
Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

author:Life Almighty Little Helper

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > spinach</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: spinach, peanuts


Prepare the spinach and peanuts, chop the shallots and take two slices of ginger and finely shredded. Prepare oil, salt, sweet and sour and other excipients.

Heat a wok and pour in the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, heat the oil and turn the heat to a minimum, pour in the washed peanuts and stir-fry continuously with a stir-frying spoon. When the peanuts crackle in the pan and the frequency of the sound decreases (or observe the color of the peanuts stir-fried until golden), turn off the heat.

Place the sautéed peanuts in a bowl and sprinkle with salt.

Add the right amount of water to another pot, bring to a boil, put the washed spinach in the pot, wait a minute and then remove the spinach and filter it with cool water. Squeeze the water on top of the spinach dry and cut into appropriate lengths.

Place the spinach in a slightly larger container, pour in the peanuts, and a pinch of white sugar and shallots, and pour the balsamic vinegar to the right amount. Stir well and place on a plate. A delicious cold dish is ready.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold-mixed chicken gizzard</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: chicken gizzard, coriander, cucumber

Blanch the raw chicken gizzard in boiling water, then wash and drain and set aside

Put cold water in a small pot, pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, add some salt, and then put in the dried chili peppers, star anise, cinnamon, bring to a boil over high heat, become a marinade

Then put the blanched chicken gizzards on medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and soak for half an hour

Remove the marinated chicken gizzard and cut the chicken gizzard into slices

Wash the parsley, cut the parsley into segments, and cut the green and red peppers into strips

Put the chicken gizzards, coriander, and green and red peppers together

Add seasonings: sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, soy sauce, chili oil, sesame pepper oil

Mix well and serve

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > peanuts mixed with celery</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: 200 grams of peanuts, 250 grams of celery, 50 grams of carrots, half anise, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, sugar, vinegar, peppercorn oil


Add water to the pot, add star anise and salt, pour in peanuts and cook;

Celery degluced diced;

Cooked peanuts are fished out to cool; carrots are peeled and diced;

Bring water to a boil in a pot and blanch the celery cubes;


Put soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, sugar, vinegar and pepper oil in a small bowl to taste well;

Put the celery, peanuts and carrots together in a large bowl, pour in the sauce and mix well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > big mix</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: purple cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, bitter chrysanthemum, monk fruit, fried peanuts

Cut the purple cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, bitter chrysanthemum, and monk fruit and set aside

Mix the sweet and sour juice. Combine sugar, soy sauce and apple cider vinegar.

Add chives, parsley, coriander, coriander leaves and fruit vinegar juice to a pot and cook for 3 minutes on high heat. After 3 minutes, turn off the heat, pick out the chives, coriander and coriander leaves, and set aside the cold vegetable juice to cool.

Mix all the vegetables in a salad bowl, add the fried peanuts and rice, and pour the universal cold vegetable juice over the vegetables.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold shredded tofu</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

300 grams of shredded tofu, 18 grams of shredded green onion, 2 red peppers, 1 cucumber, 1/2 tablespoon salt, 3 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, a little monosodium glutamate, 2 drops of wood ginger seed oil, and 1/2 tablespoons of vegetable oil


Wash and shred cucumber and put it in a basin (cucumber shredded can be added or subtracted according to personal preference)

Shredded tofu is rolled into pieces and cucumber shredded together in a pot

Cut the green onion into strips and place on the shredded tofu, and cut the red pepper into strips and place on the green onion

Add salt and MSG (put the tofu shredded edges, do not let the oil pour directly on the MSG, or add it later)

Add rice vinegar and soy sauce

Pour vegetable oil into the pan

Add two drops of wood ginger seed oil, never too much, just a little flavor

When the oil temperature rises, pour over the shredded shallots and peppers to stimulate the aroma, and then mix well and plate


Wood ginger seed oil can also be added without adding, it has a special taste, this casual

My amount of this ingredient is relatively large, enough for two large plates, less people to reduce the amount of operation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cool powder</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: one bowl of mung bean starch, six bowls of water. The ingredients are: 60 grams of peanuts, 10 grams of coriander, 5 grams of chives, 5 grams of garlic, 5 ml of light soy sauce, 10 ml of balsamic vinegar, 1 g of salt, 2 grams of sugar, 1 g of chicken essence, a few drops of sesame oil, 2 spoons of chili oil, and 2 spoons of lao dry mother tempeh.

Mix the mung bean starch with a bowl of water, stir well and sift through.

Pour the remaining five bowls of water into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

Slowly pour the starch paste into a pot of boiling water and stir as you pour. After the starch paste boils and bubbles, reduce the heat. Continue stirring until the batter is transparent.

Place the prepared starch paste in the crisper.

