
"Historical Words" Deng Ai smuggled yin ping jian qigong

author:Daily Gansu

Deng Ai smuggled Yin Ping Jian QiGong

Gansu Daily special writer Wang Xiaohong

In the fourth year (243) of the reign of Cao Fang, the King of Wei Qi, deng Ai, 46, served as Cao Wei's military campaign in the west and was transferred to The Taishou of Nan'an (南安, in present-day southeastern Longxi, Gansu), setting foot on the vast western region for the first time. In the battles of the Shu general Jiang Wei in the Northern Expedition to Longyou, Deng Ai, who knew the art of war, was always able to calmly repel him and become a pillar of defense for the security of Cao Wei's western frontier. Especially in the process of Cao Wei's destruction of Shu, when the main force of the Wei army was blocked by Jiang Wei and could not advance under the Sword Pavilion, Deng Ai, who was over sixty years old, unexpectedly attacked him and was not prepared, smuggled into the Yinping Ancient Road (in present-day Wen County, Gansu), and captured Chengdu in one fell swoop, and Shu Han was destroyed.

1 The Longyou region was at stake for the security of wei and Shu

In the twelfth year (207) of the Han XianDi Jian'an, Zhuge Liang proposed to Liu Bei the famous "Longzhong Pair", suggesting that jingzhou be occupied first, and then Yizhou should be attacked, and when "there was a change in the world", he would send a member of the general to attack Wanluo from jingzhou to the north, and Liu Bei would send troops from Yizhou to Qinchuan, and the east and west should be coordinated, taking Luoyang and reviving the Han Dynasty. Due to Guan Yu's careless loss of Jingzhou, the Shu and Han strategies of attacking Cao Wei on both roads were frustrated, and the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei and the Xingfu Han Dynasty could only be launched on the western front. In the clashes between Wei and Shu, Long Right was the main battlefield repeatedly fought by the two sides. For the Shu state, the advance from Sichuan to Guanzhong was limited to the dangers of communication, and the strict defense of the Wei army was difficult to succeed. Therefore, from the beginning of Zhuge Liang's conquest of Wei, it was the usual strategy to detour to Chang'an. This is because longnan has several rivers such as Liangdangshui, Yongning River, Niyang River, Xiajianshui, and Western Han River converging with the Jialing River flowing through Longshu, and the area along the river is rich in products and easy to transport, and it has been regarded as a grain road since the ancient soldiers. Secondly, the terrain of Longyou is high and steep and dangerous, and it can be attacked and defended, and the road into the pass is relatively smooth.

And the State of Wei also attached great importance to Long Right. Because from the topographic point of view, the east-west Qinling Mountains and the north-south Longshan Mountains form an inverted "D" shape, isolating Cao Wei's Longyou from the Guanzhong region. Longyou Di Dao, Longxi, Nan'an, and Qishan are all high mountains and deep valleys, with heavy mountains and mountains, plus the local people advocate martial arts, are accustomed to fighting and defending, like field hunting, and are diligent in harvesting, as long as they strangle Tianshui to the longxi line, they have mastered the convenience of using martial arts, going east to Qinlong, and attacking Yongqi; descending to the south, you can take Liang Yi; and the west refers to the Lanhui, which can occupy the river Huang.

Therefore, the attack and defense of LongYou was not only related to the success or failure of the Shu Han Northern Expedition, but also affected the safety of Cao Wei in Guanzhong. The protagonists of the confrontation between Wei and Shu in the Long Right Battlefield were Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi in the early stage, and mainly Jiang Wei and Deng Ai in the later period.

2 Deng Ai preemptively took Taocheng, and Jiang Wei returned without success

Deng Ai (197–264), courtesy name Shi zai, was a native of Jiyang, Yiyang (present-day Xinye, Henan). The Deng clan was once a large clan in the Xinye area of Nanyang, but Deng Ai lost his father at an early age and his life was very difficult. Coupled with the fact that he was born with the problem of stuttering, it is difficult to get ahead and achieve a career. But Deng Ai did not complain about the world, self-abandonment, he was very fond of the military, every time he saw the mountains and rivers, he had to survey the terrain, point out the military camp, and was ridiculed by others and did not care.

