
Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

How to make fresh pepper noodles

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

Fresh pepper flavor sauce seasoning table:

Soy sauce, salt 3 g, chicken powder 1 g, garlic puree to taste

Coiled pepper rings, millet chili rings, chives

Red oil, pepper oil, sesame oil

1 scoop of white sesame seeds, white rice vinegar

Preparation Method:

1, first of all, the mouth strip is washed with water, add water to the pot, and the entrance strip is lowered

Add a little cooking wine to the pot to remove the odor from the mouth

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

2, boil the water for about 5 minutes, and then fish out the strip, rinse with water to cool, after the water on the surface of the skin is easier to remove,

When scraping with a knife, pay attention to safety and do not cut the hand

Then scrub it clean with a clean wire ball

Finally, rinse in clean water and set aside

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

3, the pot on the heat, the next entrance strip for the second time to rinse the water, remove the surface impurities and then wash it with water

4: Start brine strips below, add a piece of cinnamon, 3 grams of cumin, 3 star anise, 2 white buttons, 5 grams of peppercorns, 4 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 ginseng root, and 1 piece of grass and half a piece of ginger in the pot

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

5, then put the mouth strip into the pot, add ginger slices, dried pepper to an appropriate amount, add the appropriate amount of water in the pot, the water should flood the mouth strip, put the pot on the fire to make the mouth strip

The brine time is about 45 minutes

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

6: Start seasoning below, add 3 spoons of salt 15 grams, soy sauce 80 grams, soy sauce 10 grams of pepper 1 spoon, bring water to a boil and reduce the heat

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

7, low heat brine mouth strip about 50 minutes can be turned off the heat to soak, soaking time 6 hours

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

8, the brine of the mouth strip to change the knife, the thick place of the mouth strip to correct, and then the unformed cut into pieces of the bottom, the meat is relatively complete after cutting and installed on the plate

After 8 or 6 hours, fish out the mouth strips and set aside

Let's start mixing with the sauce of the fresh pepper strips

Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce to the bowl, salt 3 grams, chicken powder 1 gram, garlic paste to taste, then add fresh pepper rings, millet chili rings and chives, pour red oil into it, add the appropriate amount of pepper oil, and then add sesame oil,

Add another scoop of white sesame seeds and add white rice vinegar to taste

Stir the above spices well and set aside

9. Pour the mixed sauce evenly on the top of the mouth strip

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips

There are 3 points to pay attention to when making fresh pepper mouth strips

1. The mouth strip should be cleaned, and the knife should not be scraped off with a steel wire ball

2. The time of salting is 45 minutes, and the original soup is soaked for 6 hours after the marinade is better

3. Sauce can be seasoned according to your taste preferences

Illustrates the detailed preparation method of fresh pepper strips