
If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

author:History says a hundred families

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If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

History says a hundred schools

Editor|Shi Shuo Baijia


Flight is a great human invention that allows us to quickly and efficiently traverse great geographical distances, however, it is not an easy task for an airplane to fly thousands of miles without getting lost.

In the modern aviation industry, flight navigation systems and air traffic management play a key role in ensuring that aircraft navigate accurately, safely and not get lost during the flight.

What are the technological developments and future prospects?

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

【Flight Plan and Navigation Specifications】

Flight plans and navigation specifications are an important part of ensuring that an aircraft does not get lost in flight, flight plans are detailed plans made by pilots before each flight, and navigation specifications provide pilots with navigation standards and procedures to ensure that they follow uniform navigation requirements during the flight.

Flight Plan Development, a flight plan is a detailed plan made by the pilot before the flight, which includes the following important information.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Route, the flight plan specifies the route of the aircraft from the point of departure to the destination, and the choice of route takes into account many factors, such as flight distance, air traffic flow, weather conditions and special restrictions.

Altitude and speed, flight plan determines the altitude and speed of the aircraft in different flight segments, the choice of these parameters depends on factors such as flight distance, meteorological conditions, air traffic flow, and aircraft performance.

Waypoints and navigation facilities, the flight plan specifies the waypoints that the aircraft passes on the route and the navigation facilities it relies on, such as navigation stations, navigation radio stations, etc.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Estimated flight time, the flight plan also includes the estimated flight time for each flight segment so that the pilot can reasonably arrange the flight progress and fuel consumption.

Navigation Specifications, which provide pilots with uniform navigation standards and procedures to ensure that they follow the same navigation requirements during flight, are developed by airlines, civil aviation authorities and international aviation organizations, among others, and updated in accordance with best practices and international regulations in the aviation industry.

Navigation specifications cover the following aspects, en-route planning, navigation specifications specify the route planning requirements of aircraft in different areas and airspace, these regulations take into account factors such as aircraft performance, air traffic flow, navigation facilities and restrictions.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Aircraft navigation performance requirements, navigation specifications clarify the aircraft navigation performance requirements, including the accuracy, precision, reliability and fault handling ability of navigation equipment.

Navigation procedures, navigation specifications define the navigation procedures and operational requirements of aircraft during take-off, climb, cruise, descent and landing, etc., these procedures include the use of navigation equipment, route selection, navigation point processes and approach and exit procedures.

Communication requirements, the navigation specification also specifies communication requirements between the aircraft and air traffic controllers, including reporting positions, requesting navigation commands, reporting flight conditions, etc.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Navigation support tools, pilots can rely on various navigation support tools to provide necessary information and assistance when making flight plans and following navigation specifications, these tools include, aviation navigation charts, aviation navigation charts provide detailed route and waypoint information, as well as the location and performance parameters of navigation facilities, pilots can make route planning and navigation decisions according to these charts.

Line management computer, flight management computer is an important equipment on modern aircraft, it can provide navigation calculation and guidance according to flight plan and navigation specifications, pilots can perform route management, flight altitude and speed control and other operations through flight management computer.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Electronic navigation equipment, modern aircraft are equipped with various electronic navigation equipment, such as global satellite navigation system (GNSS), inertial navigation system (INS), radio navigation equipment, etc., which provide accurate navigation data to help pilots navigate and confirm position.

Flight plans and navigation specifications are an important part of ensuring that the aircraft does not get lost in the flight, the flight plan covers the route, altitude, speed, waypoints and other information, and the navigation specifications provide pilots with navigation standards and procedures.

Pilots rely on navigational support tools such as aviation navigation charts, flight management computers and electronic navigation equipment to develop flight plans and follow navigation specifications that ensure that aircraft can navigate accurately and safely during flight to achieve the goal of never getting lost.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

【Pilot training and technical support】

Pilots receive rigorous training to master navigation techniques, flight specifications and communication procedures, and rely on various technical support tools to improve navigation capabilities and flight operation accuracy.

Training and education, the training of pilots is fundamental to ensuring that they can navigate safely. Pilot training usually includes the following content navigation knowledge and technology, pilots learn navigation knowledge, including route planning, the use of navigation equipment and the execution of navigation procedures, etc., they understand how different navigation systems work, and learn how to interpret navigation charts and flight plans.

Flight specifications and procedures, pilots master aviation regulations and navigation procedures, including route selection, navigation point processes and approach and exit procedures, etc., they learn how to follow specifications in different phases of flight, and communicate and coordinate effectively with air traffic controllers.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Communication skills, pilots are trained in communication skills to learn accurate and clear radio communication with air traffic controllers who understand communication procedures, common phrases, and reporting requirements to ensure accurate transmission and understanding of information.

Simulator training, simulator training is an important part of pilot training, by using advanced flight simulators, pilots can conduct navigation training and flight operations in a real flight environment.

The simulator can simulate a variety of flight conditions and scenarios, including weather changes, navigation equipment failures, and emergencies, to help pilots familiarize themselves with different navigation scenarios and skills for dealing with complex situations.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Technical support tools, pilots rely on various technical support tools during flight to improve navigation capabilities and accuracy of flight operations. These tools include:

Flight Operations Manual, which pilots use as a reference and include information such as navigation procedures, standard operating and performance data, which provide accurate navigation instructions and operating procedures to help pilots navigate and fly correctly.

