
Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

author:Rishan Seventy-Seven

Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to their own feelings, especially women, no longer binding themselves in all aspects, projecting into clothing, and aesthetics have also undergone substantial changes. Except for some formal occasions, almost in informal scenes, I prefer to wear casual clothes, no longer dominated by curves, and pursue the ultimate release, so that the body has more space to stretch, and attach importance to the experience of dressing.

Just like many public figures completely let go of their image baggage when they are at the airport, it is more relaxed and comfortable to wear at home. Ran Yingying and her husband walked to the airport, both of them were wearing T-shirts and shorts, Ran Yingying's dress style was almost like a brother with her husband, but the state of the raw picture was indeed not very good, the legs were full of injuries, and the whole person looked very haggard.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

Ran Yingying's styling analysis: casual clothing releases casual sensuality

Without the shackles of work status, there is no professional pressure in your own private time. In the return to personal life, the style of dressing has obviously undergone great changes, and the most intuitive change is to replace the sense of shape with practicality, and play the role of clothing itself.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

In the dressing, more attention is paid to practicality, and the design effect of clothing is completely ignored, so the feeling presented is the matching of daily basics. In this outfit, it is a very traditional short-sleeved short-sleeved shorts with a sporty fit, which completely ignores the gender matching, and makes good use of the loose and large sense of casual clothing to emphasize the theme of inclusiveness and styling.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

The most important thing for clothing that is biased towards the home version is comfort, and the fabric is also focused on the traditional home comfort fabric, effectively extended, catering to the design of the basic style, breaking the traditional aesthetic concept of respect for women, to emphasize the sense of line to achieve self-cultivation. From the overall point of view, the lines are very soft, showing a strong sense of laziness, and the maximum relaxation.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

Compared with Ran Yingying's previous airport looks, this set of looks is more of a release, rather than a forced concave shape, and the presentation is not a sense of decadence, but gives people a neat and refreshing feeling, although I look a little haggard, but it does not affect the expression of clothing style.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

Bright colors add vibrancy

Many middle-aged women often have misunderstandings in dressing, like to use dark colors to tie, thereby emphasizing the maturity brought by age precipitation, in fact, this concept of dressing is a large extent of false subjective consciousness. Because there are different styles at different ages, the sense of maturity is not absolutely impossible to use certain elements, so older people can also use bright colors to emphasize the modeling effect, as long as the use is reasonable.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

In Ran Yingying's look, it is very cleverly used to combine bright colors and light colors, the conventional colors of white and green effectively break through the sense of age, and the shape looks more vibrant, which is a highlight for the casual style. Green matching is actually not very high coverage in Asian clothing, because it is more picky skin color, but Ran Yingying very cleverly chooses the lower body with fluorescent green will not show black, but gives people a sporty beauty, the shape will not be too monotonous.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

Zou Shiming styling analysis: Dressing attaches importance to the sense of experience

Under the influence of traditional aesthetic concepts, middle-aged men have more casual characteristics in dress, pursuing homogeneous expressions, that is, paying more attention to comfort. The weighted casual proportion, through the loose sense of clothing to reduce the presence of the shape, also highlights the characteristics of personal attention.

Ran Yingying also couldn't bear the birth picture, dressed as a husband and brothers were too bloated, and her legs were full of injuries and her face was haggard

Zou Shiming walked the airport obviously without any baggage, dressing presents a free and casual characteristic, is completely respecting the personal experience, the comfort as the dominance, the loose clothing version gives the body enough room to stretch, this effective matching is also the release of personality. In the sweltering summer months, there's nothing like simplifying your outfit to show off the coolness and functionality of your garment.

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