
The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

author:Abandoned graves
The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Text|Abandoned tomb

Editor|Abandoned Tomb

Historical background vs. film background

Schindler's List is a film set in Poland during World War II and revolves around the city of Krakow. The city was occupied by Nazi Germany after the Battle of Poland in 1939 and became the capital of Nazi-occupied Poland. Nazi Germany brutally persecuted Jews during this period, resulting in the death of millions of Jews in the Holocaust.

In this cloud-shrouded land, an ordinary German businessman, Oscar Schindler, appeared. Originally interested in cheap Jewish labor, he opened a factory in Krakow to engage in metalwork. Over time, however, he began to awaken and become aware of the Nazis' brutal treatment of Jews. Having witnessed the suffering of the Jews and feeling deeply aware of his humanity and responsibility, he decided to take action and do his part to save as many Jews as possible.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

The film Schindler's List is based on the novel by Thomas Kennelly and directed by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg is a well-known director, known for his profound emotional performance and precise restoration of historical subjects. Released in 1993, the film became a classic in film history and won several awards, including an Academy Award. The film has sparked huge repercussions around the world, making the audience think deeply about human nature and history, as well as the choice between good and evil.

The interweaving of historical background and film background makes "Schindler's List" not only a story about saving the Jews, but also an indictment of war crimes, a reflection on human nature and good and evil, and a reminder of the lessons of history. This film full of historical context and emotional depth inspires audiences to think about real-life moral choices and values, and leaves us with precious human brilliance.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Director's approach

Steven Spielberg is an acclaimed director whose skillful use of multiple directing techniques in Schindler's List makes this film an emotionally heartfelt and deeply moving classic.

Black and white image: Spielberg chose to present the film in black and white. This choice enhances the film's sense of history and realism, making the viewer feel as if they have traveled back in time to Krakow during World War II. The black-and-white picture can also make people focus more on the plot and the emotional changes of the characters, making the viewing experience more profound.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Lens language: Spielberg's lens language is extremely expressive, transporting the audience into the emotional world of the film. He is good at using delicate lens composition and using light to set the mood of the plot. For example, the use of lens focus makes the audience's attention more focused and feels the emotional changes in the characters' hearts. At the same time, he uses some metaphors in the film to express the inner feelings of the characters through visual symbols, making the film more artistic and artistic.

Rhythm and narrative: Spielberg cleverly controls the pace and narrative of the film. He divided the film into chapters, each with a different atmosphere and emotion, and through a jumping narrative, the audience gradually understood Schindler's transformation process and the suffering of the Jews. At the same time, he used some suspense and twists to increase the tension and appeal of the film.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Music Score: The film's soundtrack is also an important part of Spielberg's directorial approach. The soundtrack composed by John Williams adds a lot to the film, and it plays an important role in expressing emotions, enhancing the atmosphere and highlighting the theme of the film. Among them, the theme song "Schindler's List" in the soundtrack has become the iconic music of the film with its touching and profound melody, making the audience more emotionally integrated into the characters and story.

Through the use of these directorial techniques, Schindler's List successfully brings the audience into a real and emotional historical moment. Spielberg's directing approach makes the film not only a work that records history, but also a classic that touches people's hearts and ponders about life. The use of these techniques makes the film have a deeper level of expression, allowing the audience to find a space for resonance and thinking in the film.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Actor performance

The cast of the movie Schindler's List has many outstanding performers, and their excellent acting skills give the film a more real and touching emotion. Here are the performances of several of the main actors:

Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth: Ralph Fiennes played this brutal and complex character brilliantly as SS officer Amon Gotte. He showed Gott's ruthlessness and cruelty, as well as the ruthless persecution of Jews. Fiennes' acting skills make this villain more three-dimensional and frightening, allowing the audience to deeply feel the cruelty and absurdity of war crimes.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern: Ben Kingsley's performance made Schindler's Jewish accountant Yitzhak Stern soulful and moving. He portrayed an intelligent and loyal character in the film and was one of the key figures in Schindler's rescue operation. Kingsley's acting skills make this character a representative of the emotional bond between Schindler and the Jews, and his performance makes the emotions in the film richer and more moving.

Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler: Liam Neeson plays this complex and contradictory character to the fullest. He shows Schindler's gradual awakening and change from an indifferent businessman. Neeson's performance makes the audience feel Schindler's inner struggle and difficult moral decisions, making the character more real and believable, and becoming the soul of the entire film.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Embeth Davidtz as Helena Hirsch: Pola presents a gentle and strong character as Schindler's wife, Helena. She is a kind and supportive female figure in the film and an important influence on Schindler's efforts to save the Jews. Pola's performance makes the character more three-dimensional and moving, adding to the film's themes of love and salvation.

