
Revealing Mao Anying's "will" before going to the war in Korea: Be careful with Jiang Qing

author:The self-reserved land of Fusheng
Revealing Mao Anying's "will" before going to the war in Korea: Be careful with Jiang Qing

Itakura Hideki Ekishi. (All photos in this edition are profile photos)

Revealing Mao Anying's "will" before going to the war in Korea: Be careful with Jiang Qing

Mao Anying (right) with his grandmother (former), uncle Yang Kaizhi, aunt Li Chongde, and cousin Yang Ying when he returned to Xiang in 1950.

Revealing Mao Anying's "will" before going to the war in Korea: Be careful with Jiang Qing

Liu Siqi met with Huang Baiqiang, one of the authors of this article.

When Qingming arrived, I found that on the northern slope of the Kaihui Martyrs' Mausoleum, a new Mao'an Ying Crown Tomb had been added.

This makes us think a lot: the remains of 425 volunteer martyrs returned to the motherland, the TV series "Mao Anying", the movie "Mao Zedong and His Son"... What we remember most vividly, however, was the interview on November 23 last year. The interviewee was the elderly Liu Siqi, who recalled her 1950 and told us many details about Mao Anying's life before he went to the DPRK.

1. One year of marriage

That interview was in the Itakura Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall.

Although the old man Liu Siqi is over eighty years old, he is in good health, clear in thinking, and kind in his life. Talking about Mao Anying's past, she seemed very calm. She said that this is a long and long statement, and a short statement.

"October 14, 1950, is a day I will never forget, because I married Kishi Ei, who left for Korea on October 15, 1950. After Kishi Ying's death, I had a feeling that our fate was only one year. Why is there only one year of fate? I do not know. ”

"In 1950, superstitious words were a bloody disaster for me. In August, I had tonsil surgery, which was originally a very simple thing, but I immediately suffered heavy bleeding and coughed up bloody phlegm. I was hospitalized in a Beijing hospital, and Mao Yuanxin's sister, Mao Yuanzhi (daughter of Mao Zemin and Wang Shulan), took care of me. Kishi Ying accompanied Li Kenong (then vice minister of foreign affairs and director of the intelligence department of the Military Commission) to the Soviet Union. I never inquire where Kishi Ying goes, because before marriage, I set a principle, don't listen to what you shouldn't hear, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't know what you shouldn't know, and don't say what you shouldn't say. After Kishi returned from the Soviet Union, I said that Yuanzhi took care of me very carefully and let him know this love. ”

"On September 30, I practiced formation in Tiananmen Square, preparing to participate in the National Day parade, and I was hungry when I rested. My mother (Zhang Wenqiu) worked at the Bank of China, and there was a small restaurant at the bank's headquarters, and my mother asked me to eat a bowl of shredded meat noodles in the restaurant. Because of eating noodles, it was late, so I had to run to the assembly. Back in Zhongnanhai, no one was seen, the chairman was not at home, and Jiang Qing was not there. Feeling that something was wrong with my body, I began to lie on the bed and turn it over, and then my stomach hurt so much. After I told Shao Hua, I don't know if it was a health care doctor or who was coming, saying that I was going to the hospital. After getting Jiang Qing back, Jiang Qing also said to go to the hospital quickly. She asked my mom for the phone and I told her. When I went to the 301 hospital, I diagnosed acute appendicitis, and said (surgery) to sign my relatives, but there were no relatives on the spot. I couldn't get through to my mother, and later Jiang Qing said that I had said the wrong phone number. Can't find Kishi Ying, and they don't dare to go to the chairman..."

"No way, the director of the hospital and the director of gynecology, said she came for surgery. My surgery was done by the head of gynaecology (doctor) with a surgical director next to me. Because the director of gynecology (doctor) was not at ease, she felt that she was not very proficient. ”

"On October 1, Kishi Ying came to the hospital in the afternoon, and it was almost dinner. I don't remember exactly what he explained, whether he went to the Soviet embassy, or to a banquet, or to do something else. He sat for a while and said that something had disappeared, and he did not come until October 14, without a single phone call along the way. I was not happy, he apologized vigorously, apologized and then said that he was going to travel tomorrow. I asked him what day it would be, and he forgot even about our first wedding anniversary. After getting married, he went to Changsha and had two long errands with the Soviet Union, and only the winter vacation of 1950 (more than 20 days) was the day and night when we got along. He was very busy, when Soviet experts came to my house he asked me to take the initiative to go out, I didn't understand Russian, I couldn't understand what they said, he said I could walk around the yard, go to Li Kenong's office, the reception room. And I thought, why don't you go to the office and move to the house to talk?"

