
The mystery of the golden cave

author:Chen Feng was kind
The mystery of the golden cave

  Chumen is the entrance of Qutang Gorge, also known as "Qutang Pass", is the western gate of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the mountain rock is carved with "Chumen National Xiong" five big characters, is the school of entry and exit of the Sichuan Basin, Qutang Gorge is also known as "Chu Gorge". Regarding the Gate of Chumen, Comrade Chen Yi has a magnificent poem: "The Three Gorges bundle the Yangtze River, and want to change the flow of the river." Who knows the broken door, flowing east into the sea. ”

  There is a mysterious cave entrance to the gate, which is called the "Golden Cave" because legend has it that there are many gold and silver treasures buried in the cave. The Golden Cave is on the cliff on the south bank of Qutang Gorge, there are more than 70 meters of cliffs on the cave, more than 200 meters of deep valleys under the cave, and there is a string of "Z" shaped stone holes at the lower end of the cliff, which is said to be the remains left by treasure collectors. For many years, folk have been spreading the magical legend of gold everywhere in the Golden Cave. One of them was greedy by nature, snatching up the people's fat and not saying anything, and coveting the treasure in the golden cave. So he forced a local woodcutter to lead him to the entrance to the golden cave, and then he took a group of attendants into the cave to find the gold treasure, but he got lost and never returned.

  Is there really gold and silver jewelry in the Gold Cave? And who hid the treasure? The roaring river flows through the winding canyon, through the gates of people's thoughts, roaring away...

  Gongsun Shu (公孙述夔門藏宝) Gongsun Shu (公孙述), courtesy name Ziyang, was a native of Fufeng Maoling (present-day Xingping County, Shaanxi). After usurping the throne by Wang Mang, a foreign relative of the Western Han Dynasty, a new dynasty was founded, and Gongsun Shu was appointed as the Taishou of Shu Commandery. I didn't want Wang Mang to usurp the throne to be unpopular, and within a few years, the whole country was in turmoil, and the crowds competed. Gongsun Shu was very good at "judging the hour and sizing up the situation", and after Wang Mang was reprimanded, Zong Cheng, a native of Nanyang, Shudi, claimed to be a general of Huya, gathering tens of thousands of troops, which was quite influential. Because of the decline of the Han Dynasty and the national pursuit of deer, Gongsun Shuxiang and Zongcheng united and tried to dispatch emissaries to communicate with them. Unexpectedly, Zong Cheng's team was welcomed to Chengdu by him and it was difficult to change the habits of the green forest, plundering and burning, and doing no evil.

The mystery of the golden cave

  Gongsun Shu then completely revoked his motives for cooperating with him, and summoned some good Han warriors in the county to say: "The people of the whole country are not poisoned by the new dynasty, and have been commemorating the days under the rule of the Han Dynasty." So it is said that the Green Forest Army arrived, rushed to tell each other, and went to the road to meet. And now what? The people are innocent, but the wives and children are humiliated. They were basically not rebels, but thieves. ”

  At that time, Liu Xuan had already founded the Xuanhan Dynasty, with the capital chang'an, and Gongsun Shu pretended to be a subordinate and sent people to pretend to be Xuan Han's "Qinchai Minister", appointed himself as an auxiliary Han general and Shu Commandery Taishou and Yizhou Mu, and issued a seal letter. After gaining an open official position, Gongsun Shu raised an army to eliminate the "rebellious thieves" and annexed their ranks. At this time, he simply turned his face with the Xuanhan authorities, sent troops to defeat the Xuanhan officials who came to "usurp the fruits of victory", and became the king of Shu himself, establishing the capital Chengdu. Because of the protection of the border and the security of the people, for a while it was very popular with the people in the territory. Gongsun Shu believed in so-called supernatural things and was good at using them to create momentum for himself. In the year when Liu Xiuhebei was proclaimed emperor, in the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty Jianwu (25 AD), I heard that he once talked with his subordinates and pretended to sigh: "The people who are emperors are all fixed, and I regret that I am immoral and incompetent, and I cannot take on this heavy responsibility!" That part of the general was the best at observing the words and colors, and immediately knew the meaning of Gongsun Shu, so he said: "Lord, the whole country is worthy of the able, and the destiny of heaven is impermanent, as long as the people of Li support it, it is not difficult to be an emperor." ”

