
Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

author:Dr. Li Jianlin opened the blood vessels

Mr. Li, 67, is a retired truck driver. As soon as he retired, he found himself having some problems urinating. I often feel the urge to urinate, especially when I go to bed at night, and I have to go to the toilet every few hours. In addition, he has become less able to control the flow of urine, sometimes incontinence, and sometimes it takes a lot of effort to drain the urine. These symptoms not only made him feel uncomfortable, but also brought great trouble to his life. So Mr. Li went to the hospital, and after some examination, the doctor diagnosed him with prostatic hyperplasia.

However, Mr. Lee is a natural optimist. The doctor told him that more than half of older men will have some degree of prostatic hyperplasia, and that the disease is manageable, so he does not need to worry too much. After Mr. Li took the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, his condition did improve a lot. Therefore, he did not pay attention to this common "minor illness and pain", just insisted on taking medication, and did not have regular re-examinations.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

Recently, however, he has started to urinate frequently and urgently, and even feels pain and blood when urinating. He thought that his body developed drug resistance after taking the drug for a long time, and privately increased the amount of medicine, but the situation still existed. Mr. Li then decided to go to the hospital for examination, but the results of the examination scared Mr. Li out of half his life. A prostate biopsy report revealed the presence of malignant cancer cells in his prostate tissue, known as prostate cancer.

Mr. Li didn't understand, how could a small illness deteriorate into cancer? Let's learn how to protect men's "life glands" together.

First, a small prostate, protect great health

The prostate gland is a male gland, and the growth and apoptosis of its gland cells are regulated by hormones. Young children's prostates are very small, but they grow rapidly in adolescence, and gradually shrink in old age, and the reduced part may be replaced by hyperplastic connective tissue, forming an enlarged prostate.

Although this gland is only about the size and size of a walnut, it is precisely this "little guy" who controls men's urination and sexual function, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the male "life gland".

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

The prostate gland is located below the bladder, in front of the rectum, around the walls of the urethral canal and close to the ejaculatory duct. Due to the peculiarities of its location, the prostate is like a "valve" in the urethra, relaxing and contracting according to the instructions issued by the brain, completing the process of urination and ejaculation.

When the bladder is filled with urine, the brain produces the urge to urinate and asks the prostate gland to open the "valve." At this point, the smooth muscles of the prostate relax and urine is able to flow out of the bladder through the urethra. In order to make the flow of urine smoother and more stable, the muscles of the prostate will gradually contract and finally close the "valve" and wait for the next urination instruction. The prostate also controls the ejaculation process through a similar method, and when orgasm is reached, the muscles of the prostate contract sharply, pushing semen into the urethra and then ejaculating outside the body.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

In addition to controlling urine flow and ejaculation, the secretory effect of the prostate, as the largest accessory gland in men, is also crucial for the body.

Prostatic fluid is a substance secreted by the prostate gland before ejaculation, which is generally stored in the ducts of the glands and released into the urethra to mix with semen when needed. Because it is rich in nutrients, it can provide sufficient energy for sperm survival and activity that ejaculate outside the body. The antimicrobial components in the prostate fluid protect sperm from pathogens such as external bacteria.

In addition, prostate fluid is an alkaline substance, when sperm come to the female vagina, this fluid can neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, create suitable living conditions for sperm, and increase the chance of conception.

Prostaglandins, on the other hand, have similar names to prostatic fluid, but have very different functions. Prostaglandins are a biologically active substance in prostate secretion and belong to fatty acid derivatives. It can not only regulate the body's inflammatory response and immune cell activity, but also affect the relaxation and contraction of blood vessels, regulate blood pressure and blood flow. In addition, it is also involved in the ejaculation process, assisting the body to perform various reproductive functions.

The prostate plays an important role as a "goalkeeper" in the male physiological process, guarding the normal operation of all aspects of the man's body functions, but this "goalkeeper" is not as strong as a man, but is very easy to "make trouble".

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

Second, what is the relationship between prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer?

"As long as you live for a long time, you will definitely run into prostate problems."

Although this phrase, which is widely circulated in the circle of male friends, has a bit of a mocking taste, it does tell the truth. Common prostate problems include prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the prostate, and prostate cancer. A foreign health science website once conducted a survey, more than half of the men have been plagued by at least one of the above prostate diseases.

