
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall

author:Great wisdom and foolishness JN

Exotic Herbs (7) — Cannon Battle Flower

Calgary, Canada: When I passed a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers climbing on the fence wall. Similar to Lingxiao flower, but the leaves and flower shape are different from Lingxiaohua. Baidu recognizes flowers, and the tip is the cannon battle flower opened by the cannon battle vine.

In early summer, the red-orange flowers are packed in bunches, shaped like firecrackers, so they are known as cannon vines (flowers). Native to Brazil in South America, it is widely cultivated as a garden ornamental pergola plant in tropical Asia. Every time the flowers bloom, they look like flames, which are extremely colorful and highly ornamental. Its flower language means that life is prosperous and loved by people.

When the cannon vine blooms, small golden yellow flowers are dotted on the green wall, and the strings of flowers are very similar to firecrackers, which look at the festive feeling, adding a lot of festive colors to the garden and environment, mostly planted in courtyards and fences for vertical greening, or used for high-rise building balconies for vertical or paved greening, showing magnificence, is an important climbing flower. Cannon vine uses flowers and leaves as medicine, which has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and throat.

Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall
Exotic Plants (7) - Cannon Flower Calgary, Canada: When passing by a courtyard today, I saw clusters of orange red flowers blooming on the green vines climbing on the fence wall

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