
Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

author:Photo China

2023-06-21 12:50


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Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

The boundless Bohai Sea is deep and calm, and the only manned offshore platform meteorological observation station in the entire Bohai Sea stands here. Since its establishment in 1988, the station has maintained the practice of a weatherman on duty, and meteorological observers need to complete the prescribed tasks such as weather monitoring, meteorological data transmission, and meteorological equipment maintenance every day, rotating every 28 days. Under their perseverance, they have ensured that the monitoring of meteorological data has not been interrupted for 35 consecutive years, and everyone affectionately calls it "one-man weather station at sea".

Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

Yang Wenjie, the station's current watchman, has been stationed on the platform for 20 years since taking over the baton from his father in late 2003 to become the second generation of maritime weathermen. Every week, Yang Wenjie has to clean up the meteorological detection equipment at the top of the platform, stepping on a hollow steel frame nearly 30 meters high from the sea surface, and the vast sea under his feet, the endless sea in the distance, the sea and the sky are the same. Yang Wenjie moved skillfully and calmly, he said: "When I first came, I was scared, but now I am used to it, standing by the platform, the sea breeze blowing, looking at the vast sea, there is always an urge to jump down and take a swim." ”

Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

Bohai Chengbei A platform is an offshore oil extraction platform of China National Offshore Oil Group, which is located in the western part of the Bohai Sea, 74 nautical miles from land, and generally takes 4.5 hours to reach by boat. The weather station is located on the side of the U/A helicopter deck of the platform, where 35 years of uninterrupted meteorological data is an important support for marine meteorological monitoring, forecasting, services and marine power strategy, and is of great significance for improving marine meteorological business capabilities.

Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

On the first floor of the living platform of the A platform in the north of Bohaicheng, there is a small cabin of five or six square meters, which is the office of the weather station. Yang Wenjie will transmit timed observations from the sea back to land in real time here at 8 o'clock, 14 o'clock and 20 o'clock every day. Yang Wenjie introduced that life on the platform was hard at that time, and he originally rested and worked in this hut. There was a narrow bed board in the hut, which could not be placed horizontally, but vertically, and there was only enough space for the table, so he sat on the bed every day and sent reports to the land. Yang Wenjie persisted for 13 years, until he moved into the dormitory in 2016, which became a single office area.

Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

The offshore platform has limited activity space, and life is much more monotonous and boring than on land, and Yang Wenjie once weighed nearly 200 pounds. But recently, Yang Wenjie lost more than 50 pounds. Talking about weight loss tips, Yang Wenjie said frankly that he is on duty at sea all year round, and he is most concerned about his family. At the beginning of last year, he found that his son was seriously overweight, and he could not be around to urge his child to lose weight, so he set an example and took the lead in setting an example, and in more than a year, Yang Wenjie lost weight from 198 pounds to 143 pounds.

Weatherman Yang Wenjie Lonely watchman on the sea

"Compared with loneliness, problems such as difficulties at work and accommodation and food are not worth mentioning." Yang Wenjie said that if you can't adjust yourself, long-term platform life will drive people crazy. He now insists on waking up early, reading, exercising, and trying to give himself something to do.

Time flies, Yang Wenjie's "shift partner" Dong Xiaoli successfully completed the platform duty work, and his retirement is imminent. Yang Wenjie will meet his new partner on his next shift, and he will also share the lesson his father taught him 20 years ago with his new teammates: "Meteorological technology has changed drastically, but there are still places where people are still inseparable. Therefore, it is more necessary for educated and hard-working young people like you to come forward, and every data you monitor is closely related to the life of the public. (Photo/text China Net reporter Dong Ning)

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