
14 practical guides for youth madness

14 practical guides for youth madness

14 practical guides for youth madness

On June 19, 2020, "2020 Xintiandi of Performing Arts" was held in various regions of Shanghai Xintiandi. The picture shows the outdoor parade ambient dance "Silent Disco". (Photo/Visual China)

1. Occasionally go crazy as a detox

Wang Shuo once said: "How many people in society are crazy and they don't know it, they are acting normal." "If you've never experienced madness, not even the slightest thought of going crazy, then, congratulations, friend, you're doing well, and I'm very happy for you.

But if at some point, you feel that if you don't vent, the emotional garbage stuck in your body is about to drown you, trust me, you need to go crazy properly.

The infinite stretch of the spring will gradually lose its elasticity, and people who infinitely suppress themselves will inevitably drive themselves crazy. It's okay to go crazy once in a while, just think of it as a body detoxification.

2. Scream with all your strength and shatter your surroundings

Anthropologist Roy Richard Glinker wrote in Nobody Is Normal, "If people understood that most of us are actually somewhat neurotic, they probably wouldn't be ashamed."

Perhaps, sooner or later, people will eventually go crazy, but the degree of tolerance is different, and the time node is different.

Where exactly is the tipping point for a person to go crazy? How to describe the state of near madness? This varies from person to person, and there is no one-size-fits-all template.

The state described by scholar Liu Yu in "Chaos" may be worth referring to - "I feel like an incapable traffic commander, standing in the middle of the road, the vehicles in front of me are jammed, they are honking, they are grabbing the road, and they are scolding their mothers." And then there was a moment, right now, when the traffic conductor wanted to scream very, very much, wanted to crouch on the ground, close his eyes, cover his ears, scream with all his strength, and shatter the world around him. ”

If you meet the above symptoms, don't hesitate, it's time to go crazy. 

14 practical guides for youth madness

3. If I keep going to work, my appearance and interesting soul will disappear

Just as the fashion industry has popular colors every year, there are also popular emotions in life, and the general trend of popular emotions in the past two years is: crazy.

How can a person not be crazy when he is alive? It's just a hard hold.

At a time when everyone can go crazy, it's impossible to be alone.

Under the framework of day-to-day, monotonous and boring life, occasionally jumping out and going crazy for a little time can not only play a role in relieving tense emotions, but also allow people to escape from things they don't want to face for a short time.

Especially for professionals, going crazy can be used not only as an iron-fisted social strategy among colleagues, but also as an essential skill for coping with heavy work.

As netizens complained, "If I keep going to work, my culture, quality, figure, appearance and my interesting soul will all disappear."

Then occasionally going crazy is naturally worth understanding. People in the workplace, crazy, crazy is not a sin.

14 practical guides for youth madness

4. When you are crazy, you will not be mad, and when you are not crazy, you will suffer

Going crazy all about timing, it's all about timing.

It's so important to have the right madness at the right time.

What's the right time? There is also no unified template to apply, perhaps the following moments are worth referring to: when the leader draws the pie again and again, and conducts some inferior and low-end workplace PUA;

Colleagues repeatedly throw the pot, grab the work, and say bad things behind their backs;

Lovers challenge your three views again and again and test your bottom line;

Relatives and parents borrow money again and again, urge marriage, urge pregnancy, urge second child...

And, when the conversation with each other reaches the most anxious moment, when your face turns the most livid, when you rub your hands and feel lonely fingers...

As the saying goes, when you are crazy, you will not be chaotic, and when you are not crazy, you will suffer.

Going crazy on the spot can make others clearly know your bottom line, and after turning over old accounts, others can easily think that you are looking for trouble, and even mistake you for a troublemaker.

Not crazy now, but when? It's show time!

14 practical guides for youth madness

5. Being insane and resilient is an art

Friend, please believe me, people who really understand how to go crazy and can go crazy will not make themselves crazy every day, and hang "I am a crazy person" and "I am ready to make trouble".

You know, these are very low-end tricks. People who really master the art of madness, like cats lurking above the refrigerator, ready to sneak up on their owners, know how to hold their breath and keep silent.

Such a person can perfectly achieve shallow communication without any difference, and the contact is generous, decent, humble and courteous, which makes people feel a kind of intimacy like a spring breeze.

However, once they touch the anti-scale of these people, their crazy formation will definitely make the other party feel stunned, and even doubt life, until finally stunned, heartfelt "Wow, this person is so crazy" admiration.

It has to be said that resilient madness is an art.

6. Go crazy in a different place

Young people who rent houses in big cities are inevitably upset when they crowd into shared rooms and share rooms with roommates who don't look good. At this time, you can choose to change places, take off the mask, and be your true self.

Pick a weekend, go to the busiest urban area, or the most idyllic place to stay in a hotel for one night, sing as you want, dance as much as you want, talk to yourself, role-play as a new tourist to the city, go crazy, take a bath, and eat again.

Similarly, you can find a place to soak in the bath, and there are many ways to vent, you can eat ten boxes of cherries, eight boxes of Haagen-Dazs, you can also rub baths, beautify your skin, and steam a dragon.

Or find a weekend to go to the temple to chant the canon, knock on the wooden fish, and eat fasting.

