
How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

author:Master Nengchen

One day in 2004, the writer Mr. Jin Yong received 60,000 yuan from Stephen Chow, which is said to be a copyright fee, but Jin Yong had never heard that Stephen Chow wanted to remake his work, so he called to ask what was going on, but Stephen Chow said that in the movie "Kung Fu" he had just completed, it involved 6 contents such as Yang Guo, Xiaolongnu, and Rulai Shenpalm in Jin Yong's works, and Stephen Chow paid Mr. Jin Yong a total of 60,000 yuan in copyright fees according to the price of 10,000 yuan for one content.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

There have been many film and television works involving Jin Yong's novel content before, but Mr. Jin Yong has never considered the problem of copyright fees, and now others are sitting at home, and the copyright fees come from the sky, which makes Jin Yong impressed by Stephen Chow, and finally Mr. Jin Yong was happy, and donated all the 60,000 yuan of copyright fees to the disaster area, and Xingye's practice of protecting and supporting property rights has also been supported by many people, but Stephen Chow offended Sammo Hung, a big brother in the Hong Kong film industry, because of the movie "Kung Fu", Sammo Hung once lashed out at Stephen Chow at the filming site, he also warned Stephen Chow not to treat people as dogs, after saying this, Sammo Hung left the shooting scene without looking back, what kind of contradiction happened, so that Sammo Hung said this?

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

Wonderful not only in front of the stage, Nengchen only says big things, hello everyone, I am Nengchen. Today, let's talk to you about the behind-the-scenes story in the movie "Kung Fu".

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

A reporter once asked Stephen Chow which of your works is your favorite, Xing Ye's answer is "Kung Fu", which is his masterpiece, but also his dream journey, because Xing Ye's most admired idol is "Kung Fu" superstar Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee's works occupy Xing Ye's entire childhood, but also buried countless heroic dreams in his heart, growing up there are many plots in his works are tribute to Bruce Lee, and the movie "Kung Fu" also made Xing Ye pay a lot of energy. It's a pity that this movie, which witnessed the road to the consecration of Xingye, did not invite his good partner Wu Mengda to star!

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

The outside world also began to speculate that Wu Mengda's absence was the starting point of the contradiction between the two, but in fact, Xing Ye initially found Wu Mengda to participate, but at that time, SARS Y love was sweeping the country, Uncle Da was not sure whether he could participate, and when the Y love passed, Uncle Da already had a new film contract, at that time the two also agreed to have the opportunity to cooperate again, but unfortunately there are not so many people in life, Uncle Da's departure made Xing Ye very sad, and the position of gold medal supporting role was forever retained.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

At that time, Huang Shengyi was still on the college campus, because of her pure appearance, she was selected by Xing Ye to participate in this movie, although the dumb girl she played did not have a line, but two tears flowed into the hearts of countless people, since then Huang Shengyi became famous overnight, but no one could have imagined that Huang Shengyi would take revenge after becoming famous, and also took Xing Ye to court.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

Huang Shengyi cried in front of the media pear blossom with rain, she accused Xing Ye of not being close to people, and even did not let the actor take leave if there was something at home, but Xing Ye's side said: Huang Shengyi violated the company's agreement, not only received notices in private, but also shot large-scale magazine covers, Xing Ye wanted to hold Huang Shengyi as a jade girl, but Huang Shengyi wanted to become a lustful woman, the two sides argued in court, and finally Xing Ye lost the lawsuit, Huang Shengyi lost the future.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

In addition to Huang Shengyi, Xing Ye also offended many people in the process of filming "Kung Fu", the big brother Sammo Hung in the film industry is one of them, when Xing Ye in order to make the martial arts action look more cool, he asked Sammo Hung to serve as a martial arts director, but Xing Ye's dedication to the movie became the beginning of the contradiction between the two, he asked for an action to be remade many times, which made Sammo Hung feel very dissatisfied, and the filming time of the movie was in the summer, Sammo Hung could not bear the mosquito bite, and finally was directly admitted to the hospital, As a result, he came out of the hospital but found that he was actually fired, it turned out that Xing Ye had invited another famous action director Yuan Heping to serve as a martial arts instructor, Sammo Hung knew that he was very angry and angry with Xing Ye, he had publicly shouted on the set and in front of the media: Let Xing Ye not treat people as dogs.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

But after the release of "Kung Fu", Xing Ye still gave Sammo Hung the remuneration for serving as a martial arts instructor, and later Sammo Hung also said that Stephen Chow's talent was obvious to all, but his character is indeed difficult to do, in fact, Xing Ye is not difficult but too serious, in order to restore the Kowloon Walled City when making this movie, Xing Ye spent 20 million Hong Kong dollars to compare the appearance of the Kowloon Walled City One to one to build a live-action shooting, and the building was demolished after the filming.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

Kowloon Walled City

The special effects in "Kung Fu" are dazzling, but some of the places that seem to be special effects are live-action shooting, such as the palm print left by the palm of God in the film, which is Xing Ye with the actors to dig out on the ground little by little, the chartered woman played by Yuan Qiu is one of the most outstanding roles in "Kung Fu", and the dumb girl played by Huang Shengyi was almost stolen by the charter mother, but Yuan Qiu initially did not think of cooperating with Stephen Chow.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

At that time, Yuan Qiu was accompanying people to the crew to audition, and in the waiting interval Yuan Qiu went out to smoke a cigarette and was seen by Stephen Chow, Xing Ye felt that Yuan Qiu was very in line with the image of the chartered mother, so he invited Yuan Qiu to act in the movie, but Yuan Qiu heard that Stephen Chow filming was very strict and she was relatively old, so she refused Stephen Chow's good opportunity, but Stephen Chow refused to give up in order to find a suitable supporting role, and finally Yuan Qiu completely ushered in the second spring of his career with the role of chartered mother.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

Every supporting role created by Stephen Chow for "Kung Fu" is very outstanding, and the most eye-catching among these people is the friendly cameo of director Feng Xiaogang, the gangster he played by virtue of a sentence who else, became the hottest BGM on the Internet platform, and this sentence turned out to be played by Feng Xiaogang on the spot, but after filming "Kung Fu", Feng Xiaogang was quite critical of Xing Ye, because he gave Xing Ye face, but Xing Ye ignored his invitation to cooperate, in fact, in Xing Ye's eyes, the movie does not rely on face to support a piece of the sky, the right role is far more important than the favor.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

After the release of the movie "Kung Fu" in 2004, it won a box office of 234 million, this figure accounted for 15.6% of the total box office of the film market that year, Stephen Chow returned to the peak with this movie, he stood on the podium 4 times and won many awards such as Taiwan's Golden Horse actor, this is Xingye's favorite work, he has no name in the movie, in the final subtitles, the audience knows that the male protagonist is called Xing, this is Stephen Chow himself, reproducing his life in the movie, Let every ordinary little person become full and three-dimensional because of his dreams, this is the charm of Stephen Chow's movies.

How many people does Xingye offend in a movie? Angered by Feng's dismissal of Sammo Hung, he was also taken to court

Maybe Xing Ye will be exhausted one day, but his movies will not hide behind these works is Xing Ye's wonderful life, this issue is over here, follow me to unlock more wonderful behind-the-scenes See you in the next issue!

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