
Why did Han lose? Blue Powder pointed out the most critical reason

author:Taiwan Strait Net
Why did Han lose? Blue Powder pointed out the most critical reason

According to Taiwan's China Times Electronic News, as a result of Taiwan's 2020 "general election", the Democratic Progressive Party Tsai Ing-wen defeated the 5.52 million votes of kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu with 8.17 million votes. For the result of the defeat, some Korean fans are completely unacceptable. However, some Han fans who still maintain their sanity frankly said that the reason for the defeat of this war had to be analyzed from the direction of 3 major pressures, and there was a problem with the overall coordination of the Kuomintang and Han Hanyu, and it was the internal and external pressure that made Han Hanyu explode.

Geng surnamed Lan Fan published a review article on his personal Facebook po to discuss in depth the reasons for the defeat, and the article said that under the supreme "sovereignty consciousness" of "resisting China and defending Taiwan", all the corruption and incompetence of the DPP will become unimportant. For young people, they are not economic voters, especially they are not easy to perceive the pressure and pain of the economy, although Han Zong proposed a good youth policy, but it is not attractive to them.

The article said that some people in the Blues think that the next time Zhu Lilun, Gou Taiming, Hou Youyi and others are found, there is hope in 2024, "I can only say that it is completely wrong." If it were not for Han Hanyu shouldering this heavy responsibility this time, the kmt vote would have been even more ugly."

In other words, "the KMT has failed to understand the exposition on cross-strait policy and how to enable the People of Taiwan to gain trust, and in the direction and process of the development of the "1992 Consensus," there should be a new exposition that caters to the needs of the times and conforms to the will of the people.

The article believes that in terms of election campaign technology, the DPP's network army obviously plays a great role, they dominate the air power, arbitrarily bullying, anti-string, slander on the Internet, Han Hanyu's image has been endlessly humiliated by them, so that the middle voters are affected. The KMT must appeal to the will of the people and take the lead in establishing a bill related to maintaining the order of the Internet in the new session, otherwise in the downward trend of the Internet army and Internet celebrities, any outstanding candidate will be beaten into garbage, straw bags, and rogues.

The article points out that in the reform of the party, it should not be said that those old faces should all withdraw from the jianghu. One of the reasons why Han Zong won the election in Kaohsiung was that he was "very un-Kuomintang" and could not see those old people on the occasion of the momentum. Even, for the sake of the "general election", he did not hesitate to fight with the "magnate", but then he was worried about destroying the harmony within the party and compromised, especially after Gou Taiming came into this game game, the whole deteriorated.

Gou has aroused the so-called knowledge blue, economic blue surrender and goodwill, they are not willing to accept the grassroots atmosphere of Han Hanyu, these people followed Guo's departure, did not vote for the KMT. Song absorbed the votes of these people to some extent, but it was difficult to become a climate.

All the Blues didn't come out to vote because "a good hand of cards was bad". It has been around since the primary election, especially in the non-divisional nominations, and still insists on nominating controversial candidates, even if it is caught by the opponent and attacked. This kind of "jade burning" mentality can be seen by anyone. The KMT should not blame the general environment and the international situation, the psychological consciousness of internal disunity, proficiency in infighting, self-belief that it is better than the other side, and not seeing the good of others, and always lurking in the genes of losing the election.

The article said that Han Hanyu is the greatest common denominator of our guardianship and force arch, and I don't think anyone can replace it in the short term, and I don't want the KMT to have the idea of starting another stove. Let Han Hanyu do a good job as mayor, reform the Kuomintang, and gather this hard-won strength, we must be more united. The Kuomintang still has fifteen counties and cities in power, and every inch of land must be fought, and two years later it will be a hard battle, we must not lose our minds, "unity, innovation, and youth" is our only way.

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