
Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

author:The Bund Pictorial

Yesterday, I believe that many people, like me, were swept away by the news that Japanese actor Narimiya Hiroki announced his retirement from the show business circle.

The 34-year-old Chenggong Kuangui, handsome in appearance, and a cute "cat mouth", evil laughter is very hooky, often play some high IQ and high value of the villain role, has starred in "Extreme Fresh Master", "Honey and Clover", "Blood Monday", "Reverse Referee" and other popular film and television dramas, there are many fans in China. Because of the Japanese Roman sound of "Narimiya Hiroki", fans nicknamed him Nari.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

In the exit statement, Nari said that because he was greatly hit by the betrayal of his friends, he could not bear to expose his privacy maliciously, so he decided to quit immediately.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

I know it's all about myself.

I was betrayed by a friend I trusted from the bottom of my heart, and fell into the trap that several people had planted for me.

In this job, some of the sexual orientation problems that I definitely did not want to be known about were magnified, and the nonsense passed on to the end, and I felt indescribable uneasiness, fear, and despair, which almost crushed me.

Thinking that my personal privacy would continue to be exposed due to the malice of others in the future, I could not stand it.

I wish I could disappear from show business immediately.

I can't bring any more trouble to the people and relatives who continue to work on the surface.

I had no choice but to quit show business quickly.

Thank you very much to all those who have raised me to this point.

Fans who have been supporting me, please forgive me for leaving in this way.

Really, very sorry. And, thanks.

2016.12.8 Chenggong Kuangui

The cause of this incident was actually nari's drug abuse a week ago.

Friday, a gossip weekly magazine released on December 2, broke the news that Nari was suspected of drug use. According to the report, Nari took a photo of two friends taking drugs and drinking alcohol at his home at more than 3 a.m. on November 9, and was photographed by Friend A who appeared to be smoking white powder.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Friday published a "live photo" claiming to be provided by a friend of Hiroshi Narimiya

The male friend A who broke the news said that he "did not want to help buy drugs anymore" and that his personal work was affected by "rumors that A was in a relationship with Narimiya Hiroki", so he decided to report him for cutting off contact.

Nari himself and the firm immediately stated that "there is absolutely no such thing," harshly denied the claim, and announced that they would sue FRIDAY.

Just when everyone is suspicious, FRIDAY this week revealed audio evidence of the drug trade purportedly between Nari and friend A.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

There are two recordings, one before A goes to Nari's house on the 9th, and the other in the early morning of November 14. The translation is as follows:

November 9:

A: How's it going today?

N: Very good ~ delicious, delicious.

A: What to do? Another one?

N: Charley? Well...... in a word...... You bring it first.

(Charley is a code word derived from the beginning of the first letter C of cocaine Cocaine)

November 14:

A: What do you want?


A:...... One?

N: 2 pcs, 2 pcs, 2 pcs. Well, a total of 14,000 yen?

A: Is the money ready to be paid?

N: Absolutely, of course. Want it now. Now, Can you come to West Azabu?


The firm then issued another statement denying the drug use and saying that Nari had already had a urine test on December 7 and the drug test was negative (no drug use).

The drug test results are the most powerful evidence, just when everyone thought that the matter had basically come to light, Nari suddenly issued a statement on the 9th, announcing his withdrawal from the show business circle.

And because of the drug scandal, in the Japanese drama "Just Live Family ~ It Will Get Better~" scheduled to be broadcast in January next year, Nari's role may also be replaced, that is, we may not really see Nari's performance anymore...

He lost his mother in childhood and dropped out of school to work to raise his younger brother alone

Nari's image in show business has always been very positive.

Nari was born in Tokyo, but her parents were actually Okinawans. His parents divorced, he grew up in a single-parent family, lost his mother at the age of 14, lived with his grandmother and brother, dropped out of high school at the age of 16 in order to work to support his family, and kept his brother until his master's degree.

