
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him

author:Walking 2B pencil

Learn about Darius' failure

By the time they reached Alexandria, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was the contempt of a little boy called him, such a small army. He sent men to his general Asia Minor and told him to catch the young fool and send him to Persia.

By the time Alexander had all of Asia Minor, Darius began to discover that although he was young, he was not stupid and that it would not be easy to catch him.

Darius personally gathered a large army and personally marched towards the Macedonians. Nothing surpasses the flamboyance and flamboyance of his preparation. There are a large number of troops, they are all countries.

There were even many Greeks in his army, many of whom enlisted from the Assinoic Greeks. There were some Greek mercenaries, as they recalled, soldiers who fought for remuneration, who were willing to participate in any service that would give them the best pay.

Even Darius's family and court had some Greek officers and advisers. One of them, Garidimus, who expressed his anger at the king's free opinion, said that his flamboyance and parade were useless in preparing for an encounter with such an enemy, Alexander.

"You may not like what is said to you, but if you don't do it now, you will be tortured later." This grand parade and grand parade, and this huge crowd, can be scary for your Asian neighbors. But this preparation was of little use to Alexander and his Greeks.

Your army is magnificent, and those who have not seen it will not think of its magnificence, but it is of no use to the terrible energy of the Greeks. They are determined to do something very different from doing nothing.

They are working to ensure the substantial excellence of their weapons and to acquire the discipline and tenacity that are essential to the effective use of these weapons. They will despise all your purple and gold parades. They won't even take it as plunder. They are honored by being able to dispense with all the luxuries and conveniences of life.

They live on the coarsest food. At night they slept in the clearing. During the day they are always on the march . They face hunger, cold, and all kinds of exposure, full of pride and joy, and full of contempt for anything like gentle and effeminate character.

All these gorgeous and ornate, inefficient weapons, which are used by indomitable men, are useless to their invincible courage and energy; And the best character you can do out of all your gold and silver and other wealth is to send men out and lead them to recruit good soldiers, if gold and silver really want to. "

The Greeks were accustomed to energetic oratory and performance, but Charidemus did not fully consider that the Persians were not accustomed to listening to this simple language. Darius was upset. He angrily sentenced him to death." But the Avengers are just around the corner. The advice is good, Alexander will soon punish you for not considering it. "

When Darius began his march from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean, his ornate and ornate description of Darius' army was gorgeous. The Persians worshiped the sun and fire. Above the king's tent, there is a crystal image of the sun, which in this way supports the sight of the entire army.

They also had silver altars with which they constantly burned what they called the holy fire. These altars were worn by people designated for the place, who wore ornate costumes. So came a long line of priests and mages, also dressed in ornate costumes. They engage in public worship.

Following them was a chariot dedicated to the sun. It is painted by a white horse followed by a large and noble white horse, a sacred animal known as the horse of the sun. The attendants who managed the horse were all dressed in white and held a golden rod in their hands.

There were armies that were unlike any other, had high status, but they were chosen and advanced above others, not because of their courage or strength, or superior military efficiency, but because of their origin, rank, and other noble qualities.

There was a man called relatives, who were relatives of the king, to say the least, and although they numbered fifteen thousand, it seemed that in all cases the relationship could not be very close. They wear ornate and ornate clothes and pride themselves on their status, wealth, and the opulence of their armor.

There is also a corps called the Immortals. They wore a gold paper garment studded with scallops and precious stones. These neatly dressed people appear more like processions on ceremonial and joyous occasions than in military parades. The appearance of the king in his cathedral was more like a grand procession.

The carriage was very large, beautifully carved, gilded, decorated with sculptures and sculptures. The king sat on a high seat and could be seen. He wore a purple vest with silver stripes and a shiny gold robe. He had a golden belt around his waist with a sword hanging from it - a gem on the sheath.

He wore a very expensive and elegant headdress on his head, which, like his other clothes, was enriched with ornate ornaments. The guards who followed him before him all carried silver spears of gold.

It is very unusual that during this expedition to Alexandria, King Darius took his wife and his entire family, as well as a large part of his treasure.

His mother's name was Sissigambis, and in his house she and his wife followed the king in their own chariots. Fifteen carriages were filled with children and their attendants, and three or four hundred women of the court, all dressed like queens.

Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him
Until Alexandria was known about Darius' defeat, only the lieutenants and generals of the Persian monarch dealt with it. Darius' invasion of his vast territory was a small one called him

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