
From the Emperor of Go to the Congressman, the nine-crowned king Cao Xuanxuan, who suppressed three generations of chess players in the world chess world

author:The moon is full and the river flows

On January 15, the first round of the Nongshim Cup Legend Invitational Tournament ended online, the Chinese representative Nie Weiping and Chang Hao played against the Korean representatives Lee Chang-ho and Cao Xuan-hyun, the result was that Nie Weiping and Chang Hao lost to their opponents, Nie Weiping lost to Lee Chang-ho unexpectedly, and Cao Xuan-hyun, who was about to turn 68, defeated Chang Hao, who was about to turn 68, and it was really surprising, to know that in the 2020 China-Japan-Han Nie Weiping Cup Go Masters on December 23, Chang Hao also defeated Li Chang-ho. Lee Chang-ho previously defeated Choi Seung-kudan in the Korean Go League, and although it can no longer be compared with its peak, it is still a first-class player. This shows that the soon-to-be-68-year-old Cao Xuanxuan still maintains an amazing competitive state.

From the Emperor of Go to the Congressman, the nine-crowned king Cao Xuanxuan, who suppressed three generations of chess players in the world chess world

Cao Xuanxuan Jiudan is widely known to the Chinese people, in 1989, the first Ying's Cup final, Cao Xuanxuan defeated Nie Weiping, who was highly called for the championship before the game, before the game, many people did not know who Cao Xuanxuan was.

In fact, Cho was already known as a Go prodigy in his early years. Born in 1953, Cho Hwan-hyun has already entered the stage at the age of 9, and has so far maintained the record for the youngest entry in the world.

Cao Xuanxuan Jiuduan was cast under the Japanese master Se yue Kensaku, and Master Wu Qingyuan was the same disciple brother, Master Lai Yue was old and blind at that time, but cherished The talent of Cao Xuanxuan, made an exception and accepted the 10-year-old Cao Xuanxuan as a closed disciple, Cao Xuanxuan lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, during which it was mainly Wu Qingyuan who guided him, and it can also be said that he stood on the shoulders of the world's first person.

Mr. Hideyuki Fujisawa, an honorary chess player in Japan, once said: The world's chess talents, Cao Kaoru Hyun is the first.

Master Wu Qingyuan also said in 2002: Lee Chang-ho is a genius who has worked hard for many years, and his master Cao Xuanxuan is truly a genius.

Cho has reached the finals 16 times at the World Series and the Asian Television Quick Chess Tournament, winning 11 titles, including 9 world champions. In his career, he won the most 160 championships in the history of world Go. At the same time, it set a record of 1949 wins in the world's most official chess game.

In 1989, he won the first Ying's Cup

Winner of the 5th Toyo Securities Cup in 1994

Winner of the 7th Fujitsu Cup in 1994

In 1997, he won the 8th Toyo Securities Cup

In 1999, he won the 1st Chunlan Cup

Winner of the 13th Fujitsu Cup in 2000

Winner of the 14th Fujitsu Cup in 2001

2002 6th Three Star Cup Champion

2003 7th Three Star Cup Champion

From the Emperor of Go to the Congressman, the nine-crowned king Cao Xuanxuan, who suppressed three generations of chess players in the world chess world

From the 1980s to the early 1990s, Japan's heroes Otake, Hayashi Haifeng, Masao Kato, Masaki Takemiya, Koichi Kobayashi, cho ji-hoon and other six super-first-class players, along with Nie Weiping and Cao Kao-hyun, basically took charge of the stage of the world Go final. They are basically professional chess players after the 50s.

In the World Series, Cho won four more world championships than the top 50s players combined.

In the World Series, Cho won two more world championships than all the post-40s and post-50s players combined.

In the World Series, Cho won three more world championships than the Chinese and Japanese post-60s players combined.

Such achievements can be described by one person over an era, such achievements have never been achieved before, and I am afraid that there will be no one after them. Even Lee Chang-ho can't reach the point where he can overwhelm the three generations of Chess players in China and Japan after the 60s, 70s and 80s.

In 1980, Cho won all nine chess titles in Korea for the first time. In 1982, he became the "full champion" of Korean chess for the second time.

