
Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

author:Xiao Yao travel master

Hi everyone, welcome to the small partners to continue to watch the small editor's article, we all know that there are many classic novels in the vast sea of books, but also a lot of gods of fiction, there are also many books that have been popular on the whole network but later it has been lost, today Xiaobian will introduce five cool and full of network novels for everyone, the quality of word-of-mouth is bursting, and the old bookworm loves to let go

The first book, "Global High Martial Arts"

Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

Global Gao Wu is a blockbuster novel, and the writing style is close to most people. Of course, the success of global gaowu is related to the author's diligence, but the decisive factor is not diligence, but the author's very outstanding sense of expectation and excellent positive feedback mechanism. The feedback is to directly equate wealth and strength, solve the old and difficult problems of the rich but not strong in the usual urban novels, and the style blossoms twice, and obtains double happiness.

Classic quote: Future global innovation can be summarized into twelve words: American technology + Chinese innovation + global market.

The Second Book, "The Broken Robe"

Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

I don't know if you have ever read the novel of the broken robe, this is the most touching text novel I have read for so many years, seeing Wu Xinyu was killed, Zuo Dengfeng from losing his mind, to burying his dead wife, this paragraph of this description, my soul was shocked.

Classic quote: When waiting becomes a habit, it is no longer painful, not all waiting requires an outcome, and sometimes it's just waiting for the sake of waiting, just waiting because of habit

The third book, "I Have a House of Horrors"

Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

Brain-opening works, the writing is superb, the horror portrayal of the house is exquisite, as if immersed in the scene, the opening straight into the theme, telling the situation of the horror house, different small stories mixed together, the connection is perfect, it is easy for readers to gradually substitute their emotions into it, but the sense of view is better, but it is still recommended not to watch at night, or will be frightened to da ~

Classic quote: You have not walked the road they have traveled, you will not know how bumpy it is, and they can survive it, and it is also a kind of strength

The Fourth Book, "Extreme Heavenly Demon"

Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

The book is now finished, the author is rolling away, the whole book contains a total of 1216 chapters, a total of 3.88 million words, fantasy theme of the internet works. For this novel, I guess I don't need to whisper too much here! At the end of October last year, the work was completed, and the whisper was followed by the update, in short, a classic masterpiece that you should not miss.

Classic quote: Fu Dao's barbaric desire, the edge of the poor, the ember melts the blood, reads out the burning cang, reads the burning dome... If the fire moon rises in the clouds, the vast heavens and the earth... At that time, meditating, blood and fire are burning, nine is the pole, one is the law, burning the wild fire nine worship, becoming the way to worship fire!

The Fifth, "One Official Residence"

Five cool and full of online novels, word of mouth quality are bursting, the old bookworm loves to let go

The story background of the book is the Ming Dynasty that we are quite happy to see, the work time is from the Ming Dynasty Jiajing to the Wanli period, the story tells the story of the male protagonist's silence from the fall of the knot, to the majesty of the official residence Yipin, from the small role to grow up step by step. An old work, a work that Whisper has read many years ago, is quite impressive, and for the little friends who like to see and wear, this book must not be missed.

Classic quote: Willing to give, there is a sacrifice to get. A truly mature person will not strive for perfection, because there are many flaws in this world that cannot be repaired. Only by combining the actual situation and coming up with practical and feasible plans is the attitude of really doing things.

Well, today I will introduce it here, if you want to know more about the novel, you can pay attention to the small editor, and the small editor will share more classic novels for everyone every day to solve your book shortage problem!

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