Nari's first job was at Amakusa Moving, where the 14-year-old lifted a refrigerator alone to get the company's approval. During his part-time job, he lived with his brother in the company dormitory, and because his family was poor, he could only use corrugated paper as a television set.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Working in different places until the age of 17, Nari thought that life could not go on like this, so he participated in the stage drama "The Remaining Human Beings, the Essence of Love" directed by Yamon Miyamoto, and was selected to officially debut as an actor. (At that time, the old stage name was "Hiramiya Hiroshige")

Later, he participated in Yukihiko Tsui's "Drowning Fish", "Kaneda Kazuna Incident Book 3", NHK Okawa drama "Toshiya and Matsu", etc., and rose in popularity with the male student "Noda Mamoku" who had a crush on the English teacher in "Extreme Path Fresh Master".

Later, he starred in "College Teacher" and "Standup!! " and other popular Japanese dramas, with Yamashita Tomohisa, Kazuya Ninomiya, Oguri Shun and other current super popular male stars (everyone was still young at that time).

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

《Stand up!! 》

2004's "Love Continent - Narimiya Hiroki" exposed Nari's hard past of losing his mother and raising her brother alone, and let the audience continue to feel good about him.

This issue mainly follows the filming of his japanese drama "Orange Years" with his wife Satoshi Kiki, Eita, Shibasaki Yuki, Ueno Shuri and others, and starring in the classic Shakespeare drama "Everyone Is Happy" directed by Yukio Kagawa. (This issue of "Love Fever" is very much, B station guide av2884301)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

In this stage play, Nari plays Rosellen in reverse, and Orlando plays Oguri and kisses.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

The co-actors said that Nari was a gentle and nice person in private. He has worked with Nari on "Tokido Fresh Master", "Tokyo DOGS", "Veterinary Doolittle" (and "Everyone Is Happy"), and Oguri, who is also Nari's friend, has described him as "reassuring".

"How to say it? Can't describe sweet or anything like that, but the air That Nari has is so fresh that many people can't help but like him, and this unique personality makes him look very sexy. ”

In addition to Oguri Shun, he had good relations with (formerly) SMAP's Inagaki Goro, Ikuta Doujin, Matsumoto Jun, Ninomiya Kazuya, Yusuke Kamichi, Aoi Miyazaki, Mika Nakajima, and Sodo Hongo.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Nari and Matsumoto Run

When he was 19 years old, Nari also came to China because of the program "World ウルルン Stuck in Memory", staying at a farmer's house on the Yellow River to experience life.

In this show, he freely shares his family's changes, communicates with the locals with difficulty but persistence, eats and lives with host families, sleeps in chase shops, and helps with various farm tasks, including paddling a sheepskin raft to cross the river. (Station B direction av4054358)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

On the screen, Nari has played a lot of marginal people, wanderers, and in recent years, he has often played villains, and even once there was a joke among fans that said, "If you see Nari appear, you should call the police!" But many people also said that "even if you play a villain, you can't hate it."

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Terrorist leader J (right) in Blood Monday

Because Nari's audience favorability is super high, so this suspected drug use report, so that netizens were greatly impacted, all kinds of dare not believe, I hope that "FRIDAY" rumors (this situation is also very much, after all, gossip tabloids).

There is even a saying on the Internet that "he is actually playing zhiyuzi". Zhiyu Zi is a DIY puzzle snack that requires babies to make their own.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Some netizens inferred from the containers, water and powder seen on the photo table that he was actually playing with the puzzle snack of "たのしいケーキ屋さん".

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Does it really look a bit like that??

From the degree of desperation of this whitewashing, we can also see the true love of fans for him.

Another big reason to quit - can't afford to be harassed by gay rumors?

Nari's retirement manifesto also mentions "a sexual orientation issue that absolutely does not want to be known," presumably referring to the homosexual scandal that has been haunting him.

