
400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

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According to reports, 400 foreign pilots have recently jumped to China Airlines en masse.

Even after the United States sent them an olive branch, they still resolutely refused the invitation of the United States, clearly insisting on a commitment to serve China for life! This incident has attracted the attention of the international aviation community and people at home and abroad!

So, what happened here that caused so many people to jump ship en masse and become Chinese pilots? Do they really want to play for China? Or is there some other calculation and intrigue?

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

1. There is a shortage of talented pilots in China

Although China's aviation industry has entered a period of rapid development, it has inevitably encountered some obstacles.

China's aviation market is vast and has a huge demand for talents, but now aviation talents are very scarce, which also affects the development of China's aerospace industry to a certain extent.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

The factors leading to the shortage of pilots in China can be roughly divided into the following points:

With the rapid development of China's aerospace industry, many airlines have been established, the civil aviation market has become more and more broad, and more and more international routes have been opened.

Therefore, the demand for talents is huge, and it is necessary to introduce a large number of aerospace talents to meet the development of the domestic aerospace industry.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

As we all know, pilots need to undergo a long period of training before taking up their posts, including repeated and complex assessments, which requires a lot of capital and equipment investment.

In addition, the scale of domestic pilot training institutions is limited, and the aircraft equipment used to train trainees is also insufficient, which is difficult to meet the needs of training qualified aerospace talents, so China's aerospace talents are very scarce.

Not only that, if you want to be a qualified pilot, you must have many strict quality requirements.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Now, under the influence of the rapid development of the Internet and traditional education, some children have already put on glasses early and their eyes are short-sighted.

And deformed bones are becoming more and more common among young people today. These do not meet the strict requirements of becoming a pilot, so that the problem of shortage of Chinese aerospace talents cannot be effectively solved.

It should also be noted that at present, the age of mainland aerospace talents is generally older, concentrated in the range of middle-aged people, and the new generation of pilots is very rare.

For middle-aged pilots, retirement is a problem that will be faced sooner or later, which will undoubtedly have a great impact on the demand for pilot talents in the mainland.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Second, the reason why 400 Korean pilots jumped to China

China invests a lot of money every year to support its domestic space development. The lack of space pilot talent has made China cultivate its own aerospace talents while also focusing on attracting foreign pilots.

And the best attraction is the salary and benefits that are several times or even more than ten times higher than those of other countries.

Some Chinese airlines pay pilots as high as hundreds of thousands a month alone, and there are long-term paid vacations, various subsidies and the like.

How can such a generous treatment not make people salivate? Such a rich salary and benefits can easily attract those foreign pilots to jump to China.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

In addition to the high salary, another point is the stability of China's domestic aviation profession. These 400 foreign pilots are all from South Korea, and they are all excellent pilots in South Korea.

South Korea's demand for aerospace talents is far less massive than China's. These 400 Korean pilots, their country's space market is already relatively saturated.

If you continue to stay in your home space company, you will most likely face the risk of not being promoted, stagnating positions, and even facing the risk of being laid off due to the overflow of domestic aviation talent.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

China's aerospace market is different, with a huge demand for talents and a lot of room for promotion.

So if they move to China's space companies, they will have more job opportunities.

In addition, the achievements of China's aviation industry have attracted worldwide attention and are still developing continuously, which also makes the working environment of domestic aviation more stable.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Not only that, but another attraction is China's social environmental security. When it was first heard that the 400 Korean pilots were going to jump ship, the United States also extended an invitation to them and extended an olive branch, but they refused.

Because compared with China, the social environment in the United States is more complicated, and there are often incidents such as street attacks and social strife, it can be said that the social environment in the United States is quite dangerous.

China is different, China loves peace, the social environment is quite safe, and the domestic price level is much lower than that of the United States, and the quality of life is more stable and good, with security.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

The last point to mention is the identity of China's long civilization. The long-standing Chinese nation, after a long period of time, has also given birth to many excellent traditional cultures.

This makes many foreign friends very interested in Chinese culture, hoping to further understand China and learn Chinese culture.

At the same time, China is also a hospitable people, and they also want to establish deeper ties and exchanges with Chinese people.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Third, the reaction of other countries to this

After the 400 South Korean pilots moved to China, Korean airlines issued a serious warning but did nothing.