  Gongsun Shu was very happy to hear this, and when he heard that night, he had a dream, and he dreamed that someone was saying in his ear: "Gongsun Twelve." He woke up and told his wife about this dream, puzzled, is this to say that his dynasty can last 12 generations or 12 years? If it is only 12 years, although you can become an emperor, do you regret that the country is too short, and risk this risk? At this time, Lady Gongsun did not let her eyebrows be raised, and encouraged her husband to say: "Chaowen Dao, it is okay to die at night, and it is twelve?" Legend has it that when Gongsun Shubing was in Chijia, he saw an ancient well in which the white gas was steaming, like a dragon, soaring into the air, and in the middle of the night there was light in his palm to engrave "Gongsun Emperor", because Gongsun Shu Shangbai naturally felt that this was a good omen, it was a symbol that he would become the true dragon Tianzi, coupled with the meaning of dreamland at this time, Gongsun Shu thought that his opportunity to become emperor was ripe.

  In the same year, Gongsun Shu built the White Emperor City, called himself Emperor (self-proclaimed White Emperor) in Chengdu, with the national name "Chengjia" and the era name "Longxing", and built a city in Qutang, garrisoned troops, and Tuntian. Gongsun Shu saw that the legend of "dragon" is not recorded in the history, in fact, Gongsun Shu is interested in Qutang Tianwei, Qutang Tianwei is really strangling in the eyes of the soldiers, so he will build a city here, and the fact that the mysterious color has faded is just that he has made a little trickery.

  Liu Xiu, who had just sat on the throne of the King of God, saw Gongsun Shu as emperor and immediately made a move. He first focused on attacking the heart, and wrote a letter to persuade Gongsun Shu to see the situation clearly. Gongsun Shu also wrote a letter to Liu Xiu, writing along with all the evidence that he had been ordained by heaven, perhaps hoping that Liu Xiu and he would "recognize each other."

  But the matter is clear, there is no two days in the sky, there is no two masters in the country, and he and Liu Xiu, the two heavenly sons who are "ordained by heaven", always have to win or lose. In 35 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty general Cen Peng, the Great Sima Wu Han, and the general Liu Long met at Jingmen, defeated the Chengjia army's offensive in one fell swoop, and then immediately turned to attack. Gongsun Shu was repeatedly defeated in battles on the battlefield, and could not talk about it and could not win the battle, so he dispatched assassins to continue to assassinate Liu Xiu's future she and commander Cen Peng. The following year, the commander of the Han army was replaced by The Great Sima Wuhan, who had indiscriminately killed innocents, and the army was defeated in the battle, "since the general was afraid, he left the rebellion day and night, and although he exterminated his family, he could not be forbidden." At this critical juncture, Gongsun Shu still refused Liu Xiu's offer to deal with it peacefully, and finally defeated the soldiers, was pierced through the chest by a sharp long halberd, fell off the horse, and perished on the spot. This year coincided with the 12th year of Gongsun Shu's claim to the throne.

The mystery of the golden cave

  Shu has been the country of Tianfu since ancient times, the land is rich in materials, Gongsun Shu has been entrenched here for more than ten years, most of the time is to be "the king of a country", the amount of his wealth can not be underestimated, after his death in battle, Shudi has been spreading that Gongsun Shu secretly hid the gold and silver jewelry saved for several years in a cave in the Gate of Fumen, that is, the "Golden Cave" today, in preparation for the comeback in the future.

  Treasure Hunting Trip to the Golden Cave In addition to Gongsun's theory of hiding treasures, there are also rumors that the opposite bank of the Golden Cave is the ancient frontier where Zhuge Liang deduced the Bagua Array, repelled Wu Bing, and the White Emperor City where Liu Bei's soldiers were defeated, so the cave probably contained Zhuge Liang's military books and Liu Bei's swords. In the future of the Ming Dynasty, it was also rumored that the golden cave contained the bones of the famous Song Dynasty general Yang Jiye, and the string of stone holes under the cave was said to have been chiseled by Yang's general Meng Liang for the bones of the thief Yang Clan, and there were local people who called the stone hole "Meng Liang Ti".

