
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.

author:erudite life wz

Hibiscus flowers

#六月冲冲冲 #

Leg pain these two days

Can't go boxing either

The room was stuffy

Go out and take a walk

The breeze outside is fresh and cool

That's nice

Take a leisurely walk and enjoy the coolness in the freshness. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew with a faint fragrance, and when I looked around, I vaguely saw that it was hibiscus flowers standing on the top of the tree, swaying with the wind, and at ease.

Hurriedly walked over, looking at the flowers blossoms can only look up and can't be photographed, the flowers stand too high. After going around the tree a few times, hehe finally thought of a way [croak], as long as there is always a way to do it with heart, I can stand on the bridge, so that every flower can be seen, why worry about not taking pictures [laughs].

The beautiful hibiscus flowers have finally been photographed with you, and now I will share with you the hibiscus flowers taken for the first time this year [cover your face]

(Original) mobile phone photography


#头条创作挑战赛 #

#夏日生活打卡季 #

Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.
Hibiscus flowers #June rush rush # These two days leg pain can not go to boxing, the room is stuffy, go out and walk, the breeze outside, the air is fresh and cool, really walk slowly, enjoy the coolness in the freshness.

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