
The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

On the morning of October 23, 2021, the inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Treatment Branch of the China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association and the first Chinese Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum and the Minimally Invasive Surgery Training Course for Nasopharyngeal Cancer of the China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, sponsored by the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association, nanchang Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, and the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Professional Committee of the Guangdong Anti-Cancer Association, were officially opened in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021
The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲The scene of the conference

Han Demin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of the China Association for the Promotion of International Healthcare Exchanges, Lin Dongxin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Cancer Prevention and Control Center of Sun Yat-sen University, Huang Yan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Nanchang Municipal Government, Zheng Yaluan, Director of the Science and Education Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission, Wang Qun, Deputy Director of the Nanchang Municipal Health Commission, Wang Wenjing, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association, Hong Yingbin, Director of the Comprehensive Management Department of the China Association for the Promotion of International Healthcare Exchanges, Miao Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanchang Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, President Chen Yanming, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Cao Yipeng, Vice President Chen Mingyuan, Vice President Huang Lin, Vice President Niu Fan and other leaders, as well as well-known experts and peers in the field of nasopharyngeal cancer at home and abroad, a total of more than 400 people attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Miao Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University.

Chen Yanming, President of Nanchang Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, delivered an opening speech and expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leaders, experts and students attending the conference. She said that the inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and was hosted by the Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, which is a recognition and affirmation of the hospital's work, as well as a spur and encouragement. At present, the hospital is cooperating with the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University to build a national regional medical center, and hopes that academicians, experts and scholars can vigorously support the development of the hospital and jointly make new and greater contributions to the construction of "Healthy China", "Healthy Jiangxi" and "Healthy Nanchang".

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Chen Yanming, president of Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, delivered an opening speech

Huang Yan, Deputy Secretary-General of Nanchang Municipal People's Government, delivered a speech. She pointed out that this conference launched the "first shot" in the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer in the new era, and built an academic platform for nasopharyngeal cancer scholars at home and abroad to enlighten thinking, exchange experience, share information, strengthen collaboration, and improve together, which will surely promote the progress of the national nasopharyngeal cancer medical level, contribute to the "Chinese dream of nasopharyngeal cancer prevention and treatment", and make positive contributions to the development of the people's health cause.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Huang Yan, deputy secretary general of Nanchang Municipal People's Government, delivered a speech

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Miao Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanchang Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, presided over the opening ceremony

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Exchanges in Healthcare was officially opened. At the meeting, Academician Han Demin delivered a speech, he said that in recent years, the China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association has done a lot of work in the field of nasopharyngeal cancer prevention and treatment, and the establishment of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch today is not only the "first shot", but also the "first shot". The China Medical Promotion Association will continue to struggle, as always, promote the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer to a new level, climb to a new height, and actively practice the "Healthy China" strategy to help Nanchang create a national regional medical center. Finally, Academician Han announced the list of members of the first Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch and issued certificates to the hired members.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Academician Han Demin delivered a speech

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲The appointment ceremony of the members

Professor Wen Weiping, Vice President of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, was elected as the first chairman of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Exchanges in Healthcare. Professor Wen said that under the leadership of the China Association for the Promotion of International Exchanges in Healthcare, the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch will carry out a full-cycle and full series of work in the screening, early diagnosis, prediction, treatment, intervention and other aspects of nasopharyngeal cancer, and the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer will be carried out in detail.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Professor Wen Weiping delivered a speech

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Chen Mingyuan, vice president of Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, presided over the inaugural meeting

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲The guests took a group photo to commemorate the occasion

After the guests took a group photo, the donation ceremony of the Yangtze River Charity Foundation kicked off. The Jiangxi Alumni Association of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, the Guangdong Alumni Association of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, and the Guangdong Yangtze River Charity Foundation donated 1 million yuan to Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University to officially launch the Yangtze River Public Welfare "Nasopharyngeal Ark" Nasopharyngeal Cancer Rescue Project.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲The scene of the donation ceremony

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

▲Cao Yipeng, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Nanchang Hospital affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University

Preside over the donation ceremony

After the opening ceremony, well-known experts in the field of nasopharyngeal cancer from all over the country will give keynote speeches and thematic discussions on the frontiers, key clinical, humanistic and translational research results in the prevention and treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer in recent years and the current hot topics in the field of nasopharyngeal cancer research. The conference was held simultaneously in online and offline forms, and a total of four main venues and three sub-venues were set up, namely, the progress of minimally invasive surgical treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer, the progress of nasopharyngeal cancer and head and neck radiotherapy, and the special session of nasopharyngeal carcinoma basic transformation and immune targeting.

The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021
The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021
The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021
The inaugural meeting of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Control Branch of the China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association and the opening of the first China Nasopharyngeal Cancer Summit Forum in 2021

Source: Nanchang Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University

Correspondent: Liu Zheng

Editor: Zhou Yun

Reviewer: Xie Tao

Issued: Wan Hongxin

Image: Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete.

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