, so you can add a little water to fry for a longer time when frying, so as to better maintain the moisture in the dish.

3. Kale is suitable for the general population to eat, especially people with low appetite and high cholesterol, but Chinese medicine believes that eating kale often will have some inhibitory effect on the sex hormone honey, so it is recommended that everyone eat kale in moderation, and the number of times per week should not be too much.

4. The salt content of the sausage itself is relatively high, so you can add no or less salt when stir-frying.

【Copywriter】The sea is shining