
In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

author:Mature cute panda

Today's society has reached a stage where the era of artificial intelligence is booming, and artificial intelligence can basically replace many text generation jobs, even weather predictions. No, a netizen's idea has already been realized. Weather forecasting artificial intelligence robot, Huawei has published new algorithms and models in the journal Nature, which are more accurate and efficient than traditional models and methods.

In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

The idea predicted by netizens soon came true

In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

Huawei's paper on the Pangea Meteorological Model was published in Nature

Artificial intelligence also has very useful help in paper polishing and reviewer opinion response, you can first let students write the first draft, then the boss revises, and then uses AI to edit and finalize, which is simply cool. At present, the more reliable AI mainly includes high-end AI model software such as ChatGPT, Google Bard and Claude, which can help you perfectly modify the language of the paper and improve the review comments of SCI papers. A more concise Prompt: "Help me respond the following comments: "Reviewer #1:XXX". The "XXX" in double quotation marks is the reviewer's opinion. Then the AI will help you revert, polish and create.

In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

Take Claude as an example of an AI response to a reviewer's comments

In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

Take Cohere as an example of creation

提示词:please help me write an review paper on covid treatment, with specific outlines listed.

In the era of artificial intelligence, text generation and weather forecasting can basically be automated

Take Claude as an example of an AI writing a first draft outline

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