After nearly twenty years of grinding, Deng Ai's good luck finally came. In that year, he went to Luoyang to report on local affairs, and happened to meet Sima Yi, a high-ranking lieutenant. After the conversation, Sima Yi appreciated his talents, so he recruited him as a subordinate of the Taiwei Mansion and was later promoted to Shang Shulang.

Meeting Sima Yi can be said to be a major turning point in Deng Ai's life. With the trust and support of Sima Yi and Sima Zhao's father and son, Deng Ai had the opportunity to display his military talents, and he played a great role in the battles of Wei Shu and Wei Wu and in quelling the rebellion against Sima Shi. Especially in the Longyou battlefield, he led a surprise army to bypass the frontal defense of the Shu army and directly attacked the Shu capital Chengdu, creating a famous example of surprise attack in the history of Chinese warfare.

The Shu general Jiang Wei (江威), also known as Bo Yue (伯約), was also a Wei general, and when Zhuge Liang attacked Tianshui, he descended on Shu and was very much valued. Zhuge Liang praised Jiang Wei in his letter to Jiang Wei, who remained in the Xiang Mansion and joined the army, Saying: "Boyo is a man who is loyal and diligent in the affairs of the country, thinks meticulously and thoroughly about problems, and is inferior to him, and is a rare talent in Liangzhou!" ”

Then, Zhuge Liang handed over the chapter to the rear lord Liu Chan and recommended Jiang Wei: "Jiang Boyo is particularly proficient in military affairs, courageous and superhuman, and very moralistic, and sincerely defends the Han Room, and in the future, he will be the only one who will inherit my legacy in the Shu Kingdom." ”

Jiang Wei kept Zhuge Liang's last words in mind, never forgetting the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei and reviving the Han Dynasty. In the autumn of the twelfth year (249) of the shu Han dynasty lord Yanxi, Jiang Wei thought that he knew the customs of the northwest, and planned to lure the Qiang people into shu yuyi, and then annexed Longyou and Xutu Guanzhong. So he led his men and horses north along the Longshu Ancient Road to Longyou, unexpectedly defeated the wei army stationed there, and captured Qishan (qishan, southeast of present-day Li County, Gansu). He left a small army garrison, and the army continued to advance westward. Finally, the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Qishan Mountain (麹山, in the east of Minzhou City) (present-day eastern Minxian County, Gansu) was selected as an outpost to organize non-commissioned officers to build fortifications and collect military supplies. He personally led the elite Shu army and directly took the city of Nan'an County.

After receiving the battle report from Nan'an, Guo Huai, the general of The Right Cao wei of Long, immediately ordered The Yongzhou Assassin Shi Chen Tai to lead the Shu protector Xu Qian, Nan'an Taishou Deng Ai, and others to surround Qishan with elite troops. Although the terrain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack, there is no water on the mountain. The Wei army cut off the Shu army's grain road and waterway, and the guarding Shu army was suddenly in a dilemma, and could only nibble on dry food and snow and hold the camp. The guards Gu An and Li Xin hurriedly sent out detective horses to send letters to Jiang Wei and request rescue.

Jiang Wei, who was fighting in the front, was surprised to hear that Qishan was besieged, and hurriedly led his army back to help. However, when the reinforcements reached Niutou Mountain on the south bank of Taoshui, Guo Huai had already laid down a position and planned to intercept the Shu army. Jiang Wei was worried that the back road would be cut off, and did not dare to engage in battle and retreat. Ju'an, who was holding on to Qishan, heard that the reinforcements were hopeless, and had no choice but to lead his army to surrender to the State of Wei.

Seeing the main force of the Shu army retreating, Guo Huai was about to lead the army to attack the Qiang tribes in the west, and Deng Ai advised: "Jiang Wei is not far from retreating, it is difficult to ensure that he will not kill back the horse gun, we still divide the troops to guard against it, so as to avoid the Shu army from sneaking attack." Guo Huai thought it was reasonable, so he left Deng Aitun to defend the north bank of Baishui (白水, in present-day Bailongjiang, Gansu) to prevent the Shu army from counterattacking. Three days later, Jiang Wei did indeed turn back and sent Liao Hua to camp on the south bank of Baishui, opposite Deng Ai. Deng Ai said to the generals: "The main force of the Shu army suddenly returned, they obviously knew that we had few troops, and according to common sense, we should cross the river directly without having to build a bridge." Instead, he pretended to build a bridge to cross the river, and this must have been Jiang Wei who sent Liao Hua to contain our army and prevent us from dividing the troops. Jiang Wei himself must have led the main force to attack Taocheng (洮城, in present-day southwest of Lintan, Gansu). ”

