
Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

author:Bright Net

In the hot summer, many people's refrigerators are full of Sprite, cola and various fruity drinks to cool down, and after a bottle of belly, not only the wallet is deflated, but the weight cannot be controlled~

In fact, in addition to the above "happy fat house water", drinking a bowl of mung bean soup at home is not bad, not only economical, refreshing, but also not easy to gain weight.

The mung bean soup cooking method is exquisite

Flowering or not, which is better?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the clever use of mung beans can dispel heat and evil, and mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving heat and relieving heat. However, the cooking method is different, and the effect focus is also different:


Clear heat and detoxify, boil flowers

Mung bean protein content is three times that of rice, and protein is rich in lysine, plus it contains tannins and flavonoids, which can be combined with organophosphorus pesticides, mercury, arsenic, lead and other compounds to form precipitates, so that it reduces or loses toxicity, and is not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, which is the source of its detoxification ability.

And only by boiling and flowering, these substances can exert better effects.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~


Relieve the heat and do not boil the flowers

The heat-relieving effect of mung beans comes from mung bean skin, also known as "mung bean clothing" in Chinese medicine, mainly because of the polyphenols it contains.

Generally speaking, the shorter the boiling time of mung beans, the higher the content of polyphenols, the higher its antioxidant activity, and the best heat relief function, so if you want to beat the heat, mung beans do not need to be boiled and flowered.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

Mung beans bloom quickly

(1) Soaking and freezing method

Wash the mung beans and add a small amount of water (just less than the mung beans) to soak for about ten minutes, then drain the water, put them in the refrigerator freezer layer, take them out after four hours, the volume of the mung beans after water absorption becomes larger, and after freezing the mung beans will be cracked, and it is easy to bloom.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

(2) Stir-frying method

If you just bought mung beans want to cook immediately, you can first wash the mung beans and put them in a pot to fry until the water is dry, and then add cool water, the skin of the mung beans will break immediately when it is cold, and then cook for two minutes after the water boils, and the mung beans will bloom completely.


Free radical-scavenging, green mung bean soup

The same is mung beans, but some people cook mung bean soup is red, while others are green, what's going on?

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

In fact, both situations are normal.

Mung bean skin is rich in phenolic substances, which will oxidize in the air, and gradually change color after oxidation. This is the same reason as our peeled apples that change color after a long time.

The trick of mung bean soup that does not change color

(1) Avoid using iron pots, it is best to use pressure cookers, which not only isolate oxygen, but also shorten the boiling time.

(2) Add a little vinegar or lemon juice when cooking.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

However, regardless of whether the mung bean soup is red or green, most of the nutrients are not lost, but the green mung bean soup has more antioxidants and better free radical scavenging effect.

Mung bean soup with a little topping, the effect is better

In addition to cooking the soup directly and adding some other ingredients, mung beans can have different effects:


Mung bean + barley - auxiliary sugar control

If the symptoms of upper elimination are obvious, such as frequent dry mouth and heavy thirst, the ratio of mung beans to white coix kernels is 2:1; if the symptoms of lower elimination are obvious, frequent urination, waist and leg pain, the ratio of mung beans to white coix kernels is 1:2.

Mung beans are mainly taken from their skin, that is, mung bean clothing, which can remove toxic fire in the body and improve the symptoms of diabetic dyspepsia; Barley has the effect of clearing heat and strengthening the spleen, helping to eliminate water accumulation in the body.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~


Mung bean + winter melon - remove dampness

Wash the mung beans and soak for half an hour, then cook until flowering, add the winter melon and poria cut into small pieces, cook until the winter melon is transparent and add a small amount of honey. Drink 2~3 times a day, drink 1 cup each time.

Relieve heat and humidity, especially suitable for drinking when the humidity is heavy in summer, especially recommended to drink often in three-volt days. However, people with yang deficiency and fear of cold are not recommended to drink; Diabetic and obese people are not recommended to add honey.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~


Mung bean + lily - calm the mind

100g of mung beans first boiled, then put in 20g of lilies, cook until cooked, you can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste.

Lily can moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear the mind and calm the mind, and with mung beans, the effect of clearing the heart and eliminating irritability is better, suitable for people with insomnia, dreams, depression and other people as a daily meal.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~

Drink mung bean soup and grasp the 4 principles

Although mung bean soup is good, it can not be drunk at all times, and not everyone can drink it.


It should not be drunk on an empty stomach

In the hot summer, many people will lose their appetite and like to drink mung bean soup as rice.

As everyone knows, drinking mung bean soup on an empty stomach is not good for health - from the perspective of Chinese medicine, mung beans are cold, drinking on an empty stomach will cause harm to the spleen and stomach, can lead to diarrhea, stomach cold, stomach pain and other symptoms, and weak spleen and stomach can cause chronic gastritis.

Drink bowls of mung bean soup in summer! How to cook to relieve the heat, red soup or green soup, there is a lot of attention to ~


Can't drink too much

Mung bean soup is delicious, but can not drink too much, mung beans contained in oligosaccharides can easily lead to flatulence, mung beans themselves are not easy to digest, excessive drinking will harm the spleen and stomach, causing bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms, easy to reflux acid people should drink less.

It is recommended that you drink 2-3 times a week, one bowl each time.


These people drink with caution

(1) People with cold physique, often accompanied by cold limbs, easy bloating, loose stools, cold pain in the waist and legs, etc., should not drink mung bean soup.

(2) The elderly, children, people with stomach diseases and other people with weak spleen and stomach are also best to eat less.

(3) Menstruating women and pregnant women should not drink.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner

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