
think-on-graph: Big model inference based on knowledge graph

author:No data is not smart


The background of this paper is that large-scale language models have difficulties in complex reasoning tasks and demonstrate low performance, especially in scenarios that require knowledge traceability, timeliness, and accuracy.

Past methods mainly faced two problems: irresponsible reasoning could easily generate fiction or harmful text, and the model could not provide expertise beyond the scope of what was learned during the pre-training phase. The approach in this paper solves these problems by integrating external knowledge bases, especially knowledge graphs.

This paper proposes the Think-on-Graph (ToG) framework that leverages knowledge graphs to augment large-scale language models for deep and responsible reasoning. The framework enables exploration and reasoning by identifying entities related to a given problem and retrieving relevant triples from an external knowledge database. This iterative process generates multiple inference paths until enough information is collected to answer the question or reach maximum depth.

In this paper, experiments are carried out in a complex multi-hop inference question answering task, which proves that the ToG method is superior to the existing methods, and effectively solves the limitations of large-scale language models without additional training costs. The performance achieved supported their goals.

think-on-graph: Big model inference based on knowledge graph
think-on-graph: Big model inference based on knowledge graph

Important issues to explore

1. In the experimental results, the ToG method shows advantages over other baseline methods on complex web problem datasets. What do you think is the reason for this? Please explain in detail.

A: There may be several reasons why the ToG method shows advantages over other baseline methods over complex web problem datasets. First, ToG employs a process of exploration and reasoning to solve problems by searching for related entities and establishing reasoning paths. This approach enables a more comprehensive understanding of the problem and generates reasonable answers through the reasoning process. Second, ToG limits the maximum length and maximum number of paths when establishing inference paths, which can help it determine inference paths more accurately and avoid extraneous inference steps. Finally, the ToG method was executed experimentally using the Azure OpenAI ChatGPT API, which may have better performance and capabilities, providing better support for the ToG approach.

2. In the analysis section, the researchers evaluated the practicality and limitations of the ToG method by analyzing cases in a complex web problem dataset. What do you think are the advantages and limitations of the ToG approach when it comes to solving problems? Please provide case studies as support.

A: The ToG approach has the following advantages and limitations when it comes to solving complex web problems. Advantages include: The ToG approach enables a comprehensive understanding of the problem and generates reasonable reasoning paths and answers through exploration and reasoning. It identifies key entities in a question and establishes a correlation path between them to find answers accurately. In addition, ToG methods often appear in UnName_Entity in the inference path on the way, which reflects the incompleteness of the knowledge graph, that is, some entities lack a "name" relationship, which allows the ToG method to better adjust the answer in the inference path.

Limitations include that ToG methods may also be limited by the knowledge graph when solving problems. If the knowledge graph is incomplete and lacks specific relationships or entities, the ToG method may not be able to establish the correct inference path. In addition, the process of exploration and inference in the ToG approach can increase computational and time costs, especially when dealing with large datasets, resulting in performance degradation.

3. In the experiment, the researchers compared the performance of the ToG method with other baseline methods through experiments on the CWQ dataset. Why do you think the ToG method outperforms other methods on this dataset? Please explain why.

A: The reason why the ToG method outperforms other methods on the CWQ dataset relative to other baseline methods may be that the ToG method is able to better understand the problem when dealing with it and generate reasonable reasoning paths and answers through exploration and reasoning. The ToG method utilizes an exploration process to search for entities related to the problem and generates a reasoning path related to the problem through the inference process. This comprehensive application allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the problem and produces accurate answers. In addition, the ToG method was executed in the experiment using the Azure OpenAI ChatGPT API, which may have better performance and capabilities, providing better support for the ToG approach.

4. In the experimental results, the performance of the ToG method on the CWQ dataset compared to the CoT method was improved by 17.47%. In what ways do you think the ToG method has advantages over the CoT method? Please provide a detailed explanation.

A: The reason for the 17.47% improvement in the performance of the ToG method over the CoT method on the CWQ dataset may be due to the following advantages. First, the ToG approach employs a process of exploration and reasoning to solve problems by searching for related entities and establishing reasoning paths. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the question and produces reasonable answers. Secondly, the ToG method limits the maximum length and maximum number of paths when establishing the inference path, which helps to determine the inference path more accurately and avoid extraneous inference steps. Finally, the ToG approach may gain better support and performance when executed with the Azure OpenAI ChatGPT API, resulting in improved performance on CWQ datasets.

5. In the analysis section, the researchers selected four examples for analysis, comparing the performance and effectiveness of the ToG method with other methods. Do you think this case selection adequately assesses the advantages and limitations of the ToG approach? Please give your point of view.

A: Selecting four examples in the analysis section for comparison and analysis can partially assess the advantages and limitations of the ToG method. Through these cases, we can see that the ToG method can discover the relationship between entities and generate an inference path through the exploration and reasoning process to find the correct answer. However, due to the limited number of examples, we do not have a comprehensive picture of how ToG methods perform on different types of problems. In addition, in these examples, we can only observe whether the reasoning path of this method is correct, but we cannot determine whether the final answer is completely correct. Therefore, in order to more fully assess the advantages and limitations of the ToG method, further broader case selection and experimental analysis are required.

Paper: 2307.07697