
How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

author:Food supplements

On TV, advertisements on mobile phones about zinc supplementation for babies are overwhelming, and mothers can easily sit in the right seat after watching it.

"Nibbling on your nails? It seems to be..."

"Picky eater, don't like to eat? Recently it has been like this..."

"Poor immunity? Yes, I always have to catch a cold..."

Rounding it was determined that the baby was deficient in zinc, and he took home a bunch of nutrients.

In fact, it is meaningless to judge whether a baby is zinc deficient from the symptoms. For example, nibbling on nails may be the baby's nervousness. There is no appetite, it may also be a problem with the addition of complementary foods, and we cannot conclude that the child is zinc deficient.

Although zinc is important, the baby's demand is not large:

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

In the foods we eat daily, seafood shellfish, red meat, liver, fungi, etc. all contain enough zinc, as long as we often make these foods for our children, it is impossible to be zinc deficient.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

Today to recommend a bowl of zinc soup to mothers, I specially added a zinc supplement expert "dried scallops". Cooked with white radish, it can not only remove the fishy smell in the dried scallops, but also have the effect of suppressing cough and promoting digestion.

Recently, the weather has gradually become hotter, the baby's sweating has increased, sweat will take away some zinc elements, mothers can drink more of this soup for the baby, zinc supplementation at the same time can also replenish water.

Hydration and zinc to promote digestion, hot days are good for this mouthful!

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

Recipe name: Fresh shellfish emerald soup

Reference month age: 11M+

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

1, preparation materials: dried scallops: 5 grams, lettuce: 5 grams, egg whites: 10 grams, cucumbers: 50 grams, white radish: 70 grams, water starch: 15 grams

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

2: Pour dried scallops into clean water and soak for 30 minutes.

»Dried scallops are the product of scallops after drying, the taste is relatively hard, mothers must buy them back after soaking in water Oh.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

3: Tear the soaked scallops into thin wires by hand.

»Tearing into filaments makes it easier for babies to chew and digest.«

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

4: Cut the white radish into thin strips, blanch the water for 3 minutes on high heat, remove it, change a pot of water and blanch the water again for 3 minutes. In another pot, bring the water to a boil and pour in the cucumbers and lettuce, blanch the water for 3 minutes on high heat.

»Vegetable blanching can remove most of the oxalic acid and residual pesticides.

»Shredded white radish can be blanched twice to better remove the spicy taste.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

5: Shred the lettuce and cucumber.

»Moms can decide the size of the ingredient particles based on their baby's ability to chew.«

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

6: Pour dry bees and 600 ml of water into the milk pot and cook for 15 minutes on high heat.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

7: Add shredded white radish and cucumber and continue to cook for 3 minutes.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

8: After boiling water, pour in the water starch while stirring with a spoon, and cook for another 2 minutes.

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

9: Then pour in the egg whites and stir with a spoon.

»When pouring egg whites, do not pour them all into the pot at once, otherwise it is easy to clump and need to be poured slowly.«

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

10, finally pour in the shredded lettuce, cook for 3 minutes, you can get out of the pot ~ ~

How much zinc your baby needs to supplement every day, tell you today

A bowl of crystal clear, refreshing, non-greasy fresh shellfish emerald soup is complete.

The sparkling soup is paired with turquoise shredded lettuce, and just looking at it makes you want to take a big bite. The entrance is delicious and refreshing, dispels the dry heat of the changing seasons, and gives the baby a bowl of it

【Add Essentials】

● Babies who eat dried scallops for the first time should be added separately to confirm that they are not allergic, so that they can continue to try.

● Babies with egg white allergies can not put egg whites, and it is also possible to change egg yolks!

【Knowledge Extension】

Some mothers have left a message saying that measuring trace elements can diagnose zinc deficiency in babies? The answer is: no! Trace elements in the human body content is very small, the detection needs to be very precise, which brings a problem, detection accuracy up, it is easy to be interfered with. If you use fingertip blood, you have to poke at the child's finger, and then squeeze out, in fact, the blood sample has been diluted during the squeeze, and the zinc in the human body is mainly present in muscles, bones, skin and internal organs, and is not mainly in the blood, the level of blood zinc does not explain the problem.