Many men have gone to the hospital when they were young due to problems such as frequent urination, urgency and painful urination, and I believe that the four big words "prostatitis" are very likely to appear on the diagnosis list. Bacterial infections such as Escherichia coli and glucococcus are the "original culprits" of prostatitis. The various unhealthy lifestyle habits of modern people have made this disease widespread among young men.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

In 2020, the professor of urology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine conducted a statistical analysis of the existing data of the National Health Administration, and the systematic data showed that prostatitis is the most common urinary disease in men under the age of 50, about 11%~16% of men have suffered from this disease, and about 84 million US dollars per year for the treatment of prostatitis. Considering that some patients may not go to the hospital for various reasons, the real figure may be even higher.

There is no direct data to show an inevitable relationship between prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer, but there are some research data showing that people who have had prostatitis are more likely to be found by other prostate problems.

In the United States, 2,447 men of similar age and health were selected in Olmsted County, Minnesota, for follow-up visits for three decades. Half of the more than two thousand men had prostatitis when they were young, and the other half did not have the disease. It was found that the former was 2.4 times more likely to suffer from prostatic hyperplasia in old age than healthy men in the latter.

This is because inflammation can change the normal living environment of cells through oxidative stress and immune response, making cells cancerous. There have been many clinical data and animal experiments to prove that prostatitis, especially chronic inflammation, greatly increases the incidence of prostate cancer.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

As we age, so does the size of the prostate. Prostatic hyperplasia is another common prostate disease, which refers to the non-cancerous hyperplasia of prostate tissue, which is more common in the elderly over 50 years old. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 50% of men over the age of 60 have prostatic hyperplasia.

As men enter old age, male hormone levels change dramatically, and the prostate, which relies on hormone regulation, responds — cells with parenchymal functions gradually die and are replaced by connective tissue, which does not do much. Therefore, although the function of the prostate has become worse, it has become larger than before.

This benign hyperplasia is a normal physiological phenomenon, but some people's prostatic hyperplasia may be too significant, compressing the urethra and bladder, causing symptoms such as weakened urine flow, urinary frequency, urgency and nocturia, which requires drug intervention.

Although BPH is not theoretically a "disease" if it does not reduce quality of life, a cohort study conducted in Europe demonstrated that people with BPH may have a slightly higher risk of prostate cancer than the normal population.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

Prostate cancer also makes the prostate "bigger," but it is caused by a genetic mutation in cells that replicate and grow uncontrollably.

The cause of prostate cancer is still a research hotspot. In order to be able to develop targeted anti-cancer drugs, countries have invested a lot of money to study their pathogenesis, but there are no clear conclusions.

Because of this, the current treatment of the disease is very limited, but prostate cancer is not uncommon today.

The World Health Organization conservatively estimates that about 1 in 8 men will have prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the incidence of prostate cancer has increased by 3% per year since 2014, with malignant cancers increasing by 5% per year, and it is estimated that in 2023 there will be about 288,300 new cases in the United States and about 34,700 deaths from this cancer.

The above data is shocking, but because prostate cancer usually grows slowly, and there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage, or the symptoms are very similar to prostatic hyperplasia, many people find it at an advanced stage. Although there are many treatments to control prostate cancer, when it is advanced and metastasis, treatment becomes tricky.

Although having prostatitis or prostatic hyperplasia does not mean that you will necessarily develop prostate cancer, these diseases will bring different degrees of damage to men's prostate health. Therefore, early prevention and regular inspections are essential to protect this male "goalkeeper".

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

Third, these behaviors are quietly harming the "prostate"

In the fast pace of modern life, many people are not very concerned about health issues. As the pillar of the family, men are often busy with work and can endure some minor physical ailments and pains. However, it is these seemingly harmless actions that are quietly harming the man's "life glands."

1. Sedentary is the number one killer of the prostate

Modern lifestyle makes many people need to sit for a long time to work, even after work, they like to sit on the sofa and swipe their mobile phones, and lack exercise in daily life. This habit can lead to poor blood circulation in the prostate gland and the accumulation of waste products and bacteria, which can trigger inflammation and infection, increasing the risk of prostate problems.

The U.S. and Shanghai Cancer Center collaborated on a study in Shanghai to try to uncover the relationship between occupation and prostate cancer. The study, published in the authoritative cancer journal Cancer Causes & Control, found that white-collar workers have a higher incidence of prostate cancer, while men in physically active occupations have a lower risk of prostate cancer. It can be seen that sedentary, the lifestyle of modern urbanites, will indeed bring great burden to the prostate.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

2. Frequent urination holding

Some special occupations, such as drivers and counter workers, not only require long periods of sitting, but also are not very convenient to go to the toilet at any time. Although it is a common behavior to resist not going to the toilet when we feel the urge to urinate, if we endure urine regularly, it can have a great negative impact on the prostate.