All in all, it can eliminate the toxins of the psychic. After venting, return to real life, and so on. 

14 practical guides for youth madness

7. Change to a "AAA hardware wholesale Wang Shufen" vest

Change your WeChat name and avatar frequently, so that the leader has to hesitate for a few seconds in the group: Who is this person?

When changing the avatar, you can deliberately create a sense of contrast, the more nonsensical and non-mainstream the name, the better, the name starting with "AAA" is a good choice, such as "AAA hardware wholesale Wang Shufen", "AAA pig feed overseas purchasing Xiao Li", or the more popular on the Internet "Variety Girl Pig Gang Mane", "Vitality Girl Li Kui", "Cake Master", "Dark Abstinence Male God", and so on.

When to return to normal depends on personal mood. 

8. Find like-minded people to party with

It turns out that chatting with people with the same mental state is more conducive to restoring calm.

The thinker Bakhtin once proposed the theory of "carnival".

From the perspective of carnival thinking, the generation that has grown up in the Internet culture especially prefers such expressions, gags, jokes and self-deprecating language methods, which are very easy to resonate and can quickly identify the same kind.

Once you've found your crazy fandom, punctuation, memes, and classic words can all help you vent — 3 powerful question marks"??? Or a plain sentence followed by 10 exclamation points. 

14 practical guides for youth madness

9. Suddenly shout "mint"

Liu Yu once shared a story in "Informal Madness" - she once watched a TV talk show, and an actress said that she was always afraid that she would suddenly lose control and do something particularly crazy.

For example, once attending an Oscar ceremony, sitting in the audience, she suddenly wanted to shout "mint", and the thought of shouting "mint" was so terrifying that she sweated.

Then she said, "If I do that, then I'm crazy." Come to think of it, how scary it is, there is a little word between officially mad and unofficially mad: mint. ”

After that, Liu Yu combed through the "mint moments" in her life and realized that there was only a second between people and madness when they shouted "mint".

Some crazy thoughts are suppressed and grow inward, which is still "informal madness", while others directly gush out.

Look, there's a thin line between being crazy and not being crazy. 

14 practical guides for youth madness

10. Both men and women have emotional breakdowns

Wang Shuo once wrote in "How Women Are Trained" - "Sensibility, that is only a statement corresponding to reason, who is the most emotional?"

The madman is the most sensual, everything obeys the senses, remembering that one out is one out, completely disregarding human taboos and social ethics, when it is hot, he will undress on the street, hungry, pick up everything and stuff it into his mouth, lift the skirt of whoever he likes, and hit whoever is annoyed to meet.

The second level is the artist, sighing at the moon, tearing when he sees the wind, and letting go of a good day, but tossing. Again the first level is rogue.

Anyone who can't tell why he is against everyone can be said to be more emotional, what is the matter with women?

Big madmen, big artists, big hooligans, big sect leaders are all men. "No gender is more rational, and people will have emotional breakdowns, regardless of gender. 

11. Often advise others to be normal, and should see a psychologist

Can the mediation of emotions be as simple as operating the buttons of a converter? No way.

However, from time to time, we will see some people, without listening to the cause and effect of the matter, let alone putting themselves in the other party's situation, a fierce person jumps out, holding the number plate of a "normal person", saying that he seizes the moral high ground, tells you to love & peace, teaches you to learn to be grateful, and warns you "Okay, calm down".

Guo Degang said: "I am most annoyed by the kind of people who don't know anything and advise me to be generous. Do you know what I went through? For people like this, you have to stay away from him, because when the lightning strikes him, it may affect you. ”

People often consciously or unconsciously use "normal" or "abnormal" to make a distinction, as mentioned in the book "No One is Normal", culture creates the concept of "normal", so that some people are excluded from society and become representatives of "abnormal".

Perhaps, often exhorting others to be normal is the most important thing to see a psychologist. 

14 practical guides for youth madness

12. Don't go too deep into the play

In a way, madness is a form of self-preservation, even self-hypnosis, the purpose of which is to gain the freedom to briefly and desperately abandon all social roles and responsibilities.

But please promise me, even if you have tasted the sweetness of madness, you should try to be an emotionally stable adult on weekdays, after all, people still have to return to rationality after all. Going crazy is to relieve emotions and does not solve the problem, but as long as life goes on, the problem still needs to be solved urgently.

You can think of madness as the "crash therapy" mentioned in Zhao Benshan's sketch, and after the crash, you still have to switch back to the regular mode.

People must have the ability to turn the page, always compete with someone, with life, with themselves, then it is not far from real madness. 

13. There is no need to fight everything

The anger hurts the body, almost dissipate the qi, don't move and go crazy.

You and I are people who have been fighting with the world for many years, so there is no need to fight everything.

If you can pretend, you can pretend, and be a little kind. Wang Shuo said: "Usually, everyone pretends not to play the brain pulp early. Society, that is, a group of people pretending there, who does not. Human beings only progress by pretending to be pretend. ” 

14. Don't be crazy and innocent

Don't hurt the innocent when you go crazy, after all, most people's spirits and hearts are devastated, don't anger those who have nothing to do with it.

I hope everyone is crazy and crazy, and it is best to be crazy, so that honest people are not implicated, and disgusting people do not dare to mess with you again.

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