
The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

author:Book and Newspaper Digest
The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

The famous French thinker Rousseau once said:

"The people who live the most meaningfully are not the people who live the most in their years, but the people who feel the most about life."

Yes, in the short few decades of life, we enjoy joy and bear pain, and when there are highlight moments, we will also experience troughs and ups and downs.

The taste is all in life.

In fact, life is nothing more than three states. When you learn to deal with these three states, you have the ability to write a good life.

The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

01 Such as water life, temperature control is the key

I have a colleague who is a fiery and fiery acute. No matter what he did, he was panicked, so he suffered a lot of losses.

Once, she got a phone call saying that her husband had been hit on a motorcycle and was now in the hospital. She immediately panicked, did not ask anything, and immediately called her husband's younger siblings, saying that her husband had a car accident and asked them to go to the hospital quickly.

As a result, a large group of people, including both parents, rushed to the hospital in a hurry and found that her husband was not in serious trouble.

It turned out that he didn't pay attention when he was waiting for the red light, crashed into someone's car, accidentally fell off the electric car, and scratched the skin of his palm on the ground.

It was a small thing, but the result was earth-shattering. My female colleagues were not only complained by their husbands about making a fuss, but also by a large group of relatives who complained that they were not calm and disturbed their work.

Yeah, if she had been able to ask two more questions and not figure things out, it wouldn't have been like this.

In fact, life is like water. Sometimes, you may get a cup of boiling water, and if you drink it, it will definitely make you scream.

At this time, you may wish to wait. Give this cup of boiling water, add a little ice cubes, and cool down.

Don't be chaotic, don't panic when things happen, don't be anxious when things happen. Accept it calmly and deal with it calmly.

Remember the Henan grandmother Li Lan who rushed to the hot search?

On July 20, Zhengzhou was hit by torrential rains. At that time, Grandma Li Lan drove from the kindergarten to pick up two children to go home, and on the way, the flood rolled in, and the car was washed in the middle of the road and turned off.

Li Lan calmly tried to restart the car, but tried several times without success. She tried to push the door to get out of the car, but could not open it, and the water had flooded the door.

The children began to panic, but she smiled and said to them: We are playing a game of flood adventure.

To appease the child, Li Lan calmly called her daughter to explain the situation, and repeatedly reminded her to be calm and not to worry.

The daughter received a call from her mother, and quickly calmed herself down, and then she tried her best to contact the store near her mother's location and post information in the circle of friends to ask for help.

In the end, with the help of everyone, Li Lan and the children were saved.

Just imagine, if it wasn't for Li Lan's unfazed situation, not for her daughter calmly and calmly rescuing remotely, how could she finally take two young children and retreat in the flood?

So, life is that cup of water. It's boiling water, and we put it aside to cool it; it's ice water, and we try to warm it up.

Yu Wanchun of the Qing Dynasty once mentioned in the "Dangguan Zhi": "Things are slow and round, and it is difficult to achieve results in an emergency." ”

In this life, people will always encounter more or less, large or small changes. Don't be too anxious about everything, calm down and try to deal with it, and always be able to solve it satisfactorily.

Life is like water, learn to precipitate, in order to be clear and clear; learn to let go of the burden, in order to move forward.

Life is a cup of boiled water, the most suitable temperature, is the most delicious.

The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

02 Wine brewing life, drinking can be pleasant

Some people say that life is a glass of wine, a moderate drink, and a strong body; but excessive drunkenness, to oneself and others, all kinds of harm and no benefit.

Once read the story of a young couple.

When they first got married, the two young people were very envious when they saw the "high quality of life" of their girlfriends and friends. I think the conditions are good, and it doesn't matter if I am luxurious.

So the two of them have a kind of learning, the boy and his friends today go to the restaurant, tomorrow wandering in the nightclub, so unhappy. Girls flew abroad for three days and two ends of travel and Shopping, each of which made a big splash in the circle of friends.

It didn't take long to spend the wedding gift. However, these two small mouths still could not put down the "grape wine luminous cup" in their hands, began to borrow money everywhere, and finally developed to rely on loan sharks to survive.

In fact, the salaries of both people are not high, and they can only regret it in the face of the creditors who come to the door every day. In the end, he could only be cruel and sold the new house he married to pay off the debt.

The two people who were helpless and had reached a desperate situation tasted the bitter wine of life.

Finally, I thought about the pain and woke up. After several years of hard work, they paid off the foreign debt, and finally got the down payment on the house, and they were able to live a stable life.

Looking back on their previous experiences, both of them sighed: "Thanks to this lesson, otherwise we wouldn't have known how happy it would be to live a life that suits us." ”

Life is a glass of wine, drinking, getting drunk and hurting.

Drinking in moderation will arouse people's fighting spirit and trigger the desire to fight; excessive drinking, fine wine will become bitter wine, and it is rare to be sober without experiencing a toss.

Prosperous and mundane, random flowers gradually want to charm the eyes, control desires, down-to-earth, is the right way.

The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

03 Tea life, because it is piping hot, so it is fragrant

I have a friend, he used to be a promising young talent in the unit, handsome and handsome, quite appreciated by the leader, and the leader's daughter also chased after him.

But a few days before he was getting married, he suddenly had an accident and broke his left leg. Although the treatment was timely, it left a sequelae, and since then he has walked with a limp. As a result, there was no hope of promotion, and his fiancée left him.

At first, he was extremely depressed, shutting himself in his home every day, drunk like mud. But after a while, he slowly perked up. No more irritability and sadness, and a happy smile on his face.

At one point, I was talking to him about the experience.

He told me that, in fact, what really transformed him was only a small thing.

One day, when he was making tea, he suddenly found that after boiling water into the cup, the turquoise tea leaves were washed up and down by the water, slowly stretched out, and gradually became a cup of fragrant tea.

He suddenly woke up to the fact that life is not just a cup of tea, because it is washed by boiling water, and there will be a refreshing fragrance.

A friend used a story to teach me the philosophy of life like tea.

With a hot heart, to brew the tea of life, life must be fragrant and pleasant.

With the real aroma of tea, to improve, to adjust, to improve, to create a better life.

Life is a cup of tea, and sometimes, you have to go through the torture of piping heat to taste the most beautiful taste.

The three products of life: such as water, such as wine, such as tea

04 Laugh at life

Hugo said, "Life is understanding." Life is the smile that faces reality, and it is to look beyond obstacles to the future. ”

Life is boiling water, spirits, fragrant tea, in our lifetime, we do not seek all life to shine with dazzling light, but to smile at face, lower desire, and write life with sunshine.

May you and I, both smiling and watching life, taste a cup of tea.

About the Author: Eyes of the Night. A slanted man with poetry and distance, views, wine and stories.

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