Taocheng is on the north bank of WhiteWater, about sixty miles from Deng Ai's station, and its geographical location is important. After discovering Jiang Wei's plan, Deng Ai immediately abandoned the camp and took over Taocheng overnight. Soon, Jiang Wei did indeed lead heavy troops to attack, but he did not expect that Deng Ai had been preempted. Jiang Wei saw that there was no opportunity to take advantage of it, so he had to withdraw his army and retreat.

3 Deng Ai's mechanism changed, and Jiang Wei Duangu was defeated

In the first year of the Zhengyuan Dynasty (254), after the Duke of GaoguiXiang took the throne, Deng Ai was credited with breaking the rebellion of Qiu Jian and Wen Qin, and served as the general of Anxi, false festival, and led the Eastern Qiang Lieutenant. At this time, the Cao Wei courtiers believed that Jiang Wei had repeatedly failed in his achievements, that the Shu Han state was exhausted, and that there was no need to worry much about the Long Right Battlefield. Deng Ai, on the other hand, believed that the situation was still unpredictable, pointing out that in the Battle of Taoxi, Wei Fang suffered setbacks, the general was killed, the sergeant fled, the warehouse was empty, the people were displaced, and Long Right was almost in danger. He wrote to Emperor Wei and analyzed the situation on the long right battlefield from five aspects: First, Shu had the potential to take advantage of victory, while Wei had the fact that it was weak; second, the Shu army was familiar with it, while the Wei army would be unfamiliar and the ordnance was damaged; third, the Shu army had the advantage of boats, while the Wei army was mostly infantry, and the two armies were different from work and leisure; fourth, the Shu Han dynasty came out of the country, and the military strength was concentrated, while the Wei state defended separately in Didao, Longxi, Nan'an, Qishan, and other places, and the strength was scattered. Fifth, Longyou is rich in grain and salt, which has a strong attraction to Jiang Wei. In summary, Deng Ai asserted that Jiang Wei would come to fight for Long Right.

Sure enough, as Deng Ai expected, the defeat of Qishan did not shake Jiang Wei's determination to attack and occupy Longyou, and he actively fought his troops, practiced day and night, rushed to build military weapons, and at the same time sent scouts to inquire into Wei Guo's false reality and wait for the opportunity to send troops.

In June of the nineteenth year (256) of the Shu Han Dynasty, Jiang Wei and the Zhenxi general Hu Ji agreed to meet at Shangbang (上邦, in modern Tianshui, Gansu). In July, Jiang Wei took the lead in sending troops to Qishan, and after learning that Deng Ai was on guard, he changed his route to Dongting (東亭, in modern Wushannan, Gansu) and attacked Nan'an. Deng Ai took the lead and led his army to resist the Siege at Mount Wucheng (present-day southwest of Wushan, Gansu) and intercept the Shu army. Jiang Wei saw that the geographical advantage had been lost, and the strong attack could not be conquered, so he forcibly crossed the Weishui River to the east that night and advanced along the mountain road. As a result, the two armies met at Duangu (段谷, in present-day southwest of Tianshui, Gansu), which was a major battle.

Because Hu Ji had not yet arrived, the Shu army was outnumbered, the soldiers were scattered, and many people were killed and wounded. The people of Shuzhong complained, and there was also unrest in various parts of Longyou. Jiang Wei was worried and asked himself to be demoted to a rear general to appease the people's grievances.

Cao Wei's side rejoiced, and Cao Xi issued an edict praising Deng Ai, saying: "The rebellious thief Jiang Wei has been cunning for many years, the people are in turmoil, and the western land is restless." Ai Chip is well-drawn, loyal and courageous, slashing ten generals and counting thousands of heads. The national prestige was shaken by Ba and Shu, and the sound of wusheng was raised in Jiang and Min. "Promoted Deng Ai to the rank of General of Zhenxi and Governor of Longyou, and made him The Marquis of Deng. Deng Ai's eldest son, Deng Zhong, was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Ting, with five hundred households.

