
Toothache clear stomach fire Bad breath chew cloves

author:Bright Net

Bad breath, mouth ulcers and toothache, common conditions that occur in the mouth, are often painful and annoying. In the three cases in this issue, we asked Zhou Jizheng, director of Xiamen Ruilaichun Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, and Lu Fangzhou, physician of Xiamen Jiamai Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, to analyze their TCM solutions. Text/Reporter Bai Li Correspondent Xiaofeng Toothache Method: Kidney Supplement to Start Tonic Psoralin Case: Ms. Wang suddenly felt a faint pain at the root of the second large tooth of the left upper tooth when she was preparing to sleep in the early morning, because she was very tired after a busy day, so she did not get up to deal with it and continue to sleep. In the middle of the night, the pain intensified, and the pain woke up twice. Waking up in the morning in a terribly painful sensation, the pain doubled, and the small half of the face connected from the root of the tooth to the temple hurt. She remembered that she had heard that Bai Zhi could relieve pain, so she quickly went to the pharmacy to buy 20 grams of Bai Zhi and fried a bowl of sour medicinal soup to drink, and the pain was indeed alleviated. Analysis: Modern medicine believes that most toothaches are caused by infections caused by various causes, so debridement, anti-inflammatory, and filling are conventional treatment ideas. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, starts from a holistic point of view, with some different understandings. Chinese medicine believes that the human body is a whole, and the teeth, as part of the whole, must be affected by the overall operation of qi and blood. Specifically, the main bone of the kidney, the tooth is the bone, that is, the teeth and the bones, are maintained healthy and normal by the essence of the kidney. On the other hand, the hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and the Foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian surround the mouth, and tooth pain is often related to these two meridians. Why are others not prone to tooth decay, and you are prone to tooth decay? Oral care is not in place is a reason, itself kidney essence kidney qi is insufficient, can not fill the tooth, bone, resulting in dentin is easy to be eroded, which is the root cause. Generally, it is necessary to start from the kidney supplement, psoralen is the key drug, which can supplement the "cream in the bones", fill the essence and pulp, and have a good effect on treating toothache. If you like spicy food, or long-term constipation, the Yang Ming Meridian's Yang heat will be heavier, that is, the stomach fire is large, and these accumulated calories are prone to acute toothache and other oral problems with the distribution of meridians to the mouth, and the scheme of "clearing the diarrhea and stomach fire" can be used. Ms. Wang used Bai Zhi to relieve pain, because Bai Zhi was warm, Xin San Wen Tong, San Yang Ming Jing Yu Hot Qi. It is longer than pain relief, and also enters the stomach meridian (following the upper teeth) and the large intestine meridian (following the lower teeth), so it can treat upper and lower toothache, gum swelling and pain, etc. Bad breath Method: Chewing cloves and eating less Case: According to reports, the famous poet Song Zhiqing of the Tang Dynasty was a general practitioner and was admitted to the position of foreign lang. Originally, with his ability, it was not a problem to be promoted further, but when the list was handed over to Wu Zetian, it was actually blocked. Why? Because Wu Zetian hated him for having severe bad breath. Song Zhiqing was particularly depressed, so he visited famous doctors to treat bad breath. As a result, the doctor gave the formula: eat less. In addition, the doctor asked Mr. Song to often chew clove leaves in his mouth to lower the stomach qi, so that the stomach qi went down and would not bring the smell up. Analysis: Chinese medicine theory believes that people due to hyperactivity of liver fire, gastrointestinal accumulation of damp and evil heat poison, heart fire attack and turbid qi downward, evil colon and stomach; due to damage to the stomach and yin and cause insufficient fluid, damage to the essence of the blood will make the virtual fire depressed hot internal knot; spleen deficiency qi stagnation will also cause cold and hot knots, as well as due to the joint action of climate, spirit, diet and other comprehensive factors to form bad breath. Song Zhiqing is a high-ranking official, the food is naturally good, coupled with the literati good wine, wine and meat through the intestines, it is easy to form stagnation. When the spleen and stomach burden is getting heavier and heavier, the stomach qi that should be going down is blocked by the oil and thick, and it begins to jump upwards, and the smell is soaring. The aroma of clove leaves lowers turbidity and rationalizes the qi. Chewing cloves to remove bad breath has existed since ancient times. The lilac tree is fragrant, but unlike other flowers, its aroma is concentrated in one place, like a nail (the bud is also like a nail). Its effect is to warm the lower qi, can put the cold, wet and turbid yin and the upward and reverse stomach qi, like nails to nail down, so that the qi lowers the stomach and, hiccups, bad breath eliminate. Mouth ulcer Method: Licorice laxative soup ignited down Case: Mr. Chen used to have a cold spleen and stomach, and when the wind blew a cold, he would diarrhea. Especially in the autumn and winter, mouth ulcers begin to appear, one is two or three long, the ulcer surface is large, and the healing is very slow. Looking for a doctor to prescribe a prescription, it is a licorice laxative soup, very symptomatic. Analysis: Mouth ulcers, generally to be divided into virtual and real. If it is a real fire, such as eating hot food such as spicy hot pot, lamb or something, you can use beef yolk detoxification tablets, or yellow with clearing tablets to clear the real fire. If it is a virtual fire caused by yin deficiency, such as overtime, work pressure, and hurry to catch fire, you can use the ignition soup. Generally speaking, mouth ulcers are heat evidence, whether it is ignited downwards, or detoxification, you have to disperse the fire that has accumulated there. Licorice laxative soup is a famous recipe in the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", which has the effect of benefiting qi and stomach, eliminating diarrhea and stopping vomiting. It is not written in the main treatment that it can treat mouth ulcers, but clinically it is a commonly used remedy for mouth ulcers. Why? Because its formula is a formula for treatment of coke deficiency and cold, but the upper coke has heat (virtual fire inflammation). To put it bluntly, the small wheel of the spleen and stomach does not turn, and the fire that should go down cannot go down, and run up. This party is most suitable for young people who are particularly fond of eating cold drinks, working more tired, eating irregularly, and having a weak spleen and stomach. This kind of person has mouth ulcers, and if you blindly use cold anti-inflammatory drugs, it will only hurt the spleen and yang more, resulting in aggravation of symptoms. At this time, the treatment idea should be to warm the spleen and stomach, and at the same time slightly clear the heat, so that the small wheel of the spleen and stomach can operate normally. After the stomach qi and lung qi drop normally, they can bring down the inflammatory fire, and the mouth ulcers will naturally be fine.

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