China's Ma Xiaochun celebrity 13 consecutive masters and Japan's Cho Ji-hoon Ben Infang 10 consecutive hegemons are widely known, but Cao Xuanxuan from 1977 onwards, in the South Korean "Overlord War" chess tournament 16 consecutive championships many people do not know. Such a record is still unbreakable.

What is even more valuable is that Cao Xuanxuan has made major innovations in Go technology, just like ai now, in the doubts and stereotypes of everyone, with consecutive victories to subdue all opponents.

In order to defeat Xiuya, Wu Qingyuan created a new layout based on stars and small eyes, and created the Era of Wu Qingyuan.

Similarly, in order to break through the seven super-first-class interceptions between China and Japan, Cho Xuan-hyun carried out deep excavation or even revolution in the field of Go, ushering in the Era of Korean Wave. The four great kings of Korea, represented by Cho Hwan-hyun, Seo Bong-so, Yoo Chang-hyuk, and Lee Chang-ho, have left the chess players of the Chinese and Japanese contemporaries behind by their rapid and changing strike methods in the middle game, the ability to fight in a straight line, and the cunning means of overturning the game. Korean Go monopolized the world chess scene for 20 years. It was not until the rise of post-80s players such as Guli Kongjie, who was more Korean than the Korean Wave, that Chinese Go began to catch up with Korean Go, while Japanese Go could only sigh with excitement.

Cho Hwan-hyun is the core figure of the Korean go revolution, and his deep understanding of the mid-game situation and the excavation of means are ahead of the times, so that no one in the 50s super-first-class chess players of the same age can keep up with him; the post-60s super-first-class players also lag behind Cho Hwan-hyun; and even the post-70s chess players (except Lee Chang-ho) are still at a disadvantage in the competition with him. The 6th Samsung Cup in 2002 and the 7th Samsung Cup in 2003 won by Cao Xuanxuan were won by Chang Hao and Wang Lei after defeating China's post-70s generation.

From the Emperor of Go to the Congressman, the nine-crowned king Cao Xuanxuan, who suppressed three generations of chess players in the world chess world

Thanks to the study of the revolutionary pioneering of Go theory, The Horror of Cho's career peak, from the 1980s to 2003, Cho has always been the existence of the top king, not bound by the decline of the chess world.

Cao Xuanxuan has won a total of 9 world championships, of which 8 world championships were won in the final with junior chess players, which is something that the post-50s super first-class chess players simply cannot do.

In 1993, 1994 and 1997, Cho Faced the challenge of being a super-first-class post-60s, he won three and lost one in the four finals, and became the full champion of the world chess world at that time in 1994, that is, he had won all the world chess championships held at that time.

From 1999 to 2003, he was able to reach the final of the World Series every year, and achieved 5 wins and 1 loss in the first-class competition with the post-70s and post-60s super-first-class competitions 6 times.

Cho's great achievements are mainly due to his talent, concentration, diligence and keen insight. In the 80s, during the Korean championship period, Cho Hwan-hyun lost 0:2 to Cho Ji-hoon, who stayed in Japan, and he began to realize that in Japan's mature Go theory and confrontation model, he could not defeat Japan's super-first-class without innovation, and Seo Bong-so's style of lighting fires everywhere in the field gave Cho Hoon-hyun a great inspiration, and Cho Kao-hyun began to change to this aspect of research, and finally surpassed Cho Ji-hoon and also surpassed that era.

The only super-first-class that Cao Kaoru did not defeat was Japan's Takemiya Masaki Nine Dan, because takemiya Masaki's computing power is too strong, and Takemiya Masaki is also innovating, but the innovation of the cosmic stream is too difficult, if it is not insisted on the cosmic flow down method, takemiya Masaki's performance will not be much worse than That of Cao Kaoru.

From the Emperor of Go to the Congressman, the nine-crowned king Cao Xuanxuan, who suppressed three generations of chess players in the world chess world

In 1989, Cho Wonh Hyun won the championship by defeating Chinese chess saint Nie Weiping Jiudan 3:2 in the final of the first Ying's Cup, setting off a Korean Go craze and becoming a Korean national hero. Later, he trained his inner disciple Lee Chang-ho, making him the first person in the international chess world. In 2016, he was elected to the South Korean Parliament.

Cao Xuanxuan is known as the "Emperor of Go", which means that he has the dominance of the emperor in the field of Go, and such an achievement can be said to be well-deserved.

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