
Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!


The subway secretly photographed incident has aroused widespread attention to Zhang Wei in society, and it is clear that she played a key role in this matter, misleading the judgment of others through trickery. The incident quickly caused an uproar and made her the target of public criticism.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence and the fact that the uncle's mobile phone had been examined by her, she deliberately spread rumors on the Internet, claiming that the other party spied on her. What is even more shocking is that she shamelessly insulted the other party and cursed his family, which was really lacking in morality.

She really deserves to study journalism, and her storytelling ability is really a must! At the same time, the son of an honest migrant worker also posted a statement online!

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Some netizens exposed a group of Zhang Wei's chat records, which further aroused heated discussions among the melon-eating masses.

Some people claim that Zhang Wei apologized because the school made demands on her. It is said that this is because she is about to be sent to study in the UK, which has caused a lot of pressure on her. While this apology may be influenced by external factors, we also need to be clear that the reason and motivation for the apology are still crucial for sincere expression and attitude change.

In these chat records, Zhang Wei used some very vulgar words, and her attitude did not seem to show repentance for her actions.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Unable to stand the overwhelming pressure of school and online public opinion, Zhang Wei finally apologized against her will.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

With her own strength, Zhang Wei successfully prompted the Sichuan University social platform to completely close all comment functions! The "good character" figure set off a huge storm on social media platforms, only to cause her to become the target of public criticism and lose her reputation.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Zhang Wei became the target of everyone, and was attacked by the majority of netizens. What is even more unexpected is that not only Zhang Wei's college classmates claim to have experienced the same experience, but also witnesses bravely came forward to confirm the authenticity of these things! So far, five brave classmates have issued statements revealing the details of Zhang Wei's school bullying that year, which is very infuriating.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

In response to Zhang Wei's related doubts, Henan University has launched a relevant investigation. According to alumni of the school, they wondered whether Zhang Wei had preferential treatment for Baoyan. At the same time, it also revealed some cases of liberal arts students participating in science project competitions. Not only Henan University, but also Sichuan University said that it will conduct an in-depth investigation to provide a satisfactory answer to the public.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Recently, Zhang Wei's parents and current boyfriend have expressed their views to the media. They sincerely asked netizens to stop the online attack on Zhang Wei, and stressed that they would protect their daughter in accordance with the law!

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

How much black material Zhang Wei has, no one knows. No one could have imagined that there were so many dark places hidden behind her, like endless treasures, and there was always more than a dig under it.

Referring to Zhang Wei, her boyfriend said that because she had been secretly photographed, Zhang Wei had a shadow in her heart, so she was secretly photographed again this time, and her reaction was particularly fierce.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

He firmly believes that Zhang Wei is a beautiful and kind woman, and will always be by her side to help her through this difficulty. Now the only people who can speak for her are her parents and boyfriend.

Moreover, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend also exposed a news a few days ago, saying that Zhang Wei had maintained a three-year cohabitation relationship with the son of the vice principal of the school.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

A netizen posted that his relationship with Zhang Wei began in the second year of high school until they graduated from college, and this relationship lasted seven years. From two childish high school students until they graduated from college.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

However, in the past seven years of relationship, Zhang Wei has declared that she is single in various public occasions, without mentioning his existence at all. In this regard, the netizen said that he did not meet Zhang Wei much, only occasionally went to the hotel to open a room, and he did not know about her other situation, so he did not speculate too much, let alone question Zhang Wei's behavior too much.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

In Zhang Wei's life, in addition to the person who openly calls himself her boyfriend, there is also a man who has been living with her for three years, and it is rumored that he is the son of a vice principal, surnamed Z, who has always existed in a low-key posture and avoided the public eye.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Some netizens believe that the vice president's huge network of contacts may pave the way for Zhang Wei's road to graduate school!

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

Many netizens have expressed their views, they think that Zhang Wei's breakup with her ex-boyfriend is completely reasonable. After all, this boyfriend is neither the rich second generation nor the official second generation, which is not Zhang Wei's ideal type. As the incident deepened into reveal, Zhang Wei's various behaviors became more and more transparent, and if her daily behavior did not touch the bottom line of morality, there would not be so many people publicly accusing her.

Xinguan, Zhang Wei's ex-boyfriend broke the news that he stepped on two boats and slept with the principal's son for three years!

However, in any case, these are only questions about her personal character, and the issues of insurance research, nominal extra points, and joining the party are the key. Therefore, people are looking forward to the results of the survey results of Henan University and Sichuan University. If these accusations are turned out to be false in the end, then Zhang Wei should issue a statement as soon as possible to clarify herself!

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