
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge


After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma is too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk is very speechless to Jack Ma', 'Jack Ma's pattern is small', on the contrary, my concept that Jack Ma is just a "rich businessman" has changed greatly, and Jack Ma is definitely an educator

First of all, I don't use the language of astrology, and my knowledge is very limited, Musk emphasizes that highly intelligent artificial AI will replace humans, human intelligence is limited, even stupid, and human beings should expand the boundaries of their consciousness to find another habitat more habitable than the earth, which is very clear of his pursuit and worship of intelligence and the mind itself

These two amazing entrepreneurs both advocate the development of new energy and the sustainable development of the earth, but Ma Yun believes that human beings are the most intelligent creatures, and on the road to continuously inventing highly intelligent technologies, let human beings themselves live a better life. Intelligence cannot replace wisdom, and wisdom comes from love. Jack Ma made a very valuable point: human intelligence cannot be compared with AI, but human intelligence invented intelligent AI

Musk's mental comparison between AI and humans is based on rational analytical thinking in the West, which is a logical analysis of the left brain of humans, and Jack Ma believes that humans are smarter creatures than AI because we will love It's also about human health and well-being. This is the artistic thinking of creativity. This belongs to the right brain. And how does our education divide our left and right brains. Think of this, how is Jack Ma's pattern "small"?

Never forget that humans invent tools and use tools to make humanity collectively live a better life, not to make tools larger than humans themselves. In addition, this is also the difference between Eastern thought and Western thought, Western thought is the rational thinking ability of logic logo -- looking outward, while Eastern thought is -- inward idealism, which belongs to the level of cosmic consciousness. In this way, Ma Yun seems to be more advocating the expansion of the boundaries of consciousness

Since 2000, we are in the Cusp of the Ages, where human consciousness is waking up in the throes of a new Aquarian age, resurgence, and humanity is on the verge of a leap of consciousness. The explosion of wind information affects the ability of the human brain to process information. The closer humanity gets to the Aquarian Age, the more opportunity it is to experience the rebirth and integration of collective consciousness. During this period, humanity can understand global brotherhood or the state of order in Aquarius: anarchy, chaos, rush to innovate and reform, and fail to follow the proper system and overemphasizing the individual and refusing to connect with others

Until now, some people are expanding brain use, "awakening" new brain centers that establish neuronal thinking patterns at the electrochemical level, thereby enhancing the brain's energy to store spiritual consciousness, and the emotional crisis that comes with the transformation is changing the vibration frequency of the human psychospiritual, and we are beginning to reconcile personal frequencies with the spiritual core of everything in the universe Harmony and resonance It can be said that human beings will live a more convenient life through technology, which will allow us to tap into our own spirituality, which AI cannot replace

#Jack Ma and Musk who is bigger # #Share AI views # #占星学 #

After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge
After watching the video from the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many viewers on the B station commented that 'Jack Ma was too arrogant and lost his face abroad', 'Musk was speechless to Jack Ma', and Ma Yunge

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