
Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

author:Happy life everyone said

Dust off pearls,

Glow the brilliance of the new generation of Chinese design growing into masters!

On November 25th, the TOP30 Pioneer Design Awards Ceremony, the 2020 "Cool + Creation Camp" annual pioneer design list jointly created by Cool Jiale and Sina Home Furnishing, ended in Hangzhou.

Under the joint review of mentors Song Weijian, Chen Xuan, Han Wenqiang, Gao Zhiqiang and Ju Bin, 30 pioneer designers stood out and stood on the final podium after fierce auditions, landing promotions and proposition designation competitions.

Cool + design pioneer column, let us know these new generation of design forces that are ready to go.

In 2016, a 17.5-square-meter Beijing hutong micro-house transformation made designer Zhang Tianying a small fire on the Internet, and also let him embark on the road of "hutong micro-house transformation master". In his view, micro-house transformation is a fun game, but also a "must fight for every cent" extreme challenge, let people love and hate. As for being revered as a "master designer", he responded humorously, saying that he did not object to this title at all, just look at the hairline. More than ten years into the industry, the history of the regression of the hairline is also the advanced history of his design.

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

Zhang Tianying, Design Director of Jizhai Space Office

2020 "Cool + Create Camp" Annual Pioneer Design List TOP30 Designers


Pure art or practical art? This becomes a choice that every art student has to face. "At first, I liked to draw, but I chose design because I felt that this profession was more practical, at least to support myself." Zhang Tianying joked that he was a pragmatist.

The college entrance examination did not play well, making him difficult in choosing a suitable university. "After the results came out, my dad said where to stay when it was cold." In the end, he did go to a cool and distant place, the Moscow Institute of Architecture, to study environmental art design. Now, after returning to Beijing for more than ten years, although he forgot how to speak Russian, his 8 years of studying in Russia has also laid a solid professional foundation for his design path.

2013 was a year of explosive growth of China's mobile Internet, and a new wave of entrepreneurship was also emerging.

This year, Internet thinking has deepened in traditional industries, and the home improvement industry has also blown up an O2O whirlwind. This year, he and his friends started a business and founded Geek, which opened his transformation path from tooling to home improvement.

In the process of creating the website, he took over the first small apartment renovation project - the 17.5-square-meter Guijie Micro House, and uploaded the design story and real-life map to the website, which quickly spread on the Internet. A wave of customers for small apartment renovations are also coming. Since then, he has worked on many micro-houses in Beijing hutongs, and he is well-known in the circle.

Later, he became an independent designer and founded his own studio, Extreme House Space. The word "extreme house" implies his self-expectation and design pursuit. People who do the Internet often say that they must have a geek spirit, maintain a curious heart, and pursue the ultimate with the power of change. "Then we who do the design must have the spirit of the extreme home, be happy to toss tirelessly, and make the ultimate comfortable home with heart."

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

17.5 square meters of Gui street micro-house

In his view, the pace of workwear is too fast, he is more accustomed to the slow rhythm of home decoration, understands the owner's appeal for a long time, and is attentive and careful to private works, just as the artist carefully sculpts his own artwork.

Comfortable, easy to use, worry-free, is the concept and purpose of his private house design. "Decoration design and artistic creation need to integrate their own design concepts into it and make a comfortable private house." He also admitted that he was not good at telling design stories, and focused more on the practicality and function of the owner's house.


Nowadays, as large as hundreds of square meters of villas, as small as 20 square meters of hutong cottages, he wanders between different scales, and he is familiar with it. "The transformation of small apartments requires ways to use each space, and the size of the furniture panels cannot be deviated from in the slightest. Every time I saw success, the owners were particularly happy, the neighbors were envious, the design utilization rate was 100%, I was really satisfied. Zhang Tianying said.

In the "Cool + Creation Camp" annual pioneer design list, he submitted his latest 46 square meter micro-house work, once again showing him in a small space to perform the "extreme house magic".

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

Zhang Tianying's design works: "Micro House"

When he received a friend's decoration request, Zhang Tianying just began to think that a small home of 46 square meters should not be difficult, and gladly accepted this small job.

