
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #

author:Flowering in season

#大山深处自然美山清水秀好风光 #蓝天白云绿草地这风景太美了 #我问青山何日老青山问我几时闲 #每个人都在奔赴各自不同的人生 #春已至花已开愿山河无恙人间皆安

#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The blue sky, white clouds, green grass, this scenery is so beautiful#I asked Qingshan He Day, Lao Qingshan asked me when I was idle#Everyone is rushing to their different lives #

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