Refrigerate for 2 hours after cooling.

Soak peanuts in boiling water for ten minutes to facilitate peeling.

Peeled peanuts are placed in a pan and fried over low heat until golden brown.

Crush the peanuts into small pieces and set aside.

Mince the garlic, finely chop the parsley and chives and set aside. Then mix a bowl of sauce with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, chicken essence, sugar, chili oil and sesame oil.

Cut the coagulated cold powder into strips, sprinkle with minced garlic and drizzle with a bowl of juice. Sprinkle with ground peanuts, old dried tempeh, coriander, and chives.

Mung bean starch is available in supermarkets. If you can't buy it, you can replace it with other starches.

The ratio of water to starch is important. Measure with the same bowl.

When pouring starch paste into the pot, be sure to stir constantly. Otherwise, it is easy to form gnocchi, which affects the taste.

The prepared cold powder is not suitable for not being stored in the refrigerator for a long time, which will affect the taste.

The sauce can be made to your taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold mixed enoki mushrooms</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: fresh enoki mushrooms, coriander, soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken essence

Wash the mushrooms, cut off the old part of the tail, and if they are connected, tear them open.

Bring water to a boil, add the mushrooms, cook a little and scoop them up and cool.

Wash the coriander, rinse with boiled water, chop and place on top of the enoki mushrooms.

Add a little soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken essence and mix well. Refreshing and delicious, nutrient-rich. Beloved.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Northeast Lapier</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: 1 sachet of peeling, cucumber, coriander, carrot, green onion, chili pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame sauce to taste

raw materials

Various materials are shredded

And good sesame paste, add salt and MSG

Pour onto the peel and mix well

Pull open do not directly separate, so it is easy to rot,

Tip: Open the pull-up bubble in the water, slowly tear it apart by hand in the water, it is easy to separate and fast

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold cucumber</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Wash the cucumbers, remove the head and tail, cut into strips and plate

Add salt, minced garlic, sesame oil, sesame oil, vinegar and chicken essence

Stir well

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold jellyfish</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Soak the jellyfish in cool water and change the water a few times to remove the salty taste.

Purple cabbage, cucumber shredded.

Prepare the minced garlic.

Sugar, aged vinegar, pure flavor fresh soy sauce, salt, sesame oil mix well.

The water boiled and the jellyfish blanched the water for 5 seconds and fished out immediately.

Jellyfish, purple cabbage, cucumbers in a large bowl.

Pour the juice in.

Cooked white sesame seeds and mix well.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > sauce beef</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: beef tendon meat

Wash the dirt on the surface of the beef tendon meat with running water, put the whole piece into a pot of cold water and cook it on high heat, after boiling, skim off the blood foam on the water surface, and skim while cooking, about 15 minutes or so, the blood in it will be removed. Drain the meat pieces.

Put the beef tendon meat into the soup pot, add hot water until it is completely past the meat noodles, add soy sauce, yellow sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine, green onion, ginger slices and peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon in a gauze bag, cover and cook for half an hour, then reduce the heat and simmer for more than 2 hours, and finally remove the lid of the pot and simmer on high heat for 15 minutes to make the meat evenly flavored.

Scoop out the beef tendon, put a pair of chopsticks on a large bowl, and drain the meat on top to cool.

After the beef is thoroughly cooled, the surface is tight and it can be sliced. When cutting, it should be cut in the direction of the meat fibers, cut into thin slices and plated.

If you like it, you can get some dipping sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, and salt

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold spicy noodles</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: beef tongue, peanut rice, coriander, chili oil, soy sauce, ginger slices, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, licorice, garlic, salt.

Bring the strips to boiling water and cook for five minutes.

Take it out and use a knife to scrape off the thick white moss on the mouth strip and wash it again.

Prepare ginger slices, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, licorice and other large ingredients, rinse well and set aside.

Put the washed mouth strips into a pot, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, ginger slices, large ingredients and appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and simmer for forty minutes.

Pay attention to the middle to turn it over frequently until the chopsticks are easily inserted into it, turn off the heat, and let it soak in it for a few hours.

Slowly fry the peanuts over low heat, peel and set aside.

Take out the soaked noodles and cut them into thin slices, and prepare other ingredients such as coriander segments.

Add minced garlic, coriander, homemade red pepper oil, fried peanuts, vinegar and pepper to the marinated noodles and stir well.

The spicy noodles are served on the table and a good plate of wine is added.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold fungus</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: 50g fungus, 1 bar of green onion white, 1-2 spoons of pickled pepper, 2 spoons of soy sauce (very fresh), 1 spoonful of aged vinegar, sugar

Soak the fungus in cold water, wash it and drain it for later.