However, the friend's demands far exceeded his expectations. 46 square meters of space, walking japanese simple style, while tucking into the open kitchen, walk-in dressing room, large desk, bathtub, projection, island, dishwasher, whole house smart, fresh air, cat activity area... He quipped that the project was bald and exhausting. "After the adjustment of the n version of the scheme. At least all of the features he had asked for were put into the hut. "

In the end, he helped his friends realize all their imagination of a small home of 46 square meters, and as always, adhered to the design concept of private house renovation - "make a home more comfortable, more worry-free, and better to use." "

Talking about future goals, Zhang Tianying laughed and said that he wanted to become a pragmatic designer. Recently, Zumto and Siza have been his favorite architects. "The works of Zumto and Sizza are simple and simple, not carved." Whether it is looking at photos or field visits, the works of these masters make him feel the shape, shape, and spatial scale just right. Just like his own design language and style, simple, practical, just right, remove the flashy surface and pile, return to the essence of restoring design - let people live comfortably, worry-free, easy to use."


"Teacher Chen Xuan's works are more pragmatic designs, and they have their own romance on top of practicality. That's what I love. For the appreciation of mentor Chen Xuan, Zhang Tianying was successfully shortlisted for the "Cool + Creation Camp" annual pioneer design list Beijing Station finalist competition after audition, followed the tutor Chen Xuan to visit the Sui Jianguo Art Museum, and conducted in-depth study and discussion on related design topics.

The qualifying round also links his past life experiences, experiences and fragmentary memories. When visiting the art museum, Zhang Tianying found that he had previously admired many representative sculptures of Teacher Sui in the exhibition. At the same time, he is also full of interest in Chen Xuan's proposition of "the free transformation of a BOX space". When he was studying in Moscow, he studied architecture for the first two years, and this proposition allowed him to regain the enthusiasm and fun of making architectural models when he was a student.

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

It is also out of strong interest and serious thinking about this proposition that Zhang Tianying also advanced to the TOP30 of the 2020 "Cool + Creation Camp" annual pioneer design list.

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

In his design, the BOX space is set as an art space, the appearance is directly a square white box, and the façade of the building is embedded with an external sculpture display space. The sculpture became a model of his favorite Transformers.

Cool + design pioneer | Zhang Tianying: Design should have a very homely spirit, and create the ultimate comfortable home with heart

This BOX space looks simple on the outside, but he has spent a lot of thought on the interior design. A barn-shaped central exhibition area can be placed with many exhibits, and the blank walls can also be projected, and this space goes straight to the top, with skylights, more like European churches, creating a sense of sacred ceremony. "Because it is an art space, the skylight is opened on the top, and the sun shines in, making the space full of divinity."


As early as 13 or 14 years, when he founded the home improvement website, Zhang Tianying learned about Cool Home. At that time, their website also planned to develop design and rendering functions, but it was shelved because the development cost was too high. "Now, Cool Jiale has done a very good job in designing and rendering functions, realizing the dreams and goals that we did not achieve back then, and I am really happy and happy for them."

When participating in the promotion competition, Zhang Tianying used Cool Jiale and experienced that it was more functional, the models were more diverse, and the rendering effect was better. "Advances in technology have made design easier and simpler, saving designers the repetitive work." He also believes that technology is also a better expression tool for personal design, which can help customers understand design works more intuitively. "The client is not trained in design and has limited imagination of the space."

At the same time, many people will think that rapid technological progress will likely replace the design profession. Zhang Tianying believes that the core competitiveness of designers, the accumulated experience and creativity, cannot be replaced by technology.

Referring to the advice for novice designers, he also bluntly said that design is a torturous and torturous job, which can only be the scalp. "Painful, but also a process of primitive accumulation and tempering." There are often new designers on the Q&A website to ask "how to quickly become a novice designer to become a master", and Zhang Tianying's answer is that there is no shortcut to speak of, it is impossible to ascend to the sky in one step, and all design masters rely on accumulation again and again to cultivate a deep "planning" art.

And he also carefully wrote down his "pragmatic" analysis and suggestions. Novice designers who have just entered the industry will be difficult to do each project carefully because of performance pressure, and because of the company's limited main material categories, process levels, and customer group restrictions, it is difficult to produce their own satisfactory works. He also believes that young designers can quickly accumulate a large amount of experience points after high-pressure intensive training, and the experience points can grow fast and upgrade quickly through the high-difficulty customer response arranged by the company. "After accumulating enough experience points and having full wings, designers can spend more time and mind doing their own work."

"Don't forget to run in the sunset." He also mentioned that some young designers initially dare to think and dare to do, but they are easily polished by the heavy work environment. "Always maintain the curiosity of life, and maintain a passion for the exploration and discovery of life." This is also his constant reminder to himself.

Interview & Written by: Li Xiang

Pictured: Cool + Creation Camp, Extreme Home Space Office

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