4 Deng Ai smuggled yin ping and destroyed the Shu Han Jian Qigong

In August of the third year (262) of the reign of Emperor Jingyuan of Wei, Sima Zhao, a general who had complete control of the Cao Wei dynasty, decided to "make a big move toward Shu" when he decided to "make a big move toward Shu", believing that the Shu Han dynasty was "a small country and a tired country" and that its resources were exhausted. This time, a total of 180,000 troops were dispatched from the three roads, of which the general Deng Ai of Zhenxi led more than 30,000 troops to march from Di Dao (present-day Lintao, Gansu) to contain the main force of Jiang Wei stationed in Puzhong (present-day southern Lintan County, Gansu); Yongzhou Assassin Shi Zhuge Xu led more than 30,000 people to attack Wujie (present-day chengxian county, gansu) to cut off Jiang Wei's retreat; the general of Zhenxi and the military ZhongHui of Guanzhong, the governor of the false festival, led the main force of more than 100,000 people, hoping to take advantage of the void to take Hanzhong and then go straight to Chengdu.

After receiving the military order, Deng Ai ordered Tianshui Taishou Wang Ji to attack Jiang Wei's camp directly, Longxi Taishou And others invited them to attack the front of the Shu army, while Jincheng Taishou Yang Xin attacked Gansong (present-day eastern Songpan County, Sichuan), cutting off the Shu army's rear road. Jiang Wei, who was in The Middle School, learned that Zhong Hui had entered Hanzhong and knew that Hanzhong was difficult to protect, so he wanted to get rid of Deng Ai's pursuit and led his army to retreat to Yinping and withdraw to Shuzhong. At this time, Zhuge Xu of the middle road had already preemptively occupied the Yinping Bridgehead, blocking the retreat of the Shu army. In a hurry, Jiang Weisheng attacked the east and the west, pretending to march thirty miles north to attack the rear road of the Wei army, and Zhuge Xu was sure to make a plan and led the army to withdraw to the north to block and intercept. Jiang Wei took the opportunity to quickly pass through the bridgehead, join forces with Liao Hua and Zhang Yi, and retreat to the Sword Pavilion. When Zhuge Xu realized that he had been deceived and rushed to intercept it, he was still one step behind, and the Shu army had already passed a day.

Jiang Wei led the main force to successfully retreat to the Sword Pavilion, so that Sima Zhao originally "tripped Jiang Wei in The Middle of the River, so that he could not look east, pointed directly at Luo Valley, out of its empty land, in order to attack Hanzhong." If the infant city is guarded, the soldiers are bound to disperse, and the end is separated from the end of the strategy bankruptcy. The Sword Pavilion is known as "one husband and one husband should be guan wan fu mokai", Jiang Wei defended by danger, Zhong Hui could not attack strongly, and the two armies became a stalemate. At this time, due to the difficult and dangerous road of the Wei army, the military food was difficult to sustain, so Zhong Would have a plan to retreat. Seeing that the Shu kingdom was about to escape the disaster, the Wei army was useless.

Deng Ai did not think so, and he proposed a brilliant plan. "At the moment, the Shu army was greatly frustrated and should take advantage of the victory to pursue." From Yinping, a team of elites was sent along the path through Hande Yangting to Fu County (on the east bank of the Fu River in present-day Mianyang City, Sichuan), which was more than 100 miles west of Jiange and more than 300 miles from Chengdu. After occupying Fu County, he directly went south to attack the capital of Shu Han. Although Jiang Wei was stubbornly guarding the Sword Pavilion, in this situation, he must lead troops to rescue FuXian County, in that case, Zhong Hui would just take advantage of the void. If Jiang Wei stubbornly defended the Sword Pavilion and did not save Fu County, then Fu County had very few troops and was easy to break through. The art of war says, 'Attack them unprepared, surprise them.' Now that I am leading an army to attack its empty land, we will certainly be able to destroy the Shu Han. ”

