
Chen Gang conducted research and guidance on the petitioning work in Xinzhou City

author:Shanxi petition

On September 16, Chen Gang, secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Visits, went to Xinzhou to investigate and guide the work of letters and visits. Comrade Chen Gang is very concerned about the reception of the masses. At the Xinzhou City Mass Visit reception center, exchanged views with comrades receiving the front-line window, inquired about the masses' visits, encouraged the reception personnel present for letters and visits, and emphasized that it is a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission to do a good job in the work of letters and visits. In the reception room of leading cadres, Comrade Chen Gang carefully inspected the materials of leading cadres' visits. He pointed out that receiving visits from leading cadres is the most effective way to solve problems, and it is necessary to carry out visits according to local conditions and persist in focusing on solving problems.

Chen Gang conducted research and guidance on the petitioning work in Xinzhou City

Chen Gang pointed out: This year, the province has made phased achievements in all aspects of its work of letters and visits, and the departments for letters and visits in Xinzhou City have made great efforts and contributions. First, the leadership attaches importance to it. The Xinzhou Municipal CPC Committee and Municipal Government have always attached great importance to the work of letters and visits, and have led leaders at all levels to attach importance to the work of letters and visits. It not only reflects that the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government are responsible for the people, but also embodies a kind of political responsibility. The second is to improve the system. Xinzhou City has innovated the work mechanism for letters and visits, forming a pattern of large letters and visits that are jointly grasped and managed. The "One Quarter, One Case System" for County (City, District) Party Committee Secretaries and County (City, District) Mayors," "Measures for the Evaluation and Evaluation of Township-level Petitioning Work in Xinzhou City," "Management Mechanism for Letters and Visits," "Work Linkage Mechanism," and "Mechanism for Mapping Out Contradictions, etc.", play a normative role in the system and play a role in effectiveness. Third, the results are obvious. Xinzhou's petitions and petitions have been grasped in a down-to-earth, accurate, and well-grasped manner. The vast number of petitioning cadres are enthusiastic, energetic, and innovative in their work, and promote the good results of Xinzhou City's petitioning work.

Chen Gang demanded: First, we must raise our political standing. Petitioning work is an important mass work of our party. Our party comes from the people, and attaching importance to the work of letters and visits is the party's fine tradition. Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou personally handled the letters from the masses and gave important instructions on the handling of the letters from the masses. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the work of letters and visits, and regards the letters and visits of the people as a "mirror" for understanding the expectations of the masses and summarizing them as political gains and losses. Comrade Lin Wu, secretary of the provincial party committee, stressed during his visit that in the work of letters and visits, it is necessary to firmly establish the purpose of serving the people and always grasp the affairs of the masses as the greatest affair. Second, we must adhere to the feelings of serving the people. Lin Wu, secretary of the provincial party committee, stressed that we must think from heart to heart, think in a different position, make good use of policies in accordance with laws and regulations, and properly solve the reasonable demands of the masses. Cadres who petition the masses must always put the masses of the people in the highest position in their hearts, actively listen to the demands of the masses, think of problems and make decisions, put the masses first, and seek benefits for the people, do things for the people, and relieve the people's worries. Third, we must strive to "strive for the leading position." On the basis of the achievements made in the early stage, we must make up for the shortcomings and strengthen the weak points. It is necessary to do a good job in the daily petitioning business, increase the "three rates" of initial petitioning matters, and increase the resolution rate of duplicate petitioning matters; it is also necessary to do a good job in ensuring petitioning at important nodes and sensitive periods, and make Xinzhou contributions to the province's petitioning work to "compete for the leading position".

(Contributed by Xinzhou Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits)

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