  In June 1960, Mr. Tong Enzheng, a professor at Sichuan University, wrote a novel "The Mysterious Golden Cave" according to relevant legends; in August 1980, Mr. Zhao Guilin, an expert on the study of Three Gorges customs, wrote a script according to the relevant legends. Both works have been made into movies and TV series. For a time, the idea that there were treasures in the Golden Cave was spread to the extreme, tempting groups of explorers.

  On August 25, 1998, the Chinese, British and Irish united expeditions in Fengjie, Sichuan Province, climbed the cliff of the Gate of Dreams, preparing to unveil the mystery of the Golden Cave that has been shrouded for thousands of years.

  The cliffs of more than 70 meters and the deep valleys of more than 200 meters have made countless treasure hunters who have come to the city retreat. In fact, as early as 1958, a farmer in Yongle Town, Fengjie County, went to the Golden Cave, because he saw the eagle falcon in the cave, so he carried a dung basket from the top of the mountain to the grass rope and slid into the cave, trying to find fertilizer. Unexpectedly, he did not find a little fertilizer in the cave, but he saw a lot of coffins. Momentarily angry, he pushed down the two hanging coffins at the entrance of the cave and retrieved a bronze sword. It is conceivable that the farmer's hanging rope to explore the treasure cave has induced many tomb robbers. When explorers from the Three Kingdoms explored the cave, they found that there was a thick rope hanging from the top of the cave, and the weeds around it were bulldozed. As early as 1994, when the Sino-British unity expedition came to Fengjie to explore the crevasse of the sinkhole, it had a strong pleasure in the golden cave; in 1995, when the Sino-French unity expedition team came to Fengjie, it also expressed fascination with the cave, but due to the limitations of the premise, it could not enter the cave. This time, the Sino-British expedition and irish explorers came to Fengjie again, determined to uncover the mystery of the Golden Cave. After re-examining the crevices of the sinkhole, the expedition team decided to be led by Professor Zhu Xueyin, president of the China Geological Karst Association, and Andy Evans, secretary general of the International Caverns Association, to explore the Golden Cave. All the team members were extremely impulsive because they could explore the golden cave and uncover the mystery of the ages, but they were still very cautious, and arrived at the scene in advance on August 24 to understand the environment and prepare for the preliminary work. At 9:20 a.m. on August 25, as a dazzling signal bomb soared into the sky, 48-year-old geologist Andy Evans, British explorer Kenny Taylor with 40 years of exploration experience, SRT (the world's most advanced single-rope glide climbing technique) full-time technician, 36-year-old Irish explorer Zhu Watt, and Zhang Ren, a 30-year-old Chinese geological expert with a master of geology, slid down from the top of the mountain to the cave, and they swung close to the mountain wall and entered the cave.

  The team members first explored 3 small holes around the golden cave and then climbed into the golden cave. About half an hour later, a pile of each other's precious bones, expected to be the remains of multiple people, was found in the cave, and fragments of coffins and four intact wooden sticks were found. After another half an hour, there were paintings on the walls of the cave, and the cave was full of disorganized ancient weapons and household utensils. After about half an hour, that is, about 20 meters, the team members had reached the end of the Golden Cave, but they could not find any reliable evidence for the existence of the legendary treasure, and the team members had to take pictures of everything they found for study. The red hieroglyphs on the rock wall of the Golden Cave, the images and lines are clearly visible, and after expert analysis, the Golden Cave is probably the extinct place of the ancient Ba people. Hieroglyphs show that after the defeat of a war, the Pakistani people fled into the cave with the young hes, walked to the mouth of the riverside cave, found that it was a dead end, and wrote down their misfortunes with ochre stones to pass on to future generations, and then all of them were martyred in the cave, and the golden cave became the tomb of a country! However, since it was an escape, how could there be a coffin in the cave? Are there peoples who have fled with coffins?

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