Electronic navigation equipment, modern aircraft are equipped with a variety of electronic navigation equipment, such as global satellite navigation system (GNSS), inertial navigation system (INS) and flight management computer, which provides accurate navigation data and calculation functions to help pilots with route planning, navigation calculations and flight management.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Navigation applications, many pilots use navigation applications as auxiliary tools to obtain navigation information, weather data and navigation calculations through smartphones or tablets, etc., these applications provide real-time navigation support, enabling pilots to obtain the latest navigation information and data during flight.

Pilot training and technical support is the key element to ensure that the aircraft does not get lost, pilots through strict training and education, master navigation knowledge, flight specifications and communication skills, etc., so as to improve navigation ability and flight operation accuracy.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

They rely on simulator training to simulate real-world navigation scenarios and flight operations, improving their ability to cope with complex situationsIn addition, pilots can rely on technical support tools such as flight operations manuals, electronic navigation devices, and navigation applications to obtain accurate navigation guidance and real-time navigation information.

The combined effect of these training and technical support enables pilots to navigate the aircraft accurately and safely, achieving the goal of flying thousands of miles without getting lost.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

【Flight Navigation System】

Flight navigation system is an important equipment on modern aircraft, it plays a key role in determining the position and heading of the aircraft, with the continuous advancement of technology, flight navigation system has become more accurate, reliable and intelligent.

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), a global satellite navigation system such as GPS (Global Positioning System), is one of the most important components of a flight navigation system.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Aircraft can accurately determine their position, speed and heading by receiving signals from satellites, and the GNSS system consists of multiple satellites operating in orbit and calculating the aircraft's exact position through precise time and position measurements.

Pilots can acquire GNSS data through displays or navigation instrument systems for accurate navigation during flight.

Inertial Navigation System (INS), the inertial navigation system is another key flight navigation system that uses devices such as gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the acceleration and angular velocity of the aircraft to calculate the position and speed of the aircraft.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

INS systems do not rely on external signals and are therefore able to provide accurate navigation information in the absence of GNSS signals or interference.

Modern INS systems are often combined with GNSS systems to provide more reliable and accurate navigation data by complementing their advantages.

Airborne navigation equipment, in addition to GNSS and INS systems, the aircraft is equipped with various on-board navigation devices to provide additional navigation support.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

These include compasses, radio navigation devices (such as VOR, DME, ADF, etc.), inertial measurement units (IMUs), etc., which can provide pilots with backup navigation information, especially in complex weather or navigation environments.

Electronic navigation display system, modern aircraft are also equipped with advanced electronic navigation display system for displaying and presenting navigation information.

These systems can display the aircraft's position, heading, route, map, meteorological information, etc. graphically or digitally, so that pilots can clearly understand the navigation status of the aircraft, and electronic navigation display systems are usually integrated with other navigation systems to achieve information interaction and sharing.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

The development of flight navigation system makes the navigation of aircraft more accurate, reliable and intelligent, the application of global satellite navigation system (GNSS), inertial navigation system (INS), airborne navigation equipment and electronic navigation display system and other technologies, so that the aircraft can safely navigate under various complex weather and navigation conditions, and achieve a flight without getting lost.

The combined role of these systems provides accurate navigation information for pilots, improves flight safety and efficiency, and with the continuous innovation and development of technology, we can expect further improvement and perfection of future flight navigation systems to provide a higher level of support for aircraft navigation.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

【Technology development and future prospects】

How airplanes fly without getting lost is a process of continuous evolution. As technology continues to evolve and innovate, aspects such as flight navigation systems, air traffic management and pilot training will continue to evolve to further ensure accurate and safe navigation of aircraft during the flight.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Further improvement of the global navigation satellite system, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) will continue to be developed and improved to provide higher navigation accuracy and reliability.

A new generation of GNSS systems, such as the European Galileo system and China's Beidou system, will further improve the performance and coverage of satellite navigation, which will allow aircraft to more accurately determine position and speed during flight, reducing navigation errors and the possibility of getting lost.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Application of automatic navigation technology, automatic navigation technology will be more widely used in the future, automatic navigation system can automatically control the navigation and heading of the aircraft according to the predetermined route and navigation specifications.

This will reduce the pilot's workload and improve flight accuracy and efficiency, and automated navigation technology can also be integrated with air traffic management systems to enable automated route planning and flight control.

The development of datalink communication, datalink communication technology will be further developed to provide faster and more reliable communication and information exchange.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

Datalink communication can transmit navigation instructions, en-route updates, weather information and other data during flight, making communication between pilots and air traffic controllers more efficient and accurate. This will help reduce communication misunderstandings and improve the timeliness of navigation instructions.

Navigating Miles is a process of continuous development and innovation. Continuous advances in technology will drive advances in flight navigation systems, air traffic management and pilot training.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation

The improvement of the global satellite navigation system, the application of automatic navigation technology, the development of data link communication, the intelligence of air traffic management system and the innovation of pilot training methods will further improve the ability of aircraft to fly thousands of miles without getting lost.

These developments will bring greater safety, efficiency and sustainability to the aviation industry, providing a safer and more convenient air travel experience for people.

If navigation is cut off, the plane becomes a "headless fly"? How important is aircraft navigation


Research on the Improvement of Navigation Support Capability in Polar Flight, Shi Xianbo, Civil Aviation Flight College of China, 2021

Research on Flight Navigation Display Model of Distributed Maintenance System Wang Wenzai, Civil Aviation University of China, 2020

Application of Flight Navigation in Air Traffic System Jia Bin Science and Technology Wind 2018


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