
You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird

author:Discover mysterious phenomena

You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows?

In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe in Uganda, Africa, there is a bird that emits fluorescence similar to that of fireflies, and people call it a firefly.

The firefly is small, spindle-like, apricot yellow all over, except for the head and two wings with feathers, the rest of the body is wrapped in a light yellow hard shell, and the hard shell hides a "luminescence". It's this luminaire that makes it a bird that glows.

Firefly's luminaire is cleverly constructed. Inside there is a luminescent layer, which consists of luminescein, luminescent enzymes, and an inspiratory tube. The inspiratory tube continuously absorbs oxygen, and the luminescent hormone and luminescent enzyme emit a sparkling light, and the brightness is equivalent to a 2-watt light bulb.

Fireflies are very popular with local residents and are kept by people. However, this is not to admire its singing voice and feathers, but to use it as a tool for lighting. Whenever you go out at night, bring it, you don't need to bring a flashlight, let alone play lanterns, hold torches, fireflies can let you clearly see the grass and trees, pits and puddles on the ground, and will not let you fall and lose your way. Firefly is truly a "living lantern".

You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird
You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird
You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird
You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird
You know for sure that fireflies glow, and some deep-sea fish glow, but have you ever heard of a bird that glows? In the Kira Forest west of the city of Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, there is a species of bird

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