
There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty


There is a Wannian Village in Yuanshi County, which is the birthplace of Liu Zhuang, the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. What is the story behind this, and how can we conclude that Wannian Village is the birthplace of Emperor Ming of Han? Today we will take you to understand one or two with this article.

[Three pieces of evidence show that Emperor Ming of Han was born in Wannian Village]

"The eunuch should be holding Jingo, and marrying his wife should marry Yin Lihua." This is Liu Xiu's life dream in his youth. When she was a teenager, Yin Lihua was known for her beautiful appearance, and Liu Xiuxin longed for it. In the last years of the New Mang Dynasty, Liu Xiu led his troops to rise up and emerged in the Battle of Kunyang in 23 AD. After the war, the famous Liu Xiu married Yin Lihua in Wancheng.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

After the marriage, the two gathered less and left more, Liu Xiu came to Hebei with the Great Sima Fu Festival to xuanfu various departments, and Yin Lihua returned to her mother's family life in Xinye. It was not until the situation in Hebei was settled that Yin Lihua came to Liu Xiu's side. In 28 AD, Liu Xiubei marched on Peng's favor and Followed by Yin Lihua, and in May of that year, the couple's first child, Liu Zhuang (formerly known as Liu Yang), was born in the Yuan clan on the march.

It is a big thing for a woman to have a child, and usually, to have a child, you have to choose a big city with a better internal and external environment. The best place for that Yin Lihua Linpeng was Yuanshi City, which was located in the ancient city village of today's Yuanshi County. However, in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Empress Ji (Part I), it is recorded that "Guangwu Northern Expedition peng pet, Yin Hou Congxing, Shengming Emperor Yu Yuanshi passed on." The "hereditary" in ancient times was explained as a house or post for people to rest. It is conceivable that Liu Zhuang, the Ming Emperor of Yin Li, was not in Yuanshi City but in a house next to the avenue.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Moreover, in the Book of Later Han, the specific activities of Emperor Ming of Han and Emperor Zhang of Han in the Sacrifice of the Yuan Clan were recorded, the original text is: "Emperor Zhang Xing Yuan, Ancestral Guangwu, Xianzong in the county house, and ancestral hall in Shisheng Hall." Here, we can clearly see that the "Chuanshe" and "County House" of Shengliuzhuang are not the same place, and the Shisheng Hall of Worship of Emperor Xianzong (Emperor Ming of Han) is not in the Yuanshi City.

Since Emperor Hanming was not born in Yuanshi City, how can it be concluded that his birthplace is in today's Wannian Village of Yuanshi County? There are three reasons for this.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

First of all, Wannian Village is about nine kilometers north of Yuan's ancient city, both places are close to Hongqi Avenue, and this route was a traffic artery in ancient times, and when Liu Xiu and his party set off from Yuanshi City to go north, the area around Wannian Village was their only place. Second, Wannian Village was called "Banzai Village" in the Ming Dynasty, which was a very taboo village name in ancient times when the feudal hierarchy consciousness was strong. Unless the village had a close connection with the emperor, it could not be named. Third, in the "Records of Yuanshi County" written in the late Ming Dynasty, it was recorded that there was a "dresser" site about Yin Lihua in Wannian Village, and in modern times, Han bricks have also been excavated in Wannian Village, which is also a piece of evidence that Emperor Hanming was born here.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

To sum up the above points, today's Wannian Village is the birthplace of Liu Zhuang, the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, it was likely that when the guangwu emperor Liu Xiu's brigade was passing through today's Wannian Village, Yin Lihua suddenly felt abdominal pain to give birth, and at this time it was too late for them to return to the Yuanshi City with the best conditions, so Yin Lihua had to give birth in a nearby house. Because the emperor was born here, the village here was named "Wannian Village".

Today's Wannian Village also has the ruins of the "Makeup House Road" and the dresser, and the ancient houses and stone lions in the village also silently tell the long history of the village.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

[Liu Zhuang became the prince because of his mother's favor]

Yin Lihua was Liu Xiu's original wife, but Liu Zhuang was not Liu Xiu's eldest son. Why?

During Liu Xiu's campaign in Hebei, in order to win the support of Liu Yang, the King of Zhending, Liu Xiu married Liu Yang's niece Guo Shengtong. It was normal for the ancients to have three wives and four concubines, and Liu Xiu loved Yin Lihua, but he also had to accept this political marriage for the sake of great cause. In June 25 AD, Liu Xiu was proclaimed emperor at the festival of Yancheng. From the marriage of the two to the many miscellaneous armies in Pingding Hebei, Guo Shengtong has always accompanied Liu Xiu, and the two have supported each other in distress.

It was not until October 25 A.D. that Yin Lihua was taken to Hebei to meet Liu Xiu again. At this time, Liu Xiu and Guo Shengtong's eldest son Liu Qi had been born. Liu Xiu once wanted to make Yin Lihua empress, but she firmly refused. She believed that Liu and Guo had the true feelings of suffering and already had a son, and it was inappropriate to make her empress. As a result, Guo Shengtong became Liu Xiu's empress, and the eldest son, Liu Yi, became the crown prince.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

With the end of the unification war, Liu Xiu began to work on building the country. During the Taiping years, his favor for Yin Lihua increased day by day, which more or less made Empress Guo Shengtong a little dissatisfied. In the seventeenth year of the reign of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiujianwu (41 AD), the emperor was looking for an "empress with a grudge and several violations of religious orders... And lü and Huo Zhifeng, under the pretext of being a young orphan and honoring Ming Qi, deposed her as Empress Zhongshan, and at the same time the emperor announced that Li Yin was the new empress.

Liu Xiu and Guo Shengtong can share the hardships but cannot share the wealth with her, and finally he finds an excuse to depose her empress. Later generations, some historians have criticized Liu Xiu's move, and the modern scholar Cai Dongfan has bluntly said that Liu Xiu"'s act of abolishing the queen is all out of selfishness, and historians have ridiculed him for his reluctance." ”

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

This series of "operations" made the crown prince Liu Yi extremely embarrassed, and in June 43, after his many voluntary resignations, Liu Xiu finally renamed him the King of the East Sea. Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua's eldest son Liu Zhuang also became the new crown prince.

However, the presence of Liu Qi was always a potential threat to Liu Zhuang, and the deposed prince spent the last 15 years of his life in fear and caution, and finally he died in 58 AD at the age of 34. Ruthless is the most imperial family, in the final analysis, flesh and blood affection and children's affection in the imperial family is only a cold tool of interest.

【The three emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Yuan clan have a deep relationship】

In addition to being the birthplace of Liu Zhuang, the Han Ming Emperor, the Yuan clan also had a deep relationship with liu xiu, the Guangwu Emperor, and Liu Zhuo, the third emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Han Zhang emperor Liu Zhao.

There is a village of ten thousand years in Shijiazhuang, and three pieces of evidence prove that this is the birthplace of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty

According to the Book of later Han, the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu passed through the Yuan clan three times. The first time was when he fought armed battles in places like Yurai, Daisuke, and Gowata in the Yuan clan area. The second time was when he passed by the Yuan clan when he went north to conquer Peng's favor. The third time was after peng's rebellion was quelled, Liu Xiu passed through the Yuan clan again.

After the Han Ming Emperor Liu Zhuang succeeded to the throne, he repeatedly reduced the money and grain of the Yuan people to show concern for the local people. Emperor Liu Zhao of Han came to The Shezheng Hall of Yuan County to sacrifice the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu during his northern tour of the first month of the third year of Yuan He (86 AD), and then came to the Shisheng Hall to sacrifice his father Liu Zhuang.

In today's Yuanshi County, there are still many legends and place names related to Liu Xiu and Liu Zhuang, and this oral story has been passed down from generation to generation, and it exudes dazzling brilliance in the treasure house of Yuan's history and culture.

The relevant references and citations of this article are: Taiping Imperial Records, Prefectures and Counties, Volume VII, Later Han Shu Guangwu Emperor Ji (Part 1), Later Han Shu Suzong Xiaozhang Emperor Ji, Later Han Shu Xianzong Xiaoming Emperor Ji, Hou Han Shu Empress Ji (Part I).

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