
0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

author:The whale is me

Mille-feuille cake, mango banja, eat a lot, but how to make a mille-feuille, when I haven't done it before, I really feel very powerful, why can I make such a skin!

I never expected that I would succeed once.

0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

Recipe: 2 eggs, 250ml milk, 25-30g sugar, 100g low flour, 30g unsalted butter

0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

Knock on the blackboard:

**Batter can't be too thick! Good liquidity!

**Pan! Non-stick pan!

**Medium-sized fire! Cut for about 10 seconds!

**Scoop a spoonful of batter into the pan and turn the pan quickly! The dough skin has a bulging motion and you can come out of the pot!

Remember to make sure to have a small fire, or it will burn quickly!

Step 1: Milk, egg, sugar, low flour sifted, all together with an egg beater to stir well until there are no particles.

0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

Step 2: Repeat the sieving 3 times, four times is OK. The purpose of sieving is to avoid having granular forms.

Step 3: Add the melted butter and continue to stir well.

0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

Step 4: Medium-low heat, the pan does not need to be refueled, because the batter already has butter, and it can be drumned up in about 10 seconds.

0 base, Xiaobai can also successfully make soft and thin mille-feuille skin

Success, is it very simple, completely without difficulty? It can be used to make mango banjabs, wrapped in cream and mangoes.

Thank you for reading, this picture and text are "I am a whale whale" original, embezzlement must be investigated. Your support and encouragement is what motivates me to share the food.

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