The outstanding performances of these actors give the film Schindler's List a more real and touching emotion. Their talent makes the characters in the film full of life, allowing the audience to empathize and pay attention to each character. The superb acting skills of these actors make the film an emotionally rich and touching classic.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Moral dilemmas

The movie Schindler's List shows the profound moral dilemmas faced by Oskar Schindler. This moral dilemma was reflected in the difficult choice he had to make between personal gain and saving the Jews.

At first, Oskar Schindler was just a selfish businessman who took a fancy to the cheap labor of Jews, opened factories, and used their labor to make a profit. Over time, however, he began to witness first-hand the brutal persecution of Jews by the Nazis and the tragic conditions that threatened Jewish lives under the Holocaust. This shook Schindler's heart, and he realized that he had to act to help the persecuted Jews.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

However, saving the Jews was not an easy task. Schindler had to strike a difficult balance with the ruthless Nazi officer Amon Gott. Gott was the commander of the concentration camp in Krakow, Poland, and the supervisor of Schindler's factory. In order to protect the Jewish workers in the factory, Schindler had to constantly curry favor and bribe Gott so that he would not be able to take the lives of Jews at any moment. This situation forced Schindler to weigh between humanity and morality.

Schindler's moral dilemmas are vividly displayed in the film. When he confronted Gott, he sometimes showed hypocritical indifference, and sometimes showed warmth and concern for the Jews. He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, even his own money, to include Jews on the list to protect them from death.

In the process, he put his own interests and safety on the back burner, opting for selfless rescue operations. However, Schindler's choice also carries great risks, and once Gott discovers his intentions, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Schindler's moral choices ran counter to his interests as a businessman. He originally opened the factory for profit, but in the end he made it his mission to save lives. This conflict between morality and self-interest put his humanity to the real test. His choices embody the complexity of human nature and also provoke the audience to think about the relationship between morality and good and evil.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

The film Schindler's List calls on the audience to ponder human and moral choices by showing Schindler's moral dilemma. This moral dilemma is not limited to historical events in wartime, but is equally important for real life. The film inspires audiences to respect acts of kindness, justice and salvation, but also warns us to be wary of the game between personal self-interest and moral conscience, and the choices each of us should make when facing similar dilemmas.

Revelations to reality

The movie "Schindler's List" is not only a film about historical events, but also a profound revelation of real society. Through the real historical background and the display of human nature, it brings us the following enlightenment to reality:

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Don't forget history: Schindler's List transports viewers back to Krakow, Poland during World War II, showing the suffering and persecution experienced by Jews under Nazi rule. This is a dark moment in history, a sad past. The audience should remember the history and not forget the mistakes and sufferings of the past, so as not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

The Power of Salvation and Kindness: In the film, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of more than 1,100 Jews with his good heart and unwavering determination. This shows the power and influence of a person, an ordinary person who can change the fate of others through kindness and action. Everyone can be a positive force for change in society.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Facing a Moral Dilemma: In the film, Schindler is faced with a moral dilemma and must choose between personal interests and saving the Jews. This reminds us that we will also encounter moral choices in life, and that we should take kindness and justice as the criterion, make the right choices, and bravely stand on the side of morality.

Against Discrimination and Hate: The film reveals the unfortunate fate of the Jews under Nazi rule and the Nazis' distortion and evil of human nature. This reminds us not to tolerate discrimination and hatred of any kind, and that we should respect the equality and dignity of everyone and create an inclusive and friendly society.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Changing the World with Love: Schindler's rescue operation in the film is driven by love and kindness to others. He risked his personal interests and used all resources to save lives. This tells us that love is the most powerful force to change the world, and that only through love and care can we build a more harmonious and beautiful society.

The movie "Schindler's List" deeply touched people's hearts and made people think deeply about history, human nature and moral issues. It is not only an excellent film work, but also a profound ideological inspiration. By studying this film, we should draw strength from it, practice kindness and justice, and contribute to building a better society.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army


The movie Schindler's List is a touching and thought-provoking classic. By telling the story of Oskar Schindler, the film not only shows the suffering of Jews under Nazi rule, but also shows the confrontation between good and evil in human nature. Director Steven Spielberg makes the film more shocking and infectious through his unique directing technique.

The outstanding performances of the actors also give the film more emotion and connotation. The moral dilemmas and revelations of reality in the film make the audience deeply think about human nature and history, and at the same time have a profound reflection on contemporary society.

The movie "Schindler's List" interprets the cruelty of war and shows the cruelty of the German army

Schindler's List is not only a movie, but also a warning and reflection, reminding us not to forget history and to keep the pursuit of goodness. By studying this film, we can more deeply understand the complexity of human nature and the importance of morality. In the future life, I hope that everyone can change the world with love and kindness like Oscar Schindler, and make the future of mankind better.

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