
Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way


19 km outside the city, 30 minutes by car

Hiking, walking and enjoying the flowers...

Good places for spring travel are recommended to you

Hope you have a good view

Have a good mood

Dahuangling, Shixiping Village, Niujiaoba Town

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In March, spring warms all things Su, Yongzhou City, Cold Water Beach District Niujiaoba Town Shixiping Village on the Dahuangling flowers bloom continuously, cluster after cluster, around the Dahuangling mountains and forests layer by layer, looking around, the mountains are white and white, like the Milky Way galaxy is beautiful.

Dahuangling is more than 10 miles long, stretching like a high wall, and the shrubs and trees such as rhododendron and red maple on the mountain are rich in resources, and the original ecological plants such as ebony trees are dense, and the natural environment is excellent. In March 2019, Lengshuitan District promoted Dahuangling as a typical rural tourism model, and in September of the same year, the 2019 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival celebration in Lengshuitan District was also held here, and Dahuangling became the "spokesperson" for the civilization of Lengshuitan township style, rural ecology and rural revitalization.

Are there any other things to do in Niujiaoba Town?

Mysterious Clouds

Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way

Yunxiaoyan Ecotourism Resort is located in Niujiaowei Village, Niujiaoba Town, 12 km from Yongzhou City. Unique geographical environment, achievements in the world's unparalleled cultural and natural landscapes. In the past, it was the Capital of Tunbing in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the resort area was lined with mountains, strange peaks and rocks, steep and dangerous walls, majestic and spectacular, with tiger leaping heavenly danger, male lion roaring, old man worshiping shou, lovers Xiantan and other scenic spots, set xiong, strange, dangerous, show, ghost, god in one, such as "three mountains", strange as "five mountains".

In the middle of the mountain connected to the upper and lower parts of the cloud rock, there is a beautiful name "nostril rock", which resembles a human nostril, the entrance is like a mouth, the exit is like a nose, the magic is magical, and there is a hole in the hole, a hole in the hole, and a hole in the hole. The idyllic scenery of the Sky Rock set up by heaven and earth, the mysterious and unpredictable Cloud Rock Thousands of Shen Yun to investigate the experts and scholars who came here to investigate the tune: you are in the primitive, the beauty is in nature!

Stony Brook rhymes

Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way
Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way

Shixi River, also known as Laomao River, originates in the southern foothills of Siming Mountain and flows through Xia jidian Village, Xinjiaoba Village, Xiangshan Street Community, ShixiJiang Village, and Zhuxi Village in Niujiaoba Town. The Niujiaoba town section of the Shixi River has a total length of 7.1 kilometers, is one of the model rivers in the cold water beach area, participated in the 2018 "Water Beauty Hometown - Beautiful River and Lake" selection activity in Hunan Province, through the town government's hardening, greening, lighting and purification along the shixi river (Niujiaoba town section), the Shixi River is smooth, the water is clear, the shore is green and the scenery is beautiful.


Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way

The legend of "Tianchi" seems to be more mysterious after the accumulation of time, and it is said that the "Tianchi" here was smashed by the Eight Precepts of the Pig with an "iron rake".

A thousand-year-old camphor tree

Jì (jì) wood flowers spread over the Emperor Ridge, and the layers of forests stained the Milky Way

Watch over nostalgia, a thousand years of camphor. A thousand-year-old camphor that bears the memories of generations.

Take advantage of the spring to return to the earth

Let's go on a spring tour.~


Travel must be wrong,

Remember to wear a mask when you go out,

Be sure to keep a distance when playing.

Source: Wang Cao

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