2. Have a will before going to the DPRK

"I really didn't know he was going to North Korea. Kishi Ying just said that the place he went to this time is very far away, it is very inconvenient, and he can't receive a letter, so don't worry. In fact, the Korean War broke out when Kishi Ying returned from Changsha. I am a student, as if this matter is very far away, a war in a nearby country, we have no idea what impact we will have, and we have not thought about it. He is going on a business trip, and I can't ask where he goes. ”

At that time, he confessed 4 things. First, no matter what situation I encounter in the future, I must complete my studies and do not rush to work. I thought, what is going to happen to me, will you still want me? After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the chairman said that my cultural knowledge was not enough, so let me learn from scratch. Kishi Ying encouraged me not to be in a hurry and study hard. ”

"The second thing he confessed, every Saturday, asked me to go to see my father, and if he wasn't there, I wouldn't go."

"The third thing is to help Kishi Qing. Saying that he was poor in self-care in life, Jiang Qing did not have the energy to take care of him, so let me say to my mother (referring to Zhang Wenqiu) to help take care of Kishi Qing. ”

"The fourth thing, let me be careful with Jiang Qing, saying that when you contact her, you should have multiple eyes, and he has offended her. I feel that Kishi Ying still has some words in his heart that he did not tell me. ”

"Kishi Ying's conversation with me, I think is not ordinary. At eleven o'clock in the evening, I dropped him off at the hospital gate, and he walked and came back and again. He gave me a deep bow before he rode. I didn't understand at the time, but there is still a bow between husband and wife? I didn't think much about it at the time, I just thought it was strange, and I realized afterwards that the four things he said were actually wills. Kishi Ying wanted me to know what to do in case of misfortune. ”

"After Kaihui's mother died, the party sent Kishi Ying to study in the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, he had several friends who talked about everything, such as Cai Hesen's son Cai Bo, Li Fuchun's daughter Li Tete, Liu Shaoqi's son Liu Yunbing, and Huang Jian and Li Duoli. Before leaving, Kishi Ying told Cai Bo: It is estimated that he will not come back this time. This is what Kishi Ying said to Cai Bo in Shenyang before going to the DPRK, and Kishi Ying has made ideological preparations for sacrifice. In connection with what he said to Cai Bo, I feel that what Kishi Ying said to me before leaving is actually a will. Some people say: the chairman sent Kishi Ying to the DPRK to train the prince, this is complete nonsense! Kishi Ying knew that going to the battlefield meant sacrifice. ”

3. Unfortunately, I didn't come that time

In order to alleviate the pain in the heart of the old man Liu Siqi, the author deliberately turned the topic to Bancang. Liu Siqi talked about Kishi Ying's return to Bancang.

In May 1950, Kishi returned to Itakura. Before leaving, he had been preparing for a long time. The gifts I brought were shown to me, and the chairman thought of them. I was in school, and my health was poor, my tonsils were inflamed for three days, and I didn't know when Kishi Ying would return from Hunan, so I couldn't go with him. Now that I think about it, it's my lifelong regret. ”

"Kishi Ying told me after returning from Bancang that he had visited his mother's grave, his uncle, aunt and other relatives and friends in Changsha, and helped her celebrate her birthday. Kishi Ying and her grandmother have a deep relationship, which can be seen from the letter to Xiang Sanli, who rushed back to Changsha from Beijing before her birthday. He also said with relish, eating the sugar tofu brain made by his grandmother again. It was his favorite thing to eat as a child. Grandma is kind and virtuous, and she likes Kishi Ying very much, and she also likes the chairman very much. Kishi Ying also told me that when he was a child, he still rolled on the ground to make his sex ask his grandmother for candy to eat. ”

"Not long after Kishi Ying returned from Itakura, he went to the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea..."

"With reverence and wishes, in May 1961, I came to Hunan with Shore Qing and Shao Hua, and I was happy to meet my grandmother, uncle, and aunt at my grandmother's house in Xisheng Yuan, Xuegong Street, Changsha."

4. "Kishi Ying offended Kang Sheng"

In this way, the topic with the old man Liu Siqi turned to Kishi Ying in her eyes.

She said: "Kishi Ying is unrestrained, straightforward, and does not talk around the corner. He thinks that what is right must be insisted on, and it is not reasonable, because this character has also offended Kang Sheng. When Kishi Ying was working in Shandong, he encountered an incident in which the enemy killed two of our scouts. Kang was on fire and wanted to send troops to bombard the village. Kishi Ying disagreed, afraid of hurting the people. Kang Sheng was angry, and since that incident, he has never taken Kishi Ying out again. After Kishi's death, there was a review in the file that said it was disrespectful to the leadership. ”

"Kishi Ying is very simple, two yuan a month for living expenses. He didn't have much clothes, and I noticed that he sometimes had dirty clothes unwashed, and he had to change his body, so he picked one of the dirty clothes and put them on. Kishi Ying does not use the chairman's money, although his father has a writing fee, he has to buy things for the chairman, so Kishi Ying is very cautious. But if you buy a book, the chairman supports it. ”

More than 60 years of things, remember so clearly, let us listen to it as if it were immersive, which shows the weight of Mao Anying in Liu Siqi's heart.

(Text, Huang Baiqiang)

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