
Baler is a good friend

author:China Economic Net

Source: Yangtze Evening News

[Zhejiang] Ago

The third time I saw Bara appear in Xiaoyu's bento after 95 in the department, I disdainfully told her that the taste of Bale was very general. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu said with the tone of iron powder, Bale is a high-fiber fruit, low sugar, strong satiety, and rich nutrition, good friends of weight loss people. I smiled perfunctorily, and my heart exaggerated. The girl grimaced at me, good friends don't have to fit seamlessly at 360 degrees, and sixty or seventy percent fit is already good.

There is no reason for this.

Think of your good friend who has stamped it, and count it with one hand. For example, her good friend Ah Geun, she found a beautiful plate abroad, she will definitely buy the same two, one of which will be given to me. I took organic vegetables from my hometown and would share half of her. Occasionally we meet to let go of ourselves, and on weekends and holidays, we fly to Gulangyu Island to ride a bicycle to enjoy a flying skirt and drink a cup of hot cocoa, which Miss Marple drinks when she reads detective novels. Play like a truant child. However, I have been in a relationship with Ah Jin for nearly twenty years, and I have never had the touching scene of Lu Su pointing out that He was giving Zhou Yu. Ah Geun can make my soul discharge, and the ordinary, mediocre life is reflected in the light. But we are two-way people, and she is of the "Appearance Society". Always teach "I" tirelessly: commuting dress is not only black and white gray, put on a silk scarf, a brooch, a little careful thinking can make you vivid... In short, in her opinion, women's unprettiness is all because they do not understand the "dressing scriptures". This point makes the T-shirt jeans cross the long summer I can't stand. Whenever I listened to her broken thoughts, I couldn't help but whisper in my heart, fortunately, fate did not arrange for us to see each other every day.

Fisherman Alian, who has known him for ten years, I still can't call his name. It was because I wrote some articles about the life of fishermen, telling their difficulties and difficulties, so I was introduced by him as a confidant. Every time I go to Ah Lian's place, I will bring him a few old wines, and When Ah Lian catches wild mandarin fish, yellow eels and other lake fresh, he calls me: "Ah Guo, there are delicious ones, waiting for you to eat." "In life, I can't fight with Alian Eight Poles. Can you share wine, food and beautiful views of the lake? I sometimes think that maybe I was a woman walking in the rivers and lakes in my previous life, and I still have a bold gene in my blood. Anyway, don't think about it a lot, in Alian there can be undefended, physically and mentally relaxed, which is very good.

Du Yang is my donkey friend. We went into Tibet together and walked the most rugged off-road roads. Every time he travels, he will make a strategy in advance, release the route, and remind everyone of the equipment they need. He is responsible for taking pictures along the way, not to mention, when he returns, he will also specially design the cover, back cover and select the photos, and then send the electronic photo album to everyone. I am responsible for writing the "preface" to the album and matching the photos with concise text. A photo album full of donkey marks, with our resolute footsteps, bright smiles, warm details, showing the deep donkey friendship. Back to everyday life, we don't have contact for half a year. Once there is a hiking plan, it will be like the iron filings summoned by the magnet and gathered.

We usually put a lot of weight on the word "good friend." My world is dark, and you have to sit with me and wait for dawn. You are in a bad mood, and I am still happy that I have no conscience and insult the sacred title of friends. There is a saying in Miyazaki's "Witch House Rush" that makes sense: Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because when you struggle in the dark, even your shadow will leave you. Although the taste of Bale does not jump, it can help you fragrantly, and you are a very good friend.

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