Bring water to a boil in a pot, add wood ear fungus and blanch for 1-2 minutes, remove the cold water and drain and set aside, (prepare ingredients during boiling water: shredded shallots, 2 spoons of minced pepper, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of aged vinegar, mix into juice)

Sprinkle the blanched fungus with a little salt, a little sugar, mix in other spices: minced pepper, shredded green onion, soy sauce, vinegar, and mix well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold mix of rotten bamboo</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: curd bamboo, carrot, cucumber, garlic, chili oil, monosodium glutamate, salt

Prepare the bamboo, carrots, garlic and cucumbers.

Cut the bamboo into small pieces.

Cucumber and carrot shredded.

Chop the garlic.

Put the garlic, carrots and cucumbers in a pot and add salt and marinate for five minutes.

Blanch the bamboo in a pot of boiling water for one minute.

Remove and place in Figure 5, add chili oil and MSG and mix well.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > skin egg tofu</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: Inner fat tofu, peeled egg, meat floss, chives, minced garlic, coriander, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, sesame oil

After the inner fat tofu is plated, drain and drain, and cut with a knife;

Sprinkle with pork floss, chop the peeled egg, chop the chives, coriander and garlic and put it on top of the tofu;

Soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar and sesame oil mixed into a juice;

Pour the sauce over the tofu. OK!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > homemade cold skin</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: High gluten flour, water, salt, cooked oil, cucumber, chili oil, 3 spoons, vinegar, garlic paste

Pour the right amount of flour into a basin, put some salt, and add cold water and noodles (water, I use tap water directly). The noodles are harder, and after reconciling, wake up with a lid on for more than 15 minutes.

After the noodles are awakened, they begin to pour water, submerging half of the noodles and kneading them repeatedly. Pour the washed slurry into a large basin.

When washing the face, be sure to keep the washed water until no slurry comes out, which means that it has been washed.

The last gluten can be steamed, optionally boiled, and chosen according to your taste. What I tried here was to cook and it felt tender.

After the slurry has settled for more than 6 hours, the water of the surface layer is poured out, and it must be poured clean.

Mix the remaining slurry well and then strain it on one side with a strainer to prevent the dough from mixing inside.

Pour cold water into the pot and bring to a boil, then brush the pot with a layer of cooked oil to prevent stickiness, pour the powder into the pot, cover the pot and steam for 3 minutes.

Take the vessel and put it in cold water, rinse it, remove the cool skin (I put the water directly in the pool, take it out and put it on the surface) until all the slurry is steamed.

Shred cucumbers, prepare gluten, salt, garlic paste, chili oil and mix well, seasoning according to your taste.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold mix kelp silk</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: Dried kelp, shredded carrots, shredded peppercorns, minced coriander, garlic paste, pepper oil, sesame oil, salt, sugar, vinegar

Prepare dry kelp and shake off the floating dust.

Steam the dried kelp in a steamer for 30-40 minutes.

Soak in water for 2-3 hours after removal.

Wash and cut into strips.

Boil the kelp in boiling water with vinegar and blanch the kelp for 5 minutes and soak in cool water.

Remove the kelp shreds, add the shredded carrots, peppercorns, etc. and mix well with the seasonings.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold mixed bean skin</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: bean skin

The dried bean skin is soaked in water, soaked and then dried for later.

Cut the green onions and onions into strips separately, try to put as much as possible, personally think it is more delicious to put more shredded onions. Mince the garlic.

Take a small pot, add the dried bean skin, add the shredded shallots, shredded onions, minced garlic. Then add chili oil, soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, monosodium glutamate, white vinegar according to personal taste, stir well by hand and you can plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cold mix lotus tablets</h1>

Summer's most complete cold mixed vegetables, appetizers, refreshing and delicious, the method is simple, a learning will be nut spinach cold mix chicken gizzard peanut mix celery big mix vegetables cold mix tofu silk cold powder cold mix enoki mushrooms Northeast Lapier cold mix cucumber cold mix jellyfish sauce beef cold mix spicy mouth strip cold mix wood ear cold mix tofu bamboo skin egg tofu homemade cold skin cold mix kelp silk cold mix bean skin cold mix lotus slices

Ingredients: 500 grams of lotus root, 15 grams of soy sauce, 6 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of green onion, 3 grams of ginger shredded, 3 grams of garlic flakes.

Wash the lotus root, peel it, cut it into slices and blanch it with boiling water, control the moisture and put it on a plate.

On top of the lotus slices, add green onion, ginger shreds, garlic slices, add soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, and mix well.

Is it now so fragrant that it drools? Hahaha ~ learn it yourself, the method is so simple, you can definitely succeed ~ remember to forward and share to your friends, friends who like food click to pay attention to Xiaobian, recommend food methods for you every day Oh ~