The Yinping Ancient Road started from Yinping County (present-day Huyiba, Wenxian County, Gansu), passed through the county seat of Wenxian County, crossed the Sky Ridge in Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province, passed through Tangjiahe, Yinping Mountain, Ma zhuanguan, Jingjun Mountain, and reached Jiangyouguan (present-day Nanba Town) in Pingwu County, with a total length of 265 kilometers, and the most dangerous place was The Sky Ridge. In the winter of October of that year, Deng Ai personally led tens of thousands of elite soldiers to implement the smuggling plan. They followed the Yinping Ancient Road, chiseled mountains to open roads, built trestle bridges, and crossed more than 700 miles of desolate and dangerous land. At the most difficult point on the way, the road is cut off, and it is impossible to retreat for a while. Deng Ai took the lead and rolled down the hillside wrapped in felt. The soldiers saw that the commander was desperate and his morale was greatly enhanced, so they climbed the trees on the mountain, and one by one carefully climbed down. At this time, deng Ai faced a danger not only a steep road, the cut off of grain and wages, but also his greatest concern was that the Yinping exit was guarded by the Shu army. If there were even a few hundred troops stationed at the exit, the sneak attack troops led by Deng Ai would also be in danger of having no way to advance and no way to retreat, and there was only one way to die for them. However, Deng Ai dared to play this dangerous move because he had a clear understanding of the military and political chaos in the Shu state at that time, and the great general Jiang Wei, who had a heavy army, was worried about being framed by Huang Hao, and he was stationed outside for a long time, and the internal strength of Shu was empty and the defense was lax. After Jiang Wei retreated to the Sword Pavilion, the attention of the Qunchen was focused on the official road leading to Shu in Guanzhong, where there was an insurmountable natural danger, and the main force of the Shu army was stationed, and without a bloody battle, the Wei army was difficult to conquer, so no one paid attention to the Yinping Ancient Road from Longnan to the interior of Sichuan, let alone sending troops to defend it. In order to compete with the lord General Zhong Hui for the immortal merits of destroying Shu, Deng Ai decided to gamble his life. As a result, he won.

The Wei army god suddenly appeared under Jiangyou City unconsciously, and the defender Ma Mi originally thought that there was a large army stationed in the Sword Pavilion in front of him, and the Wei army was difficult to conquer, but he did not expect deng Ai's divine soldiers to descend from heaven, and he panicked for a moment, and surrendered Kaicheng without resistance. The Wei army marched all the way down to Chengdu, and along the way the defenders sacrificed the city to ask for surrender. Only the Wei general Zhuge Zhan rushed from Fucheng to Mianzhu and organized his troops to carry out a tenacious defense. Deng Ai sent his son Deng Zhong to attack Zhuge Zhan's right flank, and Sima Shi attacked the left wing. As a result, the two lost, and returned from the defeat and said: "Zhuge Zhan is tightly defended and impeccable. Deng Ai scolded angrily: "Life and death are all in one move, what more to say!" "Drinking orders to push the second general out of the beheading to rectify military discipline." The two men asked for atonement for their sins, and after permission, they rushed back on horseback and waved their armies to fight again. Deng Ai also personally came to supervise the battle, and finally broke the Shu army, beheaded Zhuge Zhan and Zhang Zun and others, and conquered Mianzhu.

Deng Ai took advantage of the victory to attack, and attacked Luo County (雒县, in modern GuanghanBei, Sichuan) like a bamboo, approaching Chengdu. After the Shu Emperor Liu Chan had no master, he realized that the general trend had gone, and under the persuasion of Tan Zhou and others, he sent someone to send the emperor's seal to Deng Ai, and the whole country asked to surrender. Deng Aibing entered Chengdu without bloodshed, and shu Han perished.

In December, the Wei Yuan Emperor Cao Yi issued an edict saying that Deng Ai "went deep into the court of Yu Wei, slashed the flag, struck his whale salamander, made the lord of the tyranny, tied the neck of the head of the inspector, and was cursed by all generations, and was peaceful for a day." The soldiers did not exceed the time, the war did not last forever, and the clouds swept through and swept away Bashu. Although Bai Qi broke the strong Chu, Han Xin Ke Jin Zhao, Wu Han Bird Zi Yang, Ya Fu destroyed the Seven Kingdoms, the merit of the beauty, not enough than Xun Ye. "Give Deng Ai a high evaluation. At the same time, Deng Ai was appointed as a lieutenant and added 20,000 households. His two sons also entered the Marquis of Fengting, each with thousands of households.

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