
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas

author:CITIC Art Museum

Speaking of master painters, will your mind immediately appear Picasso, Van Gogh, leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo... If you want to ask about the masters of Chinese painting, who else can you think of except for the few people mentioned in history textbooks?

In fact, the inheritance of thousands of years of painting, China has countless great painters, but for a long time, these paintings are mostly in museums, and there are few high-definition large pictures in book prints, and even fewer in series.

It was in this context that the series of "Chinese Art History and Masters' Original Classics" was born. From the beginning of Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the first person with a famous name and surname in the history of painting, through the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, to the modern Xu Beihong, the selection of the best masters in the history of Chinese painting and their original classics, reproduction-level high-precision printing, colorful fashion design, with details to crack the "source code" of Chinese elements, Chinese images, Chinese aesthetics, showing the aesthetic genes of the Chinese nation.

"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas

Yun Shouping (1633-1690), painter of the early Qing Dynasty. His original name was Ge (格), the character Shouping (寿平), later changed to Zheng Shu (正叔), nantian (南田), a native of Wujin, Jiangsu (present-day Wujin District, Changzhou). Poor families, should not be examined, sell paintings for a living. The first work of landscape, pen and ink Junxiu; later handed over to Wang Yi, he made more flowers, using the boneless method, and attached importance to sketching, ink pastel, clear and bright, was regarded as "Yun Pai" (also known as "Changzhou Pai"). Together with Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Yi, Wang Yuanqi and Wu Li, they are collectively known as the "Six Houses of the Qing Dynasty".

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Chinese Art History , Master Original Classic Yun Shouping ( "Ten Flowers", "Six Openings of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables", "Eight Openings of Spring Flower Atlas", "Ten Openings of Landscapes, Flowers and Birds") ¥49.5 Purchase

"Chinese Art History, Master Original Classic Yun Shouping ("Ten Flowers", "Six Openings of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables", "Eight Openings of Spring Flower Atlas", "Ten Openings of Landscapes, Flowers and Birds"), selects four sets of albums with a total of 38 works, mainly including flowers, birds, landscape albums, Yun Nantian's flower and bird paintings seem to be different, the painting style is fresh and elegant, its boneless painting method is popular, there are many followers, and the landscape pursues a deep, silent, fresh and elegant taste.

"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas

Each painting is individually made into a large, high-definition picture, and it is very delicate. The back is also printed with small partial pictures and poems similar to the artistic conception of the picture, which is convenient for the majority of calligraphy and painting lovers to learn, copy and study. It can also be placed in a box, placed on a desk or hung on a wall.

"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas
"A Generation of Pioneering Leaders" Yun ShouPing Spring Flower Atlas

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