The loss of a large number of pilots has also attracted the attention of South Korea, and they have begun to take a series of measures to improve treatment, increase salaries, etc., to change this loss status quo and try to retain domestic pilots.

Answered the saying that the sheep are dead to make up for it, but it turned out to be too late!

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

In addition, due to China's growing strength, the United States has also adopted a series of suppressive actions against China.

When it heard that the 400 Korean pilots were going to join China en masse, the United States also tried to "grab" them back from Chinese airlines. It offered higher wages, but the outcome did not go as the U.S. expected.

But Laomei is still unwilling, and it continues to fan the flames in public opinion and try to have a bad influence on China.

In various fields, Lao Mei is still imposing a series of suppression and sanctions on China, uniting with some other Western capital countries to hinder China's development.

However, for these small actions of the United States, China is not afraid, fearless, and will take the initiative to face and break one by one!

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Fourth, the positive impact of a large number of pilots moving to China

As mentioned above, the mainland's aerospace market demand is broad, but there is an extreme shortage of pilots, these 400 Korean pilots defected to China Aerospace Corporation, this move can alleviate the shortage of Chinese pilots to a certain extent, for China's space industry to supplement a certain number of talents.

The influx of a large number of foreign pilots also provides a more convenient channel for exchanges between countries, which can better promote the exchange and integration of foreign excellent culture and Chinese culture, so that China can fully absorb foreign excellent culture, and enrich its own culture.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

These foreign pilots will also bring some advanced flight technologies of their countries to the mainland, which can further improve the flight technology of the mainland and promote the development of China's space industry to a higher level and a more open development.

Their collective job-hopping and working for China's space companies can also make China's space industry more widely recognized and recognized by the international community to a certain extent.

It shows the development and growth of China's space industry, standing above the world like a towering tree with fruitful fruits, and establishing a good image for China's space industry.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

V. Barriers to the development of China's space industry today

As mentioned above, the shortage of talent has always been a barrier to the development of China's space industry. China is also looking for ways to train its own pilots, attract foreign pilots, and continue to meet the domestic demand for aerospace pilots.

In the overall development of the space system, technical bottlenecks have always been one of the biggest reasons affecting the development of China's space system.

Most of the development factors of aerospace science and technology are under the control of Western countries, while China's scientific research strength is limited, it started late, and its technical level cannot keep up with the development speed of some advanced Western countries.

On the international stage, China has been subjected to technological blockades and restrictions by some Western countries, and has suffered from unfair international sanctions and treatment in many fields, making the technical requirements of China's space industry unable to receive sufficient support.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

In addition, the development of the aerospace industry is very complex and long, which requires a lot of financial support.

In the early stage of the development of China's aerospace industry, there was a lack of sufficient financial support, so the development of some projects would be relatively slow.

In some aviation equipment, China is not as perfect as some Western countries, and the development of equipment is slightly insufficient.

China's space system development also lacks long-term thinking, unplanned implementation, and lack of depth in space research and design.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

Some have not been further scrutinized in terms of principle research and theoretical exploration, which has also slowed down the development of China's aerospace industry to a certain extent.

Due to the complexity of space programs, many space programs have a large number of structural risks.

Before each satellite launched by China, it must undergo repeated and long-term strict technical inspection and verification, carefully check the safety and effectiveness of each part, and verify the functional effect of the overall combination, so as to ensure the safety and success of the final practice.

Therefore, aviation projects from research to practice can not be completed overnight, and they must go through a long development process.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

VI. Conclusion

Although there are still many obstacles to the development of China's space industry, domestic astronauts are still constantly solving and making breakthroughs, and the space industry is still making progress and development, and has achieved many brilliant achievements.

Even former US leader Nixon said before his death that he regretted his decision to visit China and chose to establish diplomatic relations with China, thus bringing so many opportunities to China and finally creating a "scientific monster" that the whole world feared.

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?

The 400 Korean pilots have committed their lives to China's aviation industry, and according to national surveys, there is no problem.

It is really because of various factors in their country and China that they have defected to China and want to play for China. This also proves that China's space industry is now strong.

Now, China will continue to strengthen investment and research and development in the field of aerospace, train more outstanding pilots, break through various barriers in the aerospace industry one by one, and make more contributions to the future of China and even all mankind!

400 pilots jumped to China en masse, threatening never to return to China, vowing to "serve" for China?


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