Originally, male stars who did not have girlfriends for a long time were easily suspected of being gay, and Nari was more likely to be suspected when he worked at the 2-chome GAY bar in Shinjuku because he had to subsidize his family.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Nari's photo for the fashion magazine "anan", cut off the focus for safety, please search for the original image yourself, the whole set is a surprise (smile)

In 2008, when she was on the variety show "Smile or Smile", Nari introduced singer Kenshi Hirai to the host TAMORI (ken Hirai was also the number one person suspected of being a "deep cabinet" by Japanese netizens), and involuntarily sighed "Ah, so handsome".

He also said that he "met him (Hirai Ken) by chance when he was walking down the street", and the host TAMORI immediately changed into a strange smiley face of "Should it be in Shinjuku 2-chome" and asked "Where did you go?" Of course, Nari replied that it was a normal restaurant or Omotesando or something.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

After more than a decade of playing in the entertainment industry, Nari seems to have encountered everything. The father left home, the mother died, and he raised his younger brother alone. After becoming famous, the scandals of homosexuality and captivity continued. Maybe this betrayal by a trusted friend was the last straw that crushed the camel...

Being out of the circle by scandals in gossip weekly magazines such as "Wenchun" and "FRIDAY" is not a minority in the Japanese art world, and there are 3 or 4 this year. I only hope that Nari after the film can enjoy the reassuring life off the camera happily and happily, and have a more comfortable life.

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Of course, Nari withdrew from the circle, and the most hit is definitely the fans, as well as people who like his performances. Finally, let's recall his ten classic roles, and maybe see you again.

(The selection criteria are all based on personal preference, do not like to spray, spray I do not care ╮(╯_╰)╭)

Mamoru Noda – "The Great Path Fresh Master" (2002)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Not counting the "Tokyo Love Story" broadcast by TV stations all year round, this popular youth idol drama is the enlightenment of many domestic Japanese dramas. (Revealing the age) Nari's Noda is funny and cute, and the subtitle group's god translator at the time is really hhh

Hayato Udagawa— "Stand Up!! 》(2003)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Haven't seen the "Virgin Four" in the shopping street, can you also count as a daily meal?

Nobuo Terajima – Nana (2005)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

In fact, I still prefer the first part.

Shinobi Morita – Honey and The Clover (2008)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Sculptural genius, maverick "weirdo" Morita senior (first from right), I like nari's original intention.

Jun Kanzaki (J) – Blood Monday (2008/2010)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

The leader of the terrorist group, J, a high-IQ evil charm and enchanting villain, is originally highly popular, and the white hair style of the second part is amazing, and the sense of violation is dead.

Kai Kyoichikaku: "Buddy" (2012-2014)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

From the "Sobuchi 11" that began airing in 2012, Nari played the role of the third generation partner Kai Fei, and the final ending was indeed... Very Nari.

Ryuichi Shōbudo – Reverse Referee (2012)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

Although this game is full of live-action movie slots, the reduction of the shape is still good hahaha.

Harukaka Takaha: Kaneda Ichi Juvenile Case Book N (2014)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

As early as 2001, Nari played soy sauce in "Kaneda Ichi Shonen Incident Book 3" and became a boss 13 years later. A genius crime planner, nicknamed "Hell Puppet Master", who plots various high-IQ criminal methods to instigate others to commit crimes, Kaneda is a permanent opponent.

Edo Thieves Gang Shuangxiong (2015)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

WOWOW five-episode drama, in addition to Kenichi Matsuyama and Taiichi Hayaot, Nari, who took the lead in the month, is also very cute.

Hideo Kashimura: Kaitou Yamaneko (2016)

Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

In the Japanese drama in January this year, Kazuya Kameari also plays the strange thief detective "Bobcat", Nari is a journalist Hideo Katsumura who is involved in the Bobcat team, who looks like a hot-blooded idiot, in fact... Maybe some young friends know Nari because of this show, but it's a pity.

Wen _ Ah Zuo who wrote while crying Edit _ Ah Zuo who did not sleep in the middle of the night

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Narimiya was forced to quit show business, and the paparazzi won, but we were not happy

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