
Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

author:Famous Doctor Online

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said: "Sunlight, air, water and movement are the source of life and health." ”

However, after kidney friends know the condition, they always feel hesitant about exercise, and are very afraid of "sports hurting the kidneys".

But in fact, this phrase of Hippocrates is equally applicable to kidney friends, and even more important.

Lack of exercise will bring obvious negative effects on kidney friendly function, reduced immunity, decreased cardiopulmonary function, and decreased anti-infection ability.

Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

Source: Soogif

Once you adhere to moderate exercise, the physique of kidney friends will be enhanced, which will help regulate the three highs, prevent chronic diseases, regulate emotions, and promote sleep.

So don't let ignorant concerns lead you to a healing exercise.

Of course, there may be kidney friends who excuse themselves that they don't have time.

So today I recommend a sport that you can do with your commute: cycling!

Part 01, 12 weeks of cycling, improve the sympathetic nervous system

Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

A study on cycling in patients with chronic kidney disease was published in JCI Insight.

The subjects were all middle-aged and elderly patients with chronic kidney disease, with an average blood creatinine of 174umol/l, and no exercise habits in daily life, often sedentary.

The researchers asked them to ride a bike that increased from 20 minutes to 45 minutes.

Riding three times a week for 12 weeks, before and after each ride, the researchers collected physical data from subjects for comparison.

After combining the data for 12 weeks, the researchers found that all subjects had significant improvements in sympathetic overactivation at rest.

The sympathetic nerves, which are distributed on internal organs, cardiovascular and glands, if overactivated, can break the homeostasis of blood vessels and lead to diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and pulmonary hypertension.

Kidney friends who have done their homework should see that these diseases are precisely the high incidence of kidney friends.

Conversely, reducing chronic overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system can improve the risk of nephrolitho complication of the above diseases.

Part 02: Cycling reduces the risk of coronary heart disease

Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

The benefits of riding don't stop there.

CIRCULATION, a leading journal in the field of cardiology, published a prospective analysis of the relationship between cycling and coronary heart disease in Danes.

The study recruited a total of 53,723 Danes to investigate their cycling habits (commuter or recreational cycling) and followed them for up to 20 years.

The results showed that cyclists had an 11%-18% lower risk of coronary heart disease than those who had never cycled, and similar conditions were observed even in people who had cycled for less than 1 hour per week.

In addition, regular cycling is also a good project to enhance muscle strength, which can reduce the edema of the lower limbs caused by weak muscle strength in kidney friends, and also help prevent falls.

Part 03: What to pay attention to when riding

Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

First of all, don't be too aggressive.

Cycling is not racing, it stands to reason that as long as the condition is stable, even kidney friends who have renal insufficiency and need long-term dialysis can try it.

If you don't have an exercise habit, learn from JCI Insight subjects and ride for 20 minutes first.

After the body adapts to this intensity (as long as there is no muscle weakness, difficulty breathing or physical fatigue), then slowly increase the amount of exercise to 45 minutes, and young kidney friends can extend it longer.

Secondly, be sure to stretch well before exercising.

5~10 minutes of warm-up can help kidney friends reduce muscle soreness after exercise, while preventing cramps and muscle damage.

Do this exercise for 12 weeks, do it 3 times a week, and kidney friends will reap the health benefits!

Source: Soogif

Finally, cycling can be replaced with spinning.

Not everyone can ride a bicycle, and even if they do, the surrounding environment is not suitable for riding.

So we can replace bicycles with spinning bikes, which can be operated indoors, and the simple environment is not easy to get people injured.

However, pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid rhabdomyolysis caused by excessive exercise.

Finally, I hope that more kidney friends can try it and experience the benefits of exercise!