Tolerance of urine increases pressure in the bladder, compresses the prostate gland under the bladder, and may also cause urine to flow back to the prostate. As an exogenous substance, urine can trigger an inflammatory response in the prostate, damage glandular cells, and over time may lead to various prostate problems. Therefore, timely urination is important to protect the health of the prostate.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

3. Diet can also have a huge impact on prostate health

According to several studies, a diet high in fat, salt and sugar can significantly increase the risk of prostate problems. A simulation in rats, published in Prostate International, was conducted in rats. It was found that excessive intake of fatty foods led to increased levels of androgens in the body, increasing the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, a large study of 50,000 people found that a high-salt diet was strongly associated with the development of prostate disease. Excessive salt intake increases blood pressure, which in turn negatively affects the prostate.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

4. Excessive sexual activity

As the old saying goes, "temperate your sex, quit bartenders", excessive sex will not only lead to a lot of physical exertion, leading to physical fatigue, but also bring a burden to the prostate.

The prostate is like a "rubber band" that needs to be used moderately to maintain its function. Moderate sexual activity can not only exercise the smooth muscle of the prostate, but also discharge excessive accumulation of prostate fluid, which is beneficial to prostate health.

However, excessive sexual stimulation will cause frequent congestion and contraction of the prostate, damage a large number of tissue cells, and make this "rubber band" loose. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine increased the sex drive and frequency of sexual activity by injecting mice with androgens, and then collecting their prostates for histopathological observation. The results showed that compared with the normal group, these hyperactive mice had abnormal prostate tissue structure, and accumulated a large number of dead cells, showing significant inflammatory infiltration.

Sedentary behaviors, tolerance of urine, poor eating habits, and excessive sexual behavior – behaviors we may already take for granted may actually increase the risk of prostate problems. As a fragile and sensitive organ, the prostate needs to be carefully cared for in our daily life.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

Fourth, doctors: do these points to protect men's "life glands" from unspeakable addictions

Prevention is better than cure, and protecting the men's exclusive "prostate" is an indispensable part of maintaining men's health. Actually, protecting the prostate is not difficult. As long as we pay a little attention in our daily lives, this "little one" will not become a burden for you, but will escort your health. Here are a few tips doctors have to give to protect the male prostate:

1. Eat a balanced diet

In addition to avoiding unhealthy foods high in fat, salt and sugar, doctors also recommend that men eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Among them, doctors recommend that fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be eaten appropriately. Harvard Medical School experts pointed out that Omega-3 has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has been widely used to prevent cardiovascular disease, which may be the reason why Omega-3 also has a certain protective effect on the prostate.

The experts also recorded the dietary habits of 466 male patients with malignant prostate cancer and 478 normal men, while analyzing the expression of the Cox-2 gene associated with prostate cancer in the body. The analysis showed that men who consumed small amounts of fatty fish containing omega-3, especially those who already had mutations in the Cox-2 gene, were 5 times more likely to develop prostate cancer.

A separate study published in the Harvard School of Public Health came to a similar conclusion. According to the report, men who consume more omega-3s can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by at least 41%.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

2. Exercise moderately

Most modern people need to sit for a long time due to work, so they should avoid making "sofa potatoes" as much as possible in their spare time. Doing simple outdoor activities with family and friends, such as walking, running, and swimming, not only enhances relationships, but also helps improve circulation, maintain a proper weight, and relax the prostate.

In addition, because the muscles of the pelvic floor support and control the bladder, urethra, rectum, and the prostate gland in men, consciously exercising the pelvic floor muscles also helps to enhance the function of the prostate.

Among them, the most popular basin muscle exercise is the Kegel exercise (Kegel exercise). It doesn't require any specific equipment or venue, just imagine that you are trying to stop urination or block exhaust, focus on contracting the pelvic floor muscles, hold for about 5 seconds and then slowly relax before repeating.

Large-scale epidemiological studies have shown that regular Kegel exercise helps improve urination in men with urinary incontinence or dysuria. Strong pelvic floor muscles can also improve erection quality and time.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

3. Regular physical examination

Since the prostate problem is not serious at first, many men think that it is only a minor illness and will heal itself after a while. Most people often have an attitude of indifference to prostate health, which can lead to disaster in this minute.

According to the American Cancer Society, men over the age of 50 should have regular prostate tests such as PSA blood tests and digital examination every year. These tests can help doctors assess the health of the prostate gland, detect potential problems early and treat them.

Remind men: these 4 behaviors, or quietly hurt the "prostate", advise you to change it as soon as possible

In life, we often neglect the health of the prostate gland and do not start paying attention until something goes wrong. We must treat this male exclusive "little friend" like our own good friend, so that a healthy prostate can become a solid backing for a high-quality old age and accompany you to spend a beautiful day together.


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