
No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

In addition to the top five picks in the 2023 draft, the whole style has changed, starting with the Magic No. 6 pick Anthony Black and the Pacers' No. 7 pick Chinese Banyamar's teammate Koulibaly, the entire style has changed, and the subsequent process can be described as unpopular. So who is the biggest winner in this scuffle other than getting the spurs of Vembanyama as they wish? The clamor for one answer is high - the Houston Rockets.

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

For the Rockets, as one of the big three, they only got the No. 4 pick in the end, which was originally the result of many Rockets fans; However, considering that in addition to the cliff-like lead of Wen Banyama in this rookie, there is no substantial difference from the top pick to the No. 5 pick. However, there is still a great disagreement between the Rockets' formation on the question of who should be selected for the No. 4 pick, whether to choose the tall, defensive guard Amen Thompson, or the explosive, confrontational, violent former Whitmore, known as the quarters on the basketball court, this discussion was not answered until the eve of the draft.

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

In the end, the Rockets chose Amen Thompson more safely between the two, thus completing the record of the highest draft pick set by the brothers Amen Thompson and Osar Thompson, and achieved a good story. By this time, Rockets fans had tacitly agreed to Whitmore's relationship with Whitmore, and could only meet again in the future, and an unexpected situation arose - the first-year student from the University of Villadova seemed to be collectively ignored, and the No. 5 pick who was the last simulation fell all the way out of the lottery area. The camera of the scene turned to Whitmore, who was still waiting offstage, and the young man looked disappointed and almost cried.

Immediately afterwards, popular teams, including the Lakers and Warriors, also insisted on their original intentions, and chose Shifino who was modeled on DeLong and Demsky, who was a left-handed sharpshooter. As a result, Rockets fans were surprised to find that they could actually pick Whitmore with the 20th pick. Everyone's performance will not lie, the official social media of the rocket posted the talent conference spontaneously organized by the fans of Space City to observe the scene, when it was learned that the team both got Amen Thompson, and "picked up" Whitmore with the 20th pick, the scene turned into a red sea of jubilation, and the cheers of the fans were no less than the enthusiasm of winning the championship! No. 4 sign, No. 20 sign, I want all of them!

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

Therefore, the Rockets are definitely the biggest winner in this draft besides the Spurs, which can be described as a big victory! Perhaps everyone will wonder why Whitmore's draft market will fall off a cliff like a lift, and it is rumored that there are two reasons, one is that the young man exposed before the draft may have some minor heart problems, and the other is the revelation that the famous Walshin has a knee injury, which makes many teams eventually deterred.

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

Whatever the reason, it seems a little strange, after participating in the Rockets' trials, the bad news about Whitmore has to make people suspect that the Rockets did it intentionally. After all, Houstonians are not the first time to play this trick - when Ethan participated in the draft, he was also exposed to a low ball quotient after the Rockets' tryouts and could not adapt to the NBA, so the market plummeted, and he was finally recruited by the Rockets as he wished. This time, Stone repeated his old tricks, successfully selected Italian Amen Thompson in the No. 4 position, and continued to take Whitmore with the 20th pick, and now his own fans are satisfied, whether it is for Amen or Whitmore, it was a wonderful night!

No. 4 pick, No. 20 pick, the Rockets want both and want, and the draft wins! Stone's brilliant plan is in peace

Stone has done the best he can, and it depends on whether the new official Ujeri can turn these mountain and sea delicacies provided by Stone into a